Two Changes of Plans By DaveTheFoxMage This story is a work of fiction. Any resemblence to actual people/places/events is entirely coincidental. Also, this story contains acts which should not be attempted in real life and does not constitute advice, suggestion, instruction, etc. --- "I mean, I *do* have one, but I'm not sure if it will work..." "Relax, honey," Robert replied through the phone, "I'm sure you'll be just fine. I'm actually seeing if I still remember how to tie a necktie. I guess neither of us are really the formal type." "I just wish they'd told us earlier---I'm lucky I even *have* a dress. You're picking me up in half an hour?" "Yeah. Well, we'll just do the best we can. I love you, and see you soon!" Well, that was a sudden change of plans. Robert had invited her to his uncle's retirement party, figuring it would be a great chance to meet his family. Neither of them had realized it was a fancy suit-and-tie place until Robert's mother had mentioned getting his father's suit drycleaned this evening. She started going through her closet. Behind the collection of band t-shirts and jeans, she found what she was looking for. Pulling out her old red dress, she took a look at it. It looked like it should still fit, though it was a bit more revealing than she was really comfortable with for meeting her boyfriend's family. She started to change into it, pleasantly surprised to find that it still fit her. But as she checked herself in the mirror, she noticed something missing. "Crap, I'm gonna need a bra or something for this, aren't I?" Going back to the closet, she frantically started digging. After exhausing the shelf she thought it would be on, she desperately grabbed for an old box in the back corner. She knew she still had the dress, but she actually wasn't sure whether she even owned a bra anymo--- "Here we go!" she pulled one out and took a look. "Oh geez, zebra stripes. Reeeal classy, Gloria..." Fortunately it was strapless and would go well with the dress anyway. After putting it on, she looked back at the mirror. "You know? For the situation, I don't think it looks half bad. Just wish it flattened the big ol' goat teats more though..." At the thought of a family gathering (even for someone else's family), she felt her old insecurities resurface. That's what her mother had always called them. Taking a deep breath, she tried to put those thoughts aside. Robert would be there any moment. She gave her hair a quick brushing and was just finishing up when she heard a knock at the door. She opened the door to find--- "Robert?!" She barely recognized the bull in the suit standing at the door. His black suit jacket left only a teasing hint of his muscular physique, giving him an appearance somewhere between a bouncer and a secret agent. The only thing that broke the illusion was his jaw, dropped at the sight of her. "That was pretty much my reaction to you," he laughed, when he could find his voice again, "So, shall we be going?" As the pair walked down the hallway, hand in hand, Gloria realized she had no idea what kind of vehicle Robert had. The two of them had always walked everywhere, and it had never come up in conversation. As they walked out the door of her apartment building, she saw a few cars she didn't recognize, but Robert walked her to an older model sedan. "Nothing fancy," the bull said as he opened the door and she heard the passenger door unlock with a thunk, "but she's never once stranded me." Being designed for much larger passengers, the car had plenty of room for the goat girl. The height also meant it was a struggle for her to see out over the dash. Seeing her struggle, Robert chuckled, "You know, you could be completely naked in here and nobody would know." He gave her a conspiriatorial wink, "And hey, check out the back seat." Turning and looking back between the seats, she saw a large rear bench seat. "Oh wow," she said, "I think that might be bigger than my actual bed!" "Pretty close," he said, as the engine roared to life with a slight clatter, "Okay, so it should just be like ten minutes or so to get there. It's just down Oak Lane to the highway." He turned on some music, and she heard a Goatistravus song from the speakers. "I believe you're familiar with this band?" She saw him grin as he said it. When they had first met at the ice cream shop, they had both been wearing the same band shirt. It had made a good icebreaker for the two of them. As Robert drove, they talked about the place they were going. Neither had been there, so Gloria pulled up the restaurant's website. "Let's see... looks like a lot of Italian food, wine, and I'm seeing a lot of fancy dessert type things. Oh geez, I can't afford to go to a pl---" "Oh, Dad's paying," Robert interjected, "He said he wanted the whole family there, and that includes boyfriends and girlfriends." "That's nice! I've never actually been in a place like this, so I hope I don't screw up. You seem so calm, though!" "Oh, I've been to places like this quite a few times. There's nothing to worry about---everyone there is an everyday person, just like us." He gave her a warm, reasurring smile. "Actually, there are quite a few there who want to meet you. I know Mom and Dad have been looking forward to it." As he turned into the parking lot, he looked at the cars that were already there and started listing relatives, "Let's see... Uncle Bob and Aunt Tammy are here, looks like the cousins are here too..." They pulled in, and Robert got out while Gloria was putting her phone away and grabbing her purse. She looked up in surprise as her door opened, with Robert flashing her a grin and