Exams By DaveTheFoxMage This story is a work of fiction. Any resemblence to actual people/places/events is entirely coincidental. Also, this story contains acts which should not be attempted in real life and does not constitute advice, suggestion, instruction, etc. --- Gloria went to take another sip of tea, only to realize it was empty. The goat girl was sitting at her laptop, with one of her many files of class notes up on the screen. She rubbed her eyes, realizing it was probably time to take a break for a few minutes anyway. Standing up, she took her mug over to her stove, then grabbed her teapot and started to refill it at the faucet. The slightly hollow sound of the water flowing into the teapot was always a bit relaxing, and right now she could use whatever relaxation she could get. The exam she had most been dreading was tomorrow morning, and as hard as she had been trying, she still felt unprepared. As she put the pot on the stove and turned on the burner, she tried to think about what she still needed to focus on. The hardest part was that she didn't know. She had a good handle on everything she had reviewed so far, but in the back of her mind she knew there had to be something she was forgetting. "History And Causes Of World Change 210" was known for being an extremely difficult course, and she had managed to get into it as a freshman. While the workload had been high, she had never really struggled with the material. Maybe it was her classmates that had gotten to her. Most of them seemed to be very stressed out about the class, and some of that stress had certainly rubbed off on her. Her thoughts were interrupted by the ding of her phone. It was a text from Robert. "Hey, how are you holding up? I'm really struggling getting ready for this math test tomorrow. Calc 2 is a lot harder than Calc 1 was..." "I feel... ready but not confident? If that makes sense?" she replied. "You'll do just fine. You're brilliant, and you've been nailing everything so far. Surprised you're even worried about it?" "Yeah, I think I'm just kinda stuck in my own head. Hey, want some help with that math? It'd probably be pretty good for me to get out of here anyway." The teapot had begun to boil, so she dropped a bag of her favorite cinnamon tea into the mug and filled it, laughing a bit to herself. It never failed---if something was going to happen, it was always when she was in the middle of making another cup and needed it to cool to a drinkable temperature. "I'm in the basement lounge next to the library, if you wanted to stop over." That meant he was on the end of campus closest to her apartment. She shut down her laptop and tucked it into her backpack, then put on her coat and grabbed her tea before stepping through the door. For a moment after stepping out of the building, she just stood motionless. It was a technique she had learned from Robert a while back. "When you're stressed out," he had said, "step outside and take a moment to let yourself just... *be*." She focused on the soft rustling of the wind through the colorful leaves, seeing other students walking to and from the campus, and glanced over at a couple talking on a nearby bench. "He really does know what he's talking about," she said to herself with a tired but peaceful smile. She started walking, just enjoying the sights, sounds, and smells of late fall. The streetlights were on, as the shorter days meant the sun had already set a few hours ago. Before long, she found herself walking into the library building. Taking an experimental sip of her tea, she found that it had just cooled down enough to start drinking. Gloria made her way down the stairs to the lounge, where nearly every seat was taken by students trying to prepare for their exams. Sure enough, Robert was sitting off to one side, hunched over the table facing away from her. She made her way over, sliding the chair opposite him out and softly said, "Excuse me, mister bull, is this seat taken?" "Oh, I'm waiting for---oh hi!" he looked up. She could hear a lot of tiredness in his voice, as she pulled the chair over to sit next to him to help. She sat down and gave her boyfriend's shoulder a gentle squeeze. "Hey, sounds like you could use some help?" Robert let out a sigh, "Yeah, I'm really stuck on problems like this one..." She looked at the notebook where he was pointing. "Oh, integrals with infinities? Believe me, *everyone* struggles with those. But I'll walk through it with you, and I'm not leaving this seat until you understand them." "Did you have trouble with them?" Robert knew Gloria always excelled at math, having completed Calc 2 while still a freshman. "Absolutely. So let me guess---your question is why an integral with an infinite number isn't infinity?" The bull nodded. Gloria started to explain, trying to go slowly and draw diagrams to help illustrate the reasoning behind it. There were parts where she needed to backtrack or re-explain things, and each time she did until he understood. The room gradually emptied out until they were the only ones left. But she stayed true to her word, refusing to leave until it finally clicked for the bull. Robert leaned back in his chair, with a mix of relief and frustration. "I just don't get why this is so hard for me..." Gloria wrapped an arm around him. "Hey, we're not all wired up to be math nerds. I mean, those psych classes you're taking? I would be completely lost!" "Yeah, I know. It's just... sometimes I feel like the life I'm trying to have isn't the life I'm built for." Gloria reached down and closed Robert's notebook. "Well, you've made a whole lot of progress today, so let's call it here on the math. Right now, we have a bigger problem. My tea mug is empty, and the on-campus restaurant is closed. Why don't we walk over to the cafe and we can talk all about that along the way?" Robert nodded and started to pack up his stuff. She almost never saw him like this, so there was definitely something eating at him. But she felt this wasn't the best place for it. She stepped over to a drinking fountain to rinse out her mug, then shook it dry and tucked it into a side pocket of her backpack. As their hooves clattered down the steps and onto the sidewalk, Robert let out a sigh. "I guess... I always saw what Dad has made of himself and wanted to be like that. Business man, working his way up to be a well-respected leader in his field, and all that. And I'm just..." "Hey, let me stop you there for a moment," Gloria replied, "Weren't you telling me just the other day that someone came to you for advice on their lifting technique?" "I mean, I guess so, yeah?" "Seems to me that they respected your knowledge in the field enough to seek out *your* advice specifically." "It's not really the same, though." "See, I disagree. Like okay, let's say I decided tomorrow that I wanted to become the strongest goat in the world." She gave a flex to lighten the mood a bit, "I'd walk into that gym, stare at one of those big