holding his hand out for her, "Allow me." As she gingerly took his hand and stepped out of the car, he said, "I'm not usually the formal type, but I can be when I need to." The pair walked to the door, with Robert stepping in front to get the door for her. She knew it was one of those formality things, but she felt a bit awkward with him doing the work for her. Stepping inside, they were greeted by the host---a weasel wearing a well-fitting suit. "Two for dinner this evening?" he asked. The podium he was standing behind was on a raised platform at roughly Gloria's height. "Oh, we are here for the Ryerson retirement party." "Ah, very good. Please follow me." He took a few steps down from behind the podium. With his short legs, he slowly led the two of them to a door to one side of the main dining room. As he opened the door for the two of them, he gave them a bow and said, "Here you are. Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance." The room was pretty crowded, with all manner of species. With this being a retirement party, Gloria supposed there were probably many of Robert's dad's coworkers here, besides just his family. She wondered if--- "Oh! This must be that girlfriend you've been claiming to have!" She turned to see a husky nudge Robert with an elbow and a wide grin. With a laugh, Robert said, "Aw man, I guess they let *anybody* in here now... Gloria, this is my cousin Carl. And Carl, this is Gloria, my girlfriend." As the two shook hands, the husky said, "Nice to meetcha! So Robert says you work at the record store?" "Oh, uh, yeah! We mostly do vintage vinyl, tapes, and things like that. There's been a bit of a comeback of old-school tech for music enthusiasts." "That's awesome! My buddies at school and I are starting a band. We're... uh..." he shifted a bit, uncomfortably, "not very good yet, but we'll get there!" "Hey, no band fills an arena when they first start out," Gloria gave him a smile, "So, what do you play?" "Mostly jazz, though we do mix it up sometimes. We're still kinda trying to find our groove." "Planning on hitting the nightclub and coffee-shop scene?" "Yeah, that's what we're hoping for." "Do you have anything on you I could listen to? If you don't mind, of course!" "O-oh, yeah! Hang on," he rummaged through his pockets until he found the one his phone was in. Pulling up a song, he handed it to her. "Sorry, I don't have a headset or anything with me." Gloria held it up to her ear and closed her eyes as it played. "Let's see... Drummer is keeping good time with enough fills to spice it up without going overboard, piano is hitting some sour notes here and there, but the flow and phrasing is really good, sax is well-played, but feels like they're maybe a bit shy on improv..." After the song ended, she handed the phone back with a smile. "Honestly I'm hearing really great potential! The rest will come with time and practice. What's your band called?" "It's not written in stone yet, but we're kinda going with 'The Changed World Trio'," he replied. "Excellent, there's room on our shelves when you're ready." She gave him a wink. As he walked away, a dalmation in a black suit and a possum in a green dress walked up. "Allow me to introduce my parents," Robert announced, "Mom, Dad, this is Gloria." "Hi there, Gloria!" his mother looked up at her, "Robert has told us so much about you, and it's great to finally meet in person. Someone's gotta keep my boy out of trouble!" The two gave a laugh, and she started talking with Gloria about how school was going. Gloria learned that the pair had actually donated quite a bit to the school's science program over the years since World Change, and they were happy to hear that things were going well. The next hour or so was a blur as she met one person after another, and more faces and names were thrown at her than she could have ever hoped to remember. But then, it was time to eat. As they all sat down, Robert's father stood in front of the tables. "While everyone's meals are being served, I would like to take a moment to say a few words..." "I'd like to thank my coworkers for thirty-three great years. I think we really made a difference, and that our work has made the world a better place, one life at a time. When I first started as an intern, I could never have imagined that today I would be retiring as a VP. I had some great mentors---looking at you, Tim---and I know the company is in great hands." "I'd also like to thank my wife Clara, for staying by my side during those long nights at the beginning. I remember all of the chaos of those early days. Like the night we were all frantically searching the warehouse for a part that needed to ship the next morning. Ah, good times. Still haven't forgiven you for that, Ted." He let out a laugh. Someone in the crowd replied, "I just figured putting it on the packing table before I left on vacation made sense! I dunno what the trouble was!" The room burst into laughter. "I'd also like to thank my son Robert, for understanding the times when his dad had to work late or couldn't play catch. Really, what I am saying is that I wouldn't be where I am today without all of you," he looked over to see the last couple of plates being set down, "So please, eat and drink to your hearts' content. Let's have a great evening together!" As the room burst into applause, he gave a smile and took his seat at the head table. Gloria looked down at her dinner, as well as the bottle sitting between Robert's glass and hers. The glass was a non-alcoholic wine, since neither she nor Robert had turned twenty-one yet. The dinner itself looked amazing. There was spinach-and-ricotta-filled ravioli for the entre, and on the side were asparagus risotto and a bowl of steaming minestrone. There were also a few small baskets of savory-looking rolls loaded with herbs. Realizing she hadn't eaten since lunch, she resisted the urge to immediately dive in (but only barely). As she ate, she thought about how different this was from her own family's meals. Growing up with a family of carnivores, she had gotten used to being handed a bag of salad day after day, while the others would enjoy burgers, meat-based pasta dishes, roasts, etc. She had gotten used to it, since they didn't want to cook a whole separate meal just for her, but this felt so--- "Hey," she heard a soft whisper and felt a gentle nudge from beside her her, "You okay?" She nodded, closing her eyes briefly as if in delight at the amazing meal, to disguise wiping away a tear. When she opened her eyes, it looked like nobody had caught it. One of the other guests, who she remembered being introduced as one of Robert's father's coworkers, turned to her. "So, ah, Gloria was it?" She nodded. "Sorry, I'm very bad with names. I hear you're majoring in World Change studies. Are you looking at going into lab work, research, or what do you have in mind? I know, I know---I'm sure you've been asked that a thousand times." She stumbled for a moment. Actually, she couldn't recall anyone ever asking her anything like that before, besides her college advisor. "You know, at first I was sure I wanted to be a laboratory technician. But as I have been taking my classes, I am actually finding the theoretical side a better fit." "My nephew is the same way, actually. Both sides are just as important, whether you're the one holding the test tube or the one whose hypothesis is being tested. I went for the lab side, myself. I guess science just runs in my family," he chuckled. The conversation continued, with the two discussing a paper that was currently undergoing peer review. Gloria glanced to the side to make sure Robert wasn't sitting there bored, but he was talking with someone next to him. In the end, the science-minded pair concluded that if the paper passed peer review, it would dramatically shake up the currently accepted theories of the mechanism that actually changed everything. Both hoped that it would bring the scientific community one step closer to understanding its origin and cause. Between the delicious meal and the conversation with others who shared her passions (both scientific and musical), she was having a wonderful time. But as the evening continued, one by one the guests said their goodbyes and left. Eventually, it was their turn to go. As they walked up to say their goodbyes, Gloria caught the person she was talking to over dinner nod slightly in her direction and say, "Sharp kid, she's got a bright future ahead of her," as she shook Robert's father's hand. Turning around, he saw the couple and walked over. "Thanks again for the lovely conversation, Miss G... um..." "Gloria," she helped with a smile. "That's it! Sorry, I warned you I was terrible with names," he laughed. "It was great to meet you tonight---your enthusiasm for your field is very impressive! And Robert, I'm pretty sure you still owe me that rematch." The bull let out a laugh, "Uh-oh, that sounds like you've been practicing. I'm having my racket restrung, but next weekend you're on." Seeing Gloria's questioning expression, he explained, "Oh, we've had a bit of a tennis rivalry for... what would you say, three years now?" "Something like that, yeah. We should join forces and sign up for a doubles league sometime. That could be fun." "You know, I could be up for that, depending on what day of the week it is." He said his goodbyes, and the two walked over to Robert's parents. What started out as a simple goodbye turned into a long conversation about places the retired couple would be traveling to with their newfound free time. As they were getting ready to leave, Gloria was startled as Robert was pulled in for a hug. She was even more surprised when they made room, their hands motioning for her to join in. As she did, she struggled to keep her composure. First they actually had herbivore-friendly meals that weren't just an afterthought, and now this? It was just too much! She wasn't sure how, but somehow she held it together. And with one last goodbye, they made their way outside. As they made it out to Robert's car, Gloria practically melted in the seat. "Woah, easy there..." the bull said softly, "Sorry, I probably should have warned you my family can be a bit much." "N-no, it's not that. It's just..." "Deep breath, honey," Robert said softly. Gloria took a deep, slow breath and composed herself. "I haven't really told you all that much about my family. I grew up as the only herbivore in a carnivore house. For my whole childhood, my dinner was a bagged salad and, if I was lucky, some salad dressing and scissors to cut the bag open so I didn't have to use my teeth. Holidays, birthday, didn't matter. The rest of the family would have these nice, varied meals, but nobody wanted to cook a second meal for me. I mean, it wasn't that I was a picky eater, but my body just couldn't *handle* meat. But tonight, being a goat didn't make me an inconvienience or an annoyance or anything." "Well," Robert asked, "since you've moved out, has anyone treated you that way? 