exercize thingies and go, 'Uh... how does this... go...?' I know it seems super-easy for you, but your knowledge and expertise would keep me from possibly hurting myself very badly." Robert nodded, and she took that as a sign to continue. "Not only that, but you can help someone do better than they could on their own, by knowing how to take them to the next level." "So I guess, what would you be suggesting?" "Well, let's say it was me in this situation instead of yourself. What advice would you give me?" Robert thought for a moment, then replied, "I would ask whether there was a way to work your skills into your chosen field." Gloria gave the bull a wink, "Well, I have an idea or two to bounce off of you." "Oh? Alright, shoot." "Have you ever considered being a personal trainer, life-coach, or councelor? If you were more into the business side of things, maybe a job coach could be a good fit too." "So I'd thought about being a personal trainer before, but I'm not sure. I love the idea, but I'm not sure where you go from there. Like for you, you might start out as an assistant, then move up to a full researcher, then maybe a department head. As time goes on, you do bigger and bigger things." "Um... maybe you'd eventually manage a gym or a whole chain of them, or build up a brand or something. Maybe athletic-wear for goat girls..." She reached over and gave his ass a squeeze, as her boyfriend let out a laugh. Whether or not she'd helped with the actual problem, she had helped with some of his stress, which was her main goal. The timing worked out well, because they rounded the corner and the cafe came into view. As they approached, it definitely looked like exam week. The cafe was open later than usual, and practically every table had one or two students with laptops, notebooks, and other implements of studying. As they walked in, Sally caught their eye with a nod as she went from one table to another with a coffee pot for refills. Despite the crowd, it was pretty quiet inside aside from the dull clink of a mug on a table or hands typing on a keyboard. "Looks like the tables are all full," Gloria said, "but I think we really needed the walk more than anything. I am gonna get a tea, though." Robert gave a nod, and decided to grab a croissant sandwich---a favorite of his---to go. They wanted to talk with Sally, but now didn't seem to be a good time. Gloria made a note to talk to her later. Just as they were about to leave, though, Sally hurried over and stopped them. "Wait, I've got something for the two of you!" She fished around in the pocket of her apron, pulling out a pair of envelopes, one with each of their names. "Here you two go. Sorry, I figured you two would be coming in today, but thought it would probably be earlier. Shoulda known..." The collie gave them a wink before going back to keeping snacks and beverages refilled. As more students were coming in, the couple figured they should make some room, so they stepped back outside. Tucking the envelopes into their backpacks, they started the walk back in better spirits. "So," Robert said, "what do we want to do now?" "Well, I guess it's getting a bit late, since my exam is an early one tomorrow." "The World Change class?" "Yeah..." Robert scooped her up into the air in a warm embrace. "You're gonna do just fine. You're brilliant, you know everything, and you have absolutely nothing to worry about!" Setting her gently back down, he added, "I don't have any tomorrow, so you can look forward to hanging out together afterward. Aaand maybe we could hit the cafe a bit earlier." He let out a laugh. The two made small talk and Gloria warmed her hands on the paper teacup as they walked back to the library, where Robert had parked. With one last hug, the two parted ways for the night. She made her way back to her apartment. At this point, the best thing to do would be to get some sleep so she would be well-rested for tomorrow. Helping Robert out had helped her feel much more relaxed, herself. A few minutes later, she was taking her coat off to hang up inside her front door. Sitting down in her easychair, she took a sip of her tea from the cafe and fired up her laptop. Instead of studying, though, she decided to watch some of her favorite music videos and relax. With all of the stress of getting ready for exams, she hadn't had much of a chance lately to just sit and do nothing. As the tea and calming music worked their magic, she felt her muscles relax and laid her head back. Everything was going to be okay... --- Gloria walked into the classroom and took her seat. On each desk was a closed booklet, and the whiteboard at the front of the class instructed students not to open the exam until instructed to do so. "Ah, hello there Gloria. Bright and early, I see?" "Oh! Um, yeah!" She hadn't noticed that she was the first to arrive. "Nervous?" The red fox looked at her from his desk, a small smirk on his face. While he had a well-earned reputation for tough exams, his demeanor was always friendly. He knew he asked a lot of his students, and was always there to help with questions or crack a joke to lighten the mood. Gloria briefly wondered what he was like outside of the school, but told herself that her mind could wander after the exam was done. "I am, yeah..." she admitted. His smirk turned to a sympathetic smile, "I remember what it was like when I was where you are now. Back then, I wanted to be a music teacher. But then all the World Change stuff happened, and studying that kind of became my passion. I see a lot of younger-me in you, you know." "You do?" "I do. And I'm going to give you the advice I wish I could go back in time to give myself. Don't stress it. This is a whole new field that we're *all* trying to figure out as we go. One test score isn't going to make or break your career, and there is more to college than chasing a GPA. Besides, you're the *last* one I'm worried about today." "Thanks, that really makes me feel a lot better," she gave her professor a smile. "There we go---haven't seen your smile in a couple weeks. Brightens up the whole room!" One by one, the other students filtered in, and soon it was time to start. The professor closed the door and stood at the front of the class. "Okay, let's all take a deep breath together, hold it in, then slowly let it out..." The class did, and looking around she could see that she wasn't the only one nervous about this exam. "And one more time," he said, and everyone did. "Now, you've all spent the entire semester preparing for this. It will be difficult, but you are ready for it. There will be no surprises or trick questions. If you've been paying attention, you have nothing to worry about. If you haven't, you may struggle a bit more. In either case, I wish each of you the best of luck today. Open your exams, and begin." Gloria wasted no time in tearing off the sticker holding hers closed and flipping it open. "Question one," she read, "What role is NASA known to have played in World Change (exclude speculation)?" The goat girl started to write about the mission that had been happening at the time. An anomaly had been found on Jupiter, and there had been a race between various space agencies to be the first to get a probe there to study it. It had been an electronic pulse at semi-regular intervals---not fully regular like a pulsar, nor completely random, but it followed a pattern of one pulse, then two, then four, then eight. These were exactly a minute apart, and repeated exactly every hour. The first ones to detect it had written it off as a software glitch, since not only was it timed exactly every minute and hour, but also that it was synchronized with UTC on Earth. Then, other researchers pointed their own instruments at Jupiter and discovered the same thing. At that moment, the race was on. While NASA had not been the first to arrive (that distinction went to India), it had arrived shortly thereafter. However, despite getting readings from closer proximity and being able to pinpoint the location of the signal, neither probe was able to detect an actual source. Days had passed as science teams around the world pored over the data being sent back by both those probes and readings taken by others still en route. Finally, it was a junior researcher at NASA who first suggested trying to reply to the signal. After some heated discussion about risks, it was decided to rotate the probe. This would turn the directional tranceiver away from Earth, leaving the probe out of control until it completed its rotation, but it would face the anomaly exactly one minute after the series of eight pulses. It would broadcast sixteen of its own, directly at the signal's position. Nobody expected anything to result from this. In interviews, even the junior researcher considered it a last-ditch idea that she didn't expect anything from. Everyone assumed the probe would simply rotate in space uneventfully until Mission Control reaquired the signal. They were wrong. Finishing that question, Gloria continued. "Question two, what were the initial effects on Earth?" Gloria thought for a moment about how to begin. She had seen the effects firsthand, as had everyone in the classroom, so it seemed a bit odd to have as a question on the exam. She started to write about the chaos that had happened. Before the satellite had even returned to point toward Earth, everything changed. In an instant, every human on Earth simultaneously changed into an anthropomorphic member of a different species. While no mechanism had yet been determined for the change, it had been sudden. There had been a momentary loss of consciousness, measured consistently to be around seven seconds from camera footage that had been found of the time period, followed by the shock and realization of what had happened. The change itself was far more rapid than could be explained by any sort of biological process, and the loss of consciousness undoubtedly was a mercy with what would have undoubtedly been an agonizing transformation. Still, that caused its own problems as vehicles ran off the road, people collapsed to the ground, and similar issues of varying severity happened worldwide. The initial aftermath was almost global panic, with the first several hours being complete chaos. A large number of doomsday-preppers decided this was the time they had been preparing for and put their plans into action, governments tried to wrangle the public, and medical services were doing everything they could to treat the sudden onslaught of injuries despite the sudden biological changes complicating treatment. Over time, societital boundaries started to break down. Suddenly, "us" and "them" all looked the same---a collection of anthropomorphic animals. In its place, though, new divisions formed. During classroom discussions, Gloria had relayed her own painful experiences growing up as the only herbivore in her home, so she only briefly alluded to them in her essay. She concluded by saying that even roughly a decade later, societies and cultures were still trying to muddle their way through it all. She checked the clock on the wall. She had one more question to answer, and figured she should have enough time. His exams were known to be short, but completely essay-based. "Question three," she read, "What do *you* think is the cause of World Change, and why do you think that way?" This was another common thing with his exams and assignments. Your actual answer mattered much less than how you explained and reasoned it out. She started writing about her personal theory. That mathematical sequence, and the fact that it seemed like it was almost waiting for a reply, seemed to rule out it being a natural phenomenon. So if she assumed it was artificial, the next question would be what the mechanism behind the signal itself was. After all, no physical source was found at its point of origin. That meant there were two possibilities. Either the source was there but undetectable, or the source was actually elsewhere. Gloria considered the second possibility more likely. After all, even setting aside that no known technology could have masked a device from every sensor that was pointed at it, there didn't seem to be a reason to hide it. After all, if it was broadcasting, it was clearly intended to be found. And given that the frequency and phase of the pulses perfectly corresponded to Earth's UTC time, it was almost certainly meant to be received by Earth. She started to draw out diagrams of Jupiter's atmosphere, along with positions that seemed likely for an actual source. She compared it to how Earth's atmosphere could bounce radio waves, with the right atmospheric conditions allowing radio stations to be received from far beyond their normal range. She also added to her argument that the entire planet was effected simultaneously. Whatever the cause, the mass of the entire planet did not delay the change for people on the opposite side of the planet from Jupiter at the time. Either the cause would have had to instantaneously travel the circumference of the globe as a particle (never detected before or since), or it would have needed to pass through the entirity of Earth unimpeded. She pointed out that while neutrinos were capable of doing that, neutrino bombardment had never triggered this event in the past. The goat girl concluded her final essay by explaining that her hypothesis was the main reason she wanted to go into a career of studying World Change and its cause. As she read back through each of her answers, she saw a few students stand up, take their exams over to the professor's deck, and leave with a handshake. Finally, she felt her own exam was ready. Closing her booklet, she put her pencil into her backpack and walked to the front of the desk. With a hearty handshake and a grin from her professor, she turned and walked out of the room. As she walked down the hall, she let out a long, shuddering sigh. The exam