'Cause if so, just let me know whose ass I'm kicking. When I was growing up, we were a carnivore, an omnivore, and an herbivore. When Dad was running late, we would just do vegetarian that night, but otherwise cooking was a family thing. I would help with washing the veggies or setting the table, Dad would handle the chopping and cutting and stuff, and Mom handled the stove and oven. It was just part of having dinner as a family, you know?" "That sounds so nice," Gloria said wistfully, "It was also strange that people were interested in hearing about me or what my goals were and stuff." "You're an awesome person, Gloria. And even if not everybody can see that, *almost* everyone can. You made a great impression tonight, and really hit it off well with everyone. Whatever happened before, you are in a place where you're respected and cared about. Not just by me, but by lots of people." Gloria rested her hand on his on the center console. "Thanks, Robert. I think... I just haven't gotten used to it yet." A short time later, they pulled into the parking lot of Gloria's apartment. "So," Robert gave her a wink, "does this sexy goat lady have any plans for the rest of the evening?" Looking off to the side in mock thought, she said, "Well, I suppose I don't. It sure would be nice if a very sharply-dressed bull showed up at my door. I don't think I'd be able to resist covering him in kisses, though. Especially if he was the sweet, loving type. Well, I guess I'd better---oh hey, a sweet, sharply-dressed bull!" The pair laughed, and got out of the car. As they walked down the hallway, Robert said softly, "You know, that dress does look gorgeous on you." "O-oh, thanks! I'm not used to wearing them, but I'm glad my big bull likes!" They reached her apartment, and Gloria opened the door and stepped inside. After the door shut behind the pair, the bull added with a chuckle, "It also shows that cute goat-butt off beautifully." Gloria turned to look up at him, reaching up to run a finger down his chest. "And this suit does nothing to hide those big, strong muscles." Robert bent down, and their lips met in a kiss. A light peck at first, but then another, and another. Gloria felt her large nipples hardening, pressing against the cups of the slightly undersized bra she was wearing. She gave a small yelp of surprise as, without warning, Robert reached down and scooped her up in his arms. She loved how effortlessly he could pick her up, holding her so easily. Catching a glance in her mirror, it struck her that they looked like a pair of newlyweds, with her being carried across the threshold. She let out a little whimper thinking about it. He carried her over toward her bed, then gently lowered her down to sit on the side of it. She looked up at him as she stepped away, a bit confused. But as the bull took a slow turn around in front of her, she realized what was going on. As he turned back to face her, she saw his hands slowly undo his necktie, watching as he slowly pulled it out from around his shirt collar. Taking a knee in front of her, he tossed an end of the tie around the back of her neck, and from the side of her vision she saw him catch it in the other hand. Using it to pull her gently forward, he planted a wet kiss on her lips before standing back up, leaving the tie draped over her shoulders. The goat girl licked her lips, loving the show. As she watched, Robert undid the buttons of his suit jacket, holding it open to give her a peek before turning away from her and pulling it off. The white button-down shirt underneath looked like it could barely contain the muscular bull, and her jaw dropped as he turned back around and casually set the jacket down. As she watched, Robert started with one button after another, working his way down with what felt like agonizing slowness to the aroused goat. After what felt like an eternity, the last button was unfastened, as the bull turned his back to her again to pull it off. He must have heard her gasp, as he gave a flex for her before turning back around. "Enjoying the show so far, sexy goat?" "Uh-huhhh..." she nodded, licking her lips again as she watched him undo first the button, then the zipper of his pants before slowly easing them down and stepping out of them. As the bull stood in front of her in nothing but a pair of red boxers, Gloria couldn't help noticing the wet spot at the top of where his sheath would be. "Looks like you're enjoying it too..." she winked up at him. "If you'd like a closer look, maybe you should give me a hand with these." "Mmm, nah. I've got a better idea than hands." Leaning forward, she grabbed the elastic band of the boxers between her teeth, careful not to get any of Robert's fur. She slowly started to pull them down, though she did have to reach around the back with her hands to get past the bull's hips. As she enjoyed the up-close look at Robert's sheath, she saw the tip of her boyfriend's cock starting to peek out. Letting her hands to do the rest of the work pulling the boxers down, she ran the tip of her tongue across the head of his cock. "Yum, tasty as always!" As her boyfriend stepped out of the boxers, Gloria said, "Your turn to watch!" As Robert took his place on the bed, she had a sudden realization. "Umm... I guess it might be hard. 