had felt easier than she had expected. Part of why she had been so thorough with her final check before handing it in was that she was afraid she had missed some detail or second part of a question. But it had really just been those three questions. Granted, they were large-scale questions, but it was really just a matter of telling what she had learned. In the end, she supposed that was what the point of an exam was supposed to be, though. She reached down for her phone as she stepped out into the chilly air, and--- "Hey there! How did it go?" Startled, Gloria looked up to see Robert standing there. He was holding out a cup of tea for her. "For me? Thanks! You didn't need to do that..." She took the cup from him, giving it a small sip. While she had been taking the exam, it had begun to snow outside. "That reminds me," she said, looking up, "I need to get my hooves ground, but I was too focused on the exam to make an appointment, and now everywhere is gonna be super-busy..." Gloria normally had tread ground into her hooves before a snowstorm, but she had forgotten in the exam chaos. There was a massive snowstorm predicted for the upcoming weekend, so it would be too late now. "Oh, yeah. Well, we'll take things nice and slow. I had mine ground yesterday, so I've got plenty of tread. They smoothed out the top for me too, since they were looking a bit rough." He gave her a wink, "So, looking forward to the party this weekend?" "Party? What party?" "You, uh, must have forgotten about those envelopes Sally handed to us last night." "Oh, crap!" Gloria frantically unzipped the pocket of her backpack, where she had tucked hers the night before. She carefully opened it, pulling out a card. "Let's see... Sally's hosting a holiday party... I don't recognize that address, though..." As she continued reading, things started to make more sense. "So she's renting an entire hotel for the weekend?" Robert let out a laugh, "I mean, she's renting a run-down old motel that is going to be torn down in a month or so." "I guess that explains the 'fuck like there's no tomorrow, and nevermind the mess' part," Gloria chuckled, thinking about the shenanigans she and Three got up to when they were together. "Sounds like it's you, me, Sally, Three, Ally, and Marci, but I'm sure there will be more. You don't rent an entire motel for six people," Robert thought for a moment as they walked. "Coworkers of hers, maybe? I mean, with an invitation like that, it would have to be people she wouldn't feel awkward seeing naked." "Maybe people she and Three know?" Gloria chimed in, "I mean, those would be people she's already seen naked, right?" "Yeah, and probably more. Either way, it should be a very interesting party." "Guess I'd better RSVP..." The goat girl pulled her phone out, and sent a quick, "Sorry I didn't respond earlier! I'm definitely coming to the party. Should I be bringing anything?" As they walked, Robert said, "Oh, so I was thinking more about what we were talking about last night. Like, about my career direction and stuff. You know, the idea of being a personal trainer has really grown on me. It's work I know I would enjoy doing, but you kinda opened my eyes about where I could progress after doing it for a while, too. So, I think I'm going to start going in that direction." "That's awesome!" Gloria gave the large bull a smile, "I know you'll be great at it. I'm not sure how you get started doing that sort of thing, but I'm sure you've got a better idea about it than I do." "I've been looking into it today, and I think I've got a good idea. Thanks a lot for helping nudge me that direction." "No problem!" Her phone dinged, and she took a look. "Only things you want to use at the party. Dildos, plugs, whipped cream, whatever. You *can* bring a gift or two if you'd like to surprise someone with something, but we're not doing a gift exchange or anything like that." Just as she finished reading, a second message came through. "By the way, Three had a great idea. We're having people show up wearing shirts with your kinks written on them. It saves having to awkwardly ask people." "That does sound like a great idea, thanks!" Gloria replied. She had a few ideas in mind for things to bring, but would need to deal with those later. As it was, they were just arriving at the door to Gloria's building. Shaking off the snow inside, they carefully made their way down the slippery floor of the hallway to the goat girl's apartment. "Home sweet home," she said, as they walked in and the door shut behind them. "Now, I don't know about you, but I could really go for a snack right now..." She reached over and stroked the front of Robert's jeans as she said it, winking up at him. "A snack, huh?" Robert laughed, "Guess we should make our way to the bedroom, then." "Um... actually I wanna try something a bit different this time..." She led him into the bathroom, and told him to go ahead and strip. A few moments later, both of them were naked, and she could feel her boyfriend's eyes on her. It was only fair, she figured, since her eyes were on him too. Repositioning him so that he was turned side-on to the full-length bathroom mirror, she knelt down in front of it. As she lifted her head to face the bull towering over her, she stole a glance at herself out of the corner of her eye. She looked so small next to him normally, but kneeling like this... She looked up at him, licked her lips, and moaned, "Can I taste it, Mr. Bull? Pleeease?" He gave a deep chuckle, already starting to slide out of the sheath, "Go ahead---I've been looking forward to this *all* day." Gloria leaned forward, catching another glance at herself in the mirror as she ran her tongue around the head of her boyfriend's cock. "Mmm, you didn't shower today, did you?" "Nope, I skipped it just for you, babe..." "You spoil me so much..." she said softly, giving him a lick across the tip, "I can't wait to feel this in my ass later. Need to make sure it's aaallllll clean first, though..." She closed her lips around the head, giving it a gentle suck, before working her tongue down the side of the shaft. The goat looked at herself in the mirror as she did. His cock looked even more massive in the mirror, compared to her. She could hardly believe that she was able to take him anally. It seemed Sally really could work miracles... Prying her eyes away, she worked her way up and down his cock, even sliding her tongue into his musky sheath. It was funny to think back to when tasting stale bull sweat was something kinky. Only a few months later, Robert routinely went without a shower if he was going to be visiting, unless he needed to for some other reason. She absolutely adored his taste, and knowing that he went out of his way like that for her? She didn't have words for just how special her bull made her feel. "Now..." she said as she pulled away, "the real reason for the mirror is that I want to get a good look as you take this..." the goat girl stroked the massive cock in front of her, "and absolutely *force* it down my throat." Robert laughed, "I see someone's a bit pent up. Alright, I know you like it rough, so you're gonna want to brace yourself on something." She reached behind her to push the door closed and leaned back against it, then gave him a wink. "Alright, I'm ready for my throatfucking, mister bull..." She opened wide as he pushed the head and first few inches in. Robert tended to be a very gentle lover, but she had convinced him that he didn't need to be *quite* so careful with her. She tried not to push it too far, though, since she knew he wasn't comfortable treating her too roughly. As she felt inch after inch slide in, she swallowed the head with a muffled *glrk* and enjoyed the sensation of it stretching her throat wide as it slid down. At the edge of her vision, she saw herself in the mirror, with a bulge in her neck slowly pushing deeper. Her body shuddered, both from the view and the sensations. As much as she loved having her ass stuffed, she loved having her mouth and throat used even more. She still remembered how it felt when Sally was showing her how her body had changed, by having her gulp down an entire baseball. She had expected choking and agonizing pain, but instead she had felt intense pleasure from the ball stretching her throat all the way down. Finally, she felt her nose bump against Robert's body, with the bull burying the last inch inside her. She took a deep breath through her nose, as she always did at the start. Even though her mind know that she could breathe now, her body still tried to panic for a moment until she reminded it that she could. When she was ready, she gave one of her boyfriend's balls a gentle tap with her finger. One tap had always meant that she was ready. More than one meant increasing levels of intensity that she wanted. For tonight, she just wanted it nice and slow. Robert slowly pulled a few inches out, and the goat girl's eyes closed as she enjoyed the sensation before he pushed back in. She had tried to explain to him just how much pleasure she got from deepthroating, swallowing, licking, and tasting. Robert often worried that he was being selfish by using her throat, and Gloria wished he could know how much every little twitch and movement when he was buried in it turned her on. She was sure she would find a way to tell him, given time. Looking in the mirror, she loved how big the bull was. Leaned up against the door and unable to back away, her throat was just a warm hole for him to fuck. Sure, with three quick taps on his ass, she could tell him to pull out, but being unable to speak until he was done excited her. He was her big, strong bull, and she was his little fleshlight. The corners of her lips turned upward at the thought, and she trembled as her first orgasm hit. There was a gruff chuckle from above. "You really just came from my dick in your mouth, didn't you?" He knew she didn't have a way of responding, but she loved when he said things like that to her. She felt him start to pick up the pace a bit, hearing the wet, sticky sounds coming from her throat. An idea started to form about how to help her boyfriend celebrate after his math exam the next day. Despite his worries about being into "weird things" when they had first met, he was actually quite a tame bull. But she had noticed he always seemed to like it best when her deepthroating got a bit messy, and she had seen that he did have a rougher side with Ally. She thought she might have an idea to get a bit of that side of him, without him needing to worry about hurting her... --- Gloria checked the time, seeing that she had a few hours before Robert would be done with his exam. Good---she still had time for all the things she needed to do before that. Sally's party started tomorrow, and she needed to run a couple of errands. The first was the easiest. She walked over to the department store nearby. She needed a plain, white shirt in her size. Waving a quick hello to one of the employees as she walked in, she made her way over to the women's clothing section. As she started digging through the shelves and racks, she found it surprisingly difficult to find just a plain white shirt. She supposed it must not be a popular style. "Hello, ma'am, can I help you find something?" She looked up to see a tired-looking badger lady stocking a nearby rack. It was the holiday shopping season, so she knew the employees were being run a bit ragged from long hours and occasional difficult customers. "Oh, yes please. I'm just looking for a plain white T-shirt. Nothing fancy or anything." "I'm sorry, we don't have any of those over here. We've been stocking our winter fashions. I think the men's section might have had some left when I walked past, but I can check to see if we have any left in the stockroom." "Oh, a men's one would be just fine," she said with a friendly smile, "You don't need to bother." "Thanks, please let me know if there is anything else I can help you with." "Thank *you*," Gloria said, walking over towards the men's section. Sure enough, there was one rack left of T-shirts, and she started looking for a white one. She knew she wasn't going to find exactly her size, but it didn't really matter as long as she could make it fit. She also checked the tag on one of them. "Mmm, cotton. Deliciou---I mean, delightful." After all, once she had written out her kinks on it, the shirt was probably going to end up in her stomach after the party. Picking one that looked like the right size, she walked back up to the front of the store. It was early afternoon, so the store was fairly quiet despite the upcoming holidays. She stepped in line behind a lioness with a box of of instant noodles, and a couple of minutes later she was walking out with a bag containing her new shirt. "Okay, one errand down, one more to go." This one was in the opposite direction from her apartment, which would give her plenty of time to stop home and drop off her bag. Thankfully the snow from the previous day had melted. As much as she actually liked snow, she definitely didn't like walking in it when she was trying to get somewhere. She had recently gotten a pretty significant raise at the record store, which made her next stop possible. They had also increased her hours, which could be inconvenient as a fulltime student, but she appreciated the work. The store was run by a charming corgi, who she was pretty sure knew everything there was to know about classical music. She had been hired to help out in the metal section, which was a style of music he wasn't familiar with. She had a few coworkers, but it was a pretty small shop. Compared to the exhausted badger at the department store, she was thankful to work at the record shop. It hadn't even been a struggle to get this weekend off. She was sure her family wouldn't bother sending her an invitation to their party, so she had volunteered to work that weekend and give everyone else a break. The owner was more than happy to give her this upcoming weekend off, in exchange. As she stepped into her apartment, she figured she should at least try on the shirt before taking the tags off. She typically wore unisex if she could find it, but her local department store didn't tend to carry that, preferring specific men's and women's clothing. She walked into the bathroom, subconsciously licking her lips as she thought about Robert blowing his load down her throat the night before, then pulled her shirt off. She never bothered wearing a bra anymore, having gotten used to people accepting her body. "Mmm, my big ol' goat teats are still nice and hard from the cold..." she said to herself. Even though she still got a bit embarrassed talking like that, she loved doing it in private. It wasn't out of shame, so much as out of being afraid of sounding silly. Prying her hands off of herself, she pulled the shirt out of its paper bag and pulled it over her head. After pulling it on the rest of the way, she looked at herself in the mirror. It felt a bit tight at the chest, but she was pleased to see her large, perky nipples clearly visible through it. The material of the shirt was a little bit on the thin side, and with it stretched over them she could actually see a bit of their pink color through the shirt. It would be perfect for this weekend. Changing back into the clothes she was wearing today, she put her coat back on and got ready to head to the *other* store she needed to hit this afternoon. Soon, she was back outside. The sky had clouded over, and she remembered the weather this weekend was supposed to be awful. Freezing rain on Friday, pretty much a blizzard on Saturday, then more freezing rain gradually tapering off Sunday morning. Thankfully they would all be inside, except for briefly stepping out if they needed to go from one room to another. Soon enough, she found herself walking up to the store. It was a combined porn shop and adult toy store. As she walked in, she was greeted by a male raccoon behind the counter. "Hello there, miss. Feel free to look around, and let me know if one of us can help you." She glanced around the store, but didn't see any other employees. Thinking nothing of it, she pulled up her shopping list on her phone. Despite the store's small size, it was very neatly organized, and Gloria made her way over to the section labeled "buttplugs". As she looked at the different shapes and sizes, she heard a muffled groan from the raccoon nearby. That explained where the other employee was, Gloria thought to herself. Perhaps she would have a bit of fun with that. Eventually, she found what she was looking for, grabbing a very large, hollow plug connected to a long tube. Walking up to the counter, Gloria gave him a wink. "So, I take it the other employee here is enjoying a mouthful of raccoon cock right now?" The raccoon gave a shakey nod, "He's c-convinced that if he k-keeps throwing himself at people, s-someone will agree to d-date him again." "That's a bit of a strange approach," Gloria giggled, "I'm curious why nobody's taken him up on it." "Well, remember how not too long after World Change, a buncha companies sprang up that advertized ways of changing yourself, from reverse-engineering the changes?" "Yeah. From what I remember, they had an absolute ton of side-effects and often didn't work anyway," Gloria replied. From under the counter, she heard the familiar gurlgling sound of someone forcing a dick down their throat. The raccoon slid his chair back. "Might be easier to see for yourself." Then, addressing someone on the floor, he added "Go on, up on the counter. Nobody else has come in all day, so I'm sure it's fine." A moment later, the other employee climbed up onto the counter and sat down, facing the goat girl. He was a pig, who was fairly small and petite aside from a pot-belly. He was looking at her, not even trying to keep his eyes off of her nipples. "Well, he was *trying* to give himself a dog cock, since the corkscrew pigs have isn't exactly popular." Turning to address the pig, he said, "Go on, show her." The pig leaned back and spread his legs. Sure enough, an impressively large dog dick was standing proudly at attention. He started to slowly stroke it, staring at her. Suddenly, he opened his mouth wide and let out a belch in her face. "That... brings me to the side-effects..." The raccoon let out a sigh. "For starters, he has absolutely no shame. Well, that's not true. I'm told he still feels it, but that his shame response and horny response are kinda jumbled up together." Turning to the pig, he asked, "Do you feel ashamed for belching in front of this nice lady's face like that?" The pig nodded vigorously, not taking his hand off his cock. "The second thing," the raccoon continued, "is that his pain response is jumbled up the same way. I mean, I've seen people like that before, but it's a lot more extreme for him. Not gonna demonstrate that one, but you'll have to take my word for it." "Third..." he turned to the pig, "you can't talk, can you?" The pig shook his head. "Anyway," the raccoon said, glancing over Gloria's shoulder at the door, "We should probably get you checked out." As the raccoon and pig went back behind the counter, the raccoon said, "That'll be sixty even, please." Gloria swiped her card as he added, "Can I get you a bag?" "Oh, yes please. Probably don't want to be walking around carrying this." Gloria's purchase was bagged, and then she and the raccoon wished eachother happy holidays, before she stepped back out into the cold. That had certainly been a little awkward, she thought to herself, but it seemed like a good place. With how familiar the pair seemed with eachother, Gloria knew there was more to the story. Either way, she had what she had gone there for. As she was walking home, there was a bit more traffic. It was getting close to dinner time, so she was looking forward to making a salad out of ingredients she had in her fridge at home. Soon, she was taking off her coat to hang by the door. Before her salad, she needed to finish getting ready, starting with her newly-purchased toy. One downside of cow-sized toys was that they weighed a ton, she thought as she stretched her sore arms. Still, she took it into the bathroom and set it in the sink. "Some hot, soapy water is just the thing," she said, turning on the faucet. As it filled up, she made sure to rub it all over the plug, including covering both the hollow end of the plug and the end of the tube and giving it several hard shakes to slosh the water around inside. It took some time, but she wanted to be very thorough. She cared a lot about Three, and she wanted to make sure there were no chemicals from the manufacturing process left that might hurt her bovine friend. After draining the sink, she refilled it with more soapy water. After a total of three washes and two rinses, she was finally satisfied that it was ready. She wiped it off with a towel, then set it on a dry corner of the towel to air-dry. For now, it was salad time. She grabbed some fresh romaine lettuce from the fridge, along with a fresh onion, a pair of carrots, some celery, and ranch dressing. While she was in the fridge, she checked on a large bucket and reminded herself not to forget that when they left tomorrow morning. A bit of chopping and dressing later, and she had a nice big salad to sit and munch on. Nowadays, she often ate a fair amount of things most wouldn't call "food" (she had gotten rid of her trash can entirely). Not only did she enjoy it, but it also saved her quite a bit on groceries. Sometimes, though, she just wanted a normal meal. As she enjoyed the crunchy vegetables, she thought about what she still needed to do. She needed to finish packing, of course, and to figure out when they were leaving tomorrow. Robert was planning to spend the night tonight, which would make things easier (and also make her bed extra cozy and warm, she thought with a smile). She looked down at her belly. When she and Robert had first met, he had confided in her that he was into feederism. After spending a night thinking about it, she had eagerly agreed to give it a try, but he hadn't done anything like that since then. She wondered if maybe he was still a bit shy about it. After all, it had gone badly the last time someone had offered. It was such a shame that such a sweet, tender, loving bull had such bad luck before. Between whoever that girl was and Ally's parents, she wondered how much of his occasional shyness came from that type of thing. Then, her mind wandered back to helping him with math and some of his insecurities. He was always there to comfort her when she needed it. But maybe he needed it more than he let on, himself? In any case, she knew something she definitely needed to bring, for the weekend. After finishing her salad, she walked over to the closet next to her bed and started digging through it. It didn't take long to find what she had been looking for. It was the ancient box of clothing she had dug everything out of for her recent fancy dinner with Robert and his family. Nothing in there really fit right, and a fair amount of it was heavily-worn hand-me-downs from other family members anyway. She dug inside the box, pulling out the zebra-print bra and a matching pair of panties. They were rather tacky. Still, they had excited her boyfriend before, and she had some already ordered that actually fit correctly, for the future. Tossing those onto the bed, she stashed the rest of the box into her duffel bag. That was pretty much everything she needed to do before tomorrow. She already had a bottle of shampoo and a small brush packed, and the invitation had said that food would be provided. Going back to her bed, she stripped her clothes off. Robert would be finishing his exam any moment now, and--- Her phone dinged. "Exam's done, think I did good (all thanks to you!) Heading over now." She replied, "Got the spare key? Let yourself in when you get here. There's a goat girl aaallllll alone in her bed, just thinking about what she has planned for her super-awesome boyfriend tonight." He didn't reply, so she figured he had already set his phone down to start driving. She clipped the bra on fairly easily (It had been a hand-me-down from her sister, who was larger on top than she was and never missed an opportunity to point it out.) The panties were a bit of a struggle, though. Gloria's hips had been a little bit wider. She managed to get them on, but the way it squished her exaggerated her belly a bit. She didn't think Robert would mind that, though... Finally, she laid down in her bed. After a day of running errands, it felt good to relax for a bit while she waited. But since she had a bit of time anyway... Gloria ran her fingers in small circles around her nipples, over the bra. She couldn't remember if Sally said they had made those more sensitive as part of her changes, but she certainly loved touching them. Maybe it was just because her pussy no longer got anything from being touched, so she started focusing more on her nipples instead. Either way, she figured a bit of self-love wouldn't hurt. A few minutes later, she heard her door unlock and saw Robert step inside. Looking over at her as the door closed behind him, he let out a laugh. "Straight to the point, hmm?" "I mean, I've been looking forward to you coming over *all day*. Can't blame a girl for getting a bit overexcited..." She winked up at him, watching as he quickly undressed. "Mind if I just cuddle for a little bit first? Mind's still racing from exams, you know?" "Oh, of course!" Robert slid into bed next to her, lying down on his side and immediately giving her a gentle kiss. She felt one of his big, strong hands running down her body before coming to a rest on her belly. As their lips parted, he let out a sigh of relief and contentment. He definitely needed some time to relax. Gloria wrapped her hands over his, holding his hand gently against her, and for several minutes they laid together, quietly enjoying eachother's company. After a while, Gloria decided to break the ice. "You know, I've been doing some thinking today. Back when we first met, you had wanted to fatten your little goat-girl up, riiight?" "Oh, yeah. Sorry, it was just kind of a silly---" "Shh..." She gave him the warmest, sweetest smile she could manage. "It's not silly at all. Not even a tiny bit. You're nervous about really doing it to me, though." "Well..." "Oh, Robert..." She gave him a small kiss on the cheek, "I want you to know my home is a safe space for you. No matter what you tell me about yourself, you're still my amazing boyfriend. Just think about everything you know about me. And yet, you're still here. When I'm having a hard time? You're always right there beside me." Robert let out a sigh, "Okay, I admit it. I'm nervous about actually doing... that... Like I know about the stuff you and Three do, and I know you really do like it. But somehow it feels different if it's *me* doing it, you know?" "Well, I think I know just the thing to help with that." She smiled up at him, slowly guiding his hand lower, until it was resting on her panties. "These feel sooo tight on me, don't they? Feel how the elastic is streeetched as far as it can go?" Robert nodded, and she could hear him breathing a bit harder than he had been a moment before. "Well, they don't really fit me. And in fact, they're never gonna fit me ever again. Now that I know you love zebra-print, I've actually got some coming in the mail that are in my size." She gave him a wink, "For now, anyway." Slowly moving his big hand around over her panties, she continued, "Now, what to do about this panties that are just too tight for me, hmm? Want me to show you how to get rid of stuff your girlfriend outgrows?" Without a word, he nodded again. She was tempted to make him ask, but she didn't want to push him too far, even playfully. She wanted him to *know* this was okay, and that she loved and respected him. "Well let's start with the bra. But I'm gonna need some help to unhook it." As Robert leaned in and reached around her, her lips met his. She gave him another long, gentle kiss. There would be plenty of time for making out like horny teenagers later. Their lips didn't part until she felt her bra unhook behind her. "Thanks honey," she said, then pulled her arms out of it and held it up. "Now, I'm gonna do this one all by myself. You don't have to feed it to me. And even if you left right now, I would still do this. Because I *want* to do this. The only thing you've done so far is help your girlfriend take off her bra---nothing more." Robert nodded. She could tell he was still a bit nervous, but he seemed much more relaxed. "Now, I don't know how much you know about women's underwear, but..." She carefully held the bra as she made a small tear in one corner, slowly pulling out a length of metal, "This is an underwire. It adds support, for girls that need it. With how flat I am, I don't need it at all, but most bras have it. Now, I'm going to hand this wire to you. Could you fold it up like an accordian for me? Don't worry, you're not doing aaanything at all. You're just folding something up for me, to get it ready to throw away." Robert started to slowly fold it up, being careful to not let it launch like a spring. "That's it," she encouraged, "Now, I see you're getting hard, and I want you to know that's completely okay. There's nothing wrong with being into this, and there's nothing wrong with getting excited about what's coming. You don't have to tell me you want it. Seeing my boyfriend getting hard makes me a happy goat." Robert finished folding it, then handed it back to her. "Now, there are only two things you've done so far. You've helped your girlfriend unhook an uncomfortable bra that didn't fit right, and you helped her get something ready to throw away. So what's about to happen is aaallllll me, okay?" He nodded, and she could tell he was torn between eagerness and just a tiny bit of guilt. She decided to take things a little slower. "I know you feel like you've done more than *just* that. And to be honest? You have. You've made your girlfriend very, very happy. Your girlfriend who wants to share this part of herself with you. So if you love this, and I love this, is there anything to feel bad about?" "I guess you're right..." "Now, I know I've asked a lot of you, but there's just one more thing I really, really need you to do." She took his hand again, gently guiding it back to her waist. "It would mean a whole lot to me if you rub my belly while I swallow this. Is that okay?" After a moment of hesitation, Robert replied, "Y... yeah." "Well then, I'm gonna enjoy a nice snack." She dropped the folded up wire into her mouth, thankful that the changes ensured she didn't even need to worry about the sharp, pointy bits. With a loud, exaggerated gulp, she swallowed, taking one of her fingers and following along to point out to Robert where it was as it slid down her throat. She felt an occasional poke as it went down, but only mild discomfort. "So, did that feel good for you?" "It did," Robert said, starting to avert his eyes. "Hey now, none of that. It felt good for you, and it felt good for me too. I know you've had some bad luck before, but I really do love this." She reached down and patted his rock-hard cock, "And I'm pretty sure this guy down here liked it too." Holding the bra up again, she asked, "Would you like to do the other one for me, or do you want us to do it together, just like the first one?" "Together, if it's okay with you. I... don't think I'm ready quite yet." "That's okay. This is a lot all at once, and you've already taken such a big step. I'm so happy we can share this kink with eachother, Robert." As she had before, she carefully pulled out the wire and handed it to Robert to fold. "Now, do you want to be the one to drop it into my mouth?" "Um... sorry, I don't think I'm ready." "Shh... You never, ever have to be sorry for not being ready or comfortable for something," Gloria reassured him, as he handed the folded wire to him. "There's a different thing I want you to do with your hand this time. Will you let me do that?" "I will," he said, and she took his hand in one of hers. "Down the hatch," she said. This time, she opened her mouth wide, dropping the wire in from a few inches up. Robert's eyes were locked on her mouth as it closed and she swallowed. Instead of pointing as it slid down, though, she took one of her boyfriend's fingers and traced along her neck with it as the wire slid down to her stomach. "So from the big, hard bull dick I feel pressing against me, I think someone liked that better," she said with a wink, "Now, we've already done the hardest part. The bra has a couple of small hooks and stuff, sure, but I can swallow the rest of it all at once. And then, we can get me out of these tight, uncomfortable panties." She started to reach for the de-wired bra, but was surprised when Robert picked it up first. "Allow me," he said, with a nervous smile. Gloria opened her mouth wide for him, and he hesitated for a bit. "Um... could you, uh, close your eyes? I think it'll be easier if you're not looking..." She closed her eyes for him, and a moment later she felt one of the straps against her tongue. She bit down on it, not with the intention of chewing it, so much as trying to pull it back far enough that her throat could get a grip on it. After that, her body would naturally drag the rest of it down. Almost. Alllmost... There! She felt as the strap started down her throat, pulling the rest of the bra behind as Robert let go. Despite his nervousness, he had done a perfect job. She had to laugh internally. This bra had gone from her sister's boobs, to two nights on her own flat chest, and now was on its way down to her stomach. A small part of her wished her sister could see her now, but most of her would be happy to never see her sister again. Through it all, Robert watched with a mix of excitement and awe. She knew it could be quite a sight, and was still amazed that Sally and her employer had been able to make such dramatic changes to her body like this. But seeing the enjoyment on Robert's face (and seeing his hand sneak down to his dick) gave her a warm, fuzzy feeling. This was exactly what she had hoped for tonight. She was happy, Robert was happy, and they had a whole weekend to look forward to. "I love you," she heard Robert whisper in her ear, "I love you so, so much..." Being unable to speak a reply, she instead rolled onto her side and wrapped her arms around him. "My safe space isn't in your home, or even your bed..." He placed one of his big hands on the left side of her chest, "It's in here." As the last of the bra finally pulled past her lips, she tucked her head against him. His safe space was in her heart, and her safe space was in his.