'Cause it's, y'know, a dress..." "That is true, but I'm curious what you're wearing *under* that dress, so it still counts." "Yeah!" Never having done this before, Gloria swayed her hips side to side as she thought about what to do next. Though as the goat girl eased one shoulder strap off, she thought she had it figured out. She saw the naked bull sitting on her bed, and he gave her a warm smile---she was sure he could see her awkwardness, but he didn't say a word. She slid the strap off her other shoulder, running her two hands down and pulling the top of the dress slowly down with them. As it slid down, she felt her hands glide over the bra underneath and wondered if Robert would laugh at it. As the dress continued to drop, she did hear a chuckle from Robert, but she also noticed his dick sliding further out of the sheath. "My bull liiikes?" she teased, arching her back to try to make them stand out more prominently. The only thing that stood out, though, were her giant nipples. "Mmm-hmm," he replied, "I just can't get enough of your nipples, honey. And I mean, the zebra stripes are strangely hot too." "Glad you like 'em," the goat girl said with a wink. She took one in each hand, over the top of the bra, and gave them a slow squeeze for Robert to see. She let out a low, needy moan, only the tiniest bit exaggerated as part of the show she was putting on. "I can't wait to feel your hands on them, or your lips..." Reluctantly, she released them and went back to pushing the dress down. It slid pretty easily down the rest of her chest and her belly, though her hips were a bit of a challenge. Being careful not to trip over the dress, which was now half laying on the floor, she slowly turned around and bent over, trying to sexily wiggle out of it. When that didn't work, she tried to casually wiggle out of it. When *that* didn't work, Robert suggested that she could try going over her head with it instead. Feeling a bit defeated by her own body, she followed his suggestion. Tossing the dress unceremoniously to the floor, she picked up where she left off, turning around and bending over to give Robert a good look at her soft, slightly plump ass, parted by a pair of red panties. As she slowly flicked her tail from side to side, she heard an approving grunt from Robert. He definitely loved her ass, and she caught him stealing a glance fairly often when they were alone. "So..." she began, as she hooked her thumbs under the elastic band of her panties and started to ease them slowly down, "You haven't had a chance to see this since I had those changes, have you?" "Nope, but I'd love to see---woah..." Despite Gloria not spreading herself to fully show it, she let out a little smirk to herself at her boyfriend's reaction to what he could see of what had been a tight little asshole when they had first met. "Remind you a little bit of a certain slutty horse we know?" she teased, sliding the panties to the floor and stepping out of them, before turning back to Robert. The large bull just nodded, jaw dropped. "You know..." she continued, giving her covered nipples another long squeeze, "Maybe once you're done doing whatever you like with these, you could break the record for the biggest, thickest cock I've ever taken." The bull licked his lips, but then asked, "Are you sure? I wouldn't want t---" Gloria stepped over and sat down in his lap, pulling her bra off. She couldn't take it anymore, and she let out a tiny whimper as she felt her boyfriend's fur tickling her huge nipples. "Think of me as Ally, only with bigger teats and less dick. Bend me over, grab my tail, and pump my ass nice and full. Oh, and also in a fun, portable size!" She giggled at that last part. She felt the bull's big, strong hands around her hips, thinking to herself that she could never get tired of how she felt when he touched her. He traced a finger around the base of her tail. She had always loved having her tail touched, stroked, and even grabbed. As she shuddered slightly, Robert took it as a sign to continue, and she felt his hand wrap around it while the other stroked her hip calmingly. She knew what he was doing. As much as she loved tail-play, he was only doing it to tease and excite her before the main event. It always felt to her like a sign of tenderness when he did things like that. She briefly tried to grind her pussy against the bull, but realized she wasn't getting anything from it. She wasn't sure whether she considered that a downside or an upside of the changes, though. The goat did love the idea that she was pretty much anal-only now, but she did miss when her other hole still gave her pleasure. Gloria thought to herself that Robert should be okay with it, though. Like she had said a bit ago, in a way it just made her more like fucking Ally for him. Perhaps the two of them would need to double-team the bull sometime... Robert let go of her tail and moved his hands underneath her, before effortlessly lifting her up. As she looked down to watch, Robert gave her left nipple a little kiss on the tip. "More teasing, hmm?" she joked. He then did the same on the other side, giving one little kiss. "You know, I've been wanting to have them pierced or something. I'm just not sure what I want done with them yet, though. Like I've always been really self-conscious of how big they are, but... I kinda like them that way? And I know you love them too..." She playfully ruffled the bull's hair. The bull gave one of her nipples a long, slow lick from base to tip, replying, "I do, honey. Are you worried about not being able to hide them in public, though?" "I was, but lately it's a sometimes thing. Like sometimes I see myself in the mirror and go, 'Oh god, everyone can see them!', but I think that's just a holdover from my family. Even when they're really visible, it seems like people will give them a glance, then continue like it's nothing unusual. But like, I'm not sure how that would work out in a more professional setting, like if I'm going to be a scientist and stuff..." "In this day and age, I honestly don't think anyone cares. I hadn't thought about it earlier, but I should have suggested paying attention to that sort of thing for the other people there. Like even at a suit-and-tie restaurant, things like worrying about someone having neon hair, piercings, and things like that aren't really a thing anymore. I mean, Ally's are just as visible as yours, with their piercings, and they do just fine." "Uh... what I would really love is a bit more crazy..." The bull let out a laugh, "Somehow I figured as much." Taking one of her nipples between his lips, he gently sucked on it for a moment, making Gloria moan and squirm slightly with pleasure. Pulling away, he asked, "So, you want to take me tonight. How do you want to do it, honey?" "This is gonna sound silly, but I kinda want it missionary? I wanna be able to look at you when you do it, and I really want my big, strong boyfriend on top of me..." She ran her hands over his shoulders and down his arms, to reinforce her point. "Got your lube and stuff?" "I... uh... don't need it." "Need to do any before-anal cleanup?" "Actually, I don't need that anymore either. Like I kinda fully digest everything at this point..." "Oh? Well I mean, if doing my goat girl in the ass is gonna be *that* easy, it's gonna be hard to resist." He let out a laugh. "So, should I---" Gloria put her finger to his lips. "Toss me on the bed and just have your way with me. I'm a sturdy girl, you're not gonna break me." "Oh, uh, okay. Promise to tell me if I take it too far?" "I promise." "I love you, Gloria..." "I love you too, Robert..." With that, Robert stood up from the bed, turned, and dropped Gloria into it. Despite asking for it, she was still a bit startled by the suddenness. A moment later, the large bull was on top of her, and his lips met hers in a needy, forceful kiss. Almost immediately, she felt her boyfriend's tongue slide into her mouth, wrapping around hers and exploring a bit before going deeper. Having gotten used to Three's kisses, Gloria prepared herself to deepthroat it. Sure enough, she felt it find her throat and push inside it. She had to admit, one of the things she loved about large partners was what they could do with their tongues. She wondered what a giraffe kiss might feel like, for a moment. Probably not as thick, but she decided she might need to try it sometime. As Robert's tongue slowly eased out of her throat, she felt him reach down, followed by something big and hard between her legs. She felt Robert adjust position for a moment, trying to get the angle right. Satisfied, he moved back, his arms on either side of her shoulders. She wasn't sure which felt more massive: the bull above her, or the bull about to push into her asshole. Their eyes met, and she could read the uncertainty in his. Without a word, she gave him a nod. With a grunt, Robert slammed into her hard enough that she felt herself slide a few inches up the bed. Without even giving the suddenly-stretched goat a chance to get used to his size, he immediately pulled most of the way out and then forced himself in again. This time, Gloria felt the bull's huge balls against her tail. Without a word, again and again Robert pulled out and slammed back in, and Gloria was in ecstacy. Her tougher insides meant that she felt no pain, and purely felt the satisfying fullness mixed with the stretching sensation. She had been practicing with plugs, but her boyfriend's cock reached so much deeper. "BAAA!!!" It had slipped out, as she was clutching the blankets with her head rolled back. Just as she was starting to worry that she had made things awkward, Robert lowered his head next to hers and gave a moo in return. The bull's thrusts were becoming a bit more erratic, and Gloria decided to give him just a little more teasing, to push him over the edge. "Cum in me, Robert. Please don't pull out, I want every last drop of---" Suddenly, he slammed into her, and she let out a whimper as she felt him starting to cum inside her. Ever since she had gone through her changes, she had been looking forward to this. After what felt simultaneously like an eternity and far too short, Gloria felt Robert starting to pull out of her, then flopping down next to her. A moment later, all of the bull cum that had just been dumped into her started to run out of her stretched-out asshole. She thought to herself that it was a good thing she had started using a waterproof mattress cover, as she felt it pooling under her butt. After a moment's thought of scooping some up for a taste, she figured Robert wouldn't appreciate it with what was coming next. Wrapping her arms around him in a tight embrace as he laid on his side next to her, she gave her boyfriend a kiss. "I love you, Robert. That was well worth the wait..." She gave him a warm smile. "I love you too. I still can't believe you took it all. Are you sure you're okay, honey?" "I'm juuust fine," she reassured him, "You know, I just thought of something. Am I the first girl my size who has taken you?" "You're the first *anyone* your size who has. I... uh... You might have given me a bit of a new fetish..." He let out an awkward laugh. Giving him another hug, she replied, "Well, you'll have plenty of time to use your little anal... munchkin? Goblin? Well, little anal something anyway!" The two let out a laugh, then fell silent, each enjoying the feeling of being wrapped in eachother's arms. She heard the bull's voice break the silence. "You know, I'm pretty sure someone isn't done yet." "I'm n---" They were interrupted by the ring of Robert's phone. As Robert picked it up and looked at the number, he looked over at Gloria. "It's Ally. Want me to pick up?" "Yeah, let's see what they're up to." He hit the button to pick up, saying, "Hey Ally. I'm here with Gloria and---what? Oh, yeah it's just the two of us. Is everything o---yeah I'm---I can---Okay, putting you on speaker now." He laid down on his side, setting the phone down between them. "Okay, you're on speaker." "Hi," Ally said, "It's... where do I even start..." In his most soothing voice, Robert replied, "Hey, deep breaths okay? Remember, unless someone's on fire or something, you have time to breathe and think." Gloria got the impression Robert had talked Ally through quite a few things in the past. She heard a deep, shuddering breath on the other end of the phone. "O-okay, I think I can talk now. I'm sitting outside the grocery store. Could you pick me up?" Suddenly, Gloria's heart sank. "Um, Ally, do you need to be picked up, or do you need a place to stay?" "I..." She could hear the horse struggling to get the words out, "I... need a place to stay. I-it's starting to rain pretty hard, and they're telling me I can't stay here, and..." Ally was clearly struggling to hold themself together. Gloria and Robert looked at eachother, each giving a wordless nod. Gloria pointed down to the pool of drying cum from earlier, then toward the shower. She then quickly got up and hurried over to clean herself up as best she could. As she got up, Robert looked down at the phone to reply, still reassuring but with a bit of firmness. "Ally, I need you to listen to me, okay? If you can't stay there, is there another dry place you can stay until we can get there?" There was a moment of thought, then Ally replied, "Uh... not the way I am right now. That's why they're making me leave. All I have is my phone. I have nothing..." Robert heard the horse starting to cry on the other end. "Alright, so you're not okay to be out in public right now. We can work with that. It's gonna be okay, Ally. So if you're at the grocery store, there's that twisty road that leads over to the old industrial area. Know what road I'm talking about?" "Y-yeah." "There aren't any streetlights on this end of it. I know you're going to get wet, but we'll bring towels and I'll have the heater on." "Should I j---Yes, I'm leaving. Please, I j---Yes, I know how this looks f---Okay, I'm going now." There was a shuffling sound as Ally got up, and then Robert heard, "Okay, I'm gonna start walking down that way. I'm... gonna sit on a curb and try to keep my phone dry." Robert heard the shower shut off and saw Gloria frantically towelling herself off. "We'll be there in ten minutes. I promise." "Please hurry. Please..." The call ended. Standing up, Robert turned to Gloria as he rapidly got dressed and Gloria grabbed clothes out of her closet. "Okay, Ally's waiting for us in the rain. I'll explain as we go, but we're going to need towels." Quickly pulling on her shirt and some jeans, she replied, "On it. Go ahead and get the car started while I grab those and lock up here." The two split up, with Robert having just finished buttoning the undershirt of his suit as he walked out the door. Gloria reached into her linen closet, grabbing a stack of towels. After a moment's thought, she also grabbed a warm blanket before grabbing her keys and making her way to the door. Half-running down the hallway and out of the building, she was surprised to find it pouring rain. She hadn't looked at the forecast, but it had been a bit chilly and overcast before. Apparently that had turned to a cold October downpour. Still, she rushed to the car and climbed in, quickly tossing the stack behind her as Robert pulled away. "I grabbed a blanket. I think Ally's gonna need something comforting as much as the towels." She looked out at the roads passing by. Traffic was light, which was good because Robert wasn't taking it easy. He quickly brought her up to speed on where they were meeting the horse. That explained the towels. The wipers were doing all they could to keep the windshield clear, but it was barely enough. This was a part of town she didn't know well at all. Not owning a car, she hadn't really seen much outside of walking distance from her apartment. Robert seemed to know the roads well, though, racing around yet another corner. On the left, Gloria saw what looked like a grocery store. "Is that the store?" "Yeah," the bull replied, "Damn, it's busier here than I would have liked." He turned down the road where they were meeting Ally, and they saw a set of taillights in front of them. Looking further, there were a few cars on the road. He was surprised, because the old industrial district had been dead for a long time, with nothing more than unused factories remaining. They drove on, both keeping an eye on the side of the road. Even so, they almost missed the dark-furred horse in the rain. Gloria pointed, and Robert checked his mirrors. "I'm gonna need you to go get them. There's a car back there a ways, so I'll put the hazards on." He quickly pulled over, and Gloria opened the door and jumped out, shutting the door behind her. Hunched over on the side of the road was a miserable-looking Ally. "Ally, it's us! Here, let me get you to the car." The horse was unsteady, and Gloria hoped they wouldn't fall. With the size difference, it would have been almost impossible for her to help them back up. She got the door and helped Ally in as best she could. Sure enough, a set of headlights was approaching behind them. Jumping in behind Ally, she shut the door and felt Robert start to drive away. Springing into action, Gloria grabbed a few towels and laid them down, helping Ally move to sit on top of them. It was only then that she realized--- "Wait, you're naked?" Ally nodded, without a word. She put her hand on the horse, feeling them trembling and shuddering. Ally felt ice-cold. "Sorry, no time for that now. We're gonna get you warm." She threw the blanket over the two of them and snuggled in close beside Ally. "Here we go. Warm blanket, warm goat, warm car..." She was trying to match Robert's calmness on the phone, but she was scared. Robert must have heard the fear in her voice. "You're doing exactly the right thing Gloria. Ally, can you hear us?" Another nod, and Gloria heard a murmured, "Uh-huh..." "Just keep gently talking to them Gloria. I'm gonna try to keep us on the road. Visibility is almost zero out here tonight." Agonizingly slowly, Ally started to become more coherent. The horse turned to Gloria, then looked around. "Where... am I?" "You're safe, here with Gloria and me," Robert said, "We're almost to Gloria's place. We're gonna go in and talk, okay?" "O-okay." A few minutes later, they led a blanket-wrapped Ally into Gloria's apartment and helped the horse into her easychair. Gloria started boiling water to make some tea, to help warm up the still-chilled horse, then came back to talk while waiting. "So," Ally said, "I guess... I should tell you both everything. Last week, I didn't actually have permission to go to the barn and meet Three and everything. And like I was telling Gloria on the drive home, I was talking with Sally about having a few changes made, myself." "Well," the horse continued, "Sally suggested going through my day and thinking about whether the changes I was going to have made would effect my life. And at one point I was thinking out loud and didn't hear my domme---er, ex-domme--- come into the room. One thing led to another and... yeah." "But what about your stuff? Like clothes, even?" "When I arrived, she made me sell anything I owned. She bought my clothes, toys, everything... The only thing I was allowed to keep was my cellphone." "Oh," the goat girl said, "Well, it sounds like the water is starting to boil, so I'm gonna step over to the kitchen to make tea quick. Robert, do you want some too?" "Sure," Robert said. Gloria left and pulled out a few mismatched cups. Putting two teabags into the largest two and one in the smallest, she then poured the boiling water in. She then carefully brought them out to the others. "Okay," Gloria said, "so here's how I see it. Ally, you mentioned before you hadn't been feeling so great about being with her, right? This is a new, fresh start for you. I mean, you may not have consciously decided to make the jump, but if you were going to start having Sally mess with your body, I'm sure you knew your domme was gonna notice eventually." Ally nodded, and she continued, "So if you're gonna have a fresh start, horsey, I think the *real* question is what you want to do now." Ally thought for a moment, then replied, "That's actually the scary part. I mean, I don't have a lot of skills or things to go out and get a job. Pretty much ever since I left home, I was more-or-less a prostitute. I mean, how do I get a job after that?" Robert had been expecting that to come up. "Well, why don't we talk with Sally? You've seen what she does for a living, after all. That seems like something you have a perfect skillset for. I mean, not so much the lab part, but like what the other lady there does. Even if it isn't something you do there with her, maybe she could point you toward how to do it." Ally thought for a moment, as they blew on their tea. It was still too hot to drink, but just the smell was calming. "I actually really envy Three. It's like, her life is similar to the one I have---er, had---but happier, if that makes sense?" Robert wrapped an arm around the horse, giving them a gentle squeeze while being careful to not spill their tea. "It does. I haven't actually visited there, myself, but Gloria tells me it's awesome." "It really, really is..." Ally said. "So on *that* topic," Gloria said, giving the horse a wink and trying to lighten the mood, "would that lifestyle change your whole list of what would and wouldn't work for you, change-wise?" She saw the corners of the horse's mouth curve ever so slightly upwards. "Yeah, it kinda does." Robert checked the time and said, "It's probably too late to talk with Sally, but---" "Why, what time is it?" Gloria asked. "A bit after eleven." "Oh, she'll still be awake. She usually doesn't go to bed until around 2:00 or so." She turned to Ally, "Want me to text her and see if she's up for a conversation? You call the shots tonight, horsey." Ally thought for a moment. On one hand, they had already had an extremely eventful day, and part of them just wanted to sleep and wake up to a new day tomorrow. On the other hand, the horse really didn't like the feeling of limbo they currently had, and liked the idea of getting at least some direction in their life again as soon as possible. Taking a slow sip of their tea, the horse replied, "Yeah, I think I just want to get the ball rolling on that fresh start. And thank you both, so much. I don't know what I'd have done without you." "Aww, thanks! We're just helping out our very good friend in need!" Gloria was typing up a text to Sally. After checking to make sure autocorrect hadn't destroyed the message, she hit send. "Now," she said, setting the phone down, "as far as tonight goes, you're more than welcome to stay here. In the morning, we could work on getting you some new clothes, too. If we know your size, either Robert or I could go out and get you the basics." "Oh, thanks! I wear---" The horse was interrupted by Gloria's phone ringing. The goat girl picked it up, "Hi Sally! So, I'm here with Ally and Robert. Mind if I put you on speaker? Okay, just a second." She pushed a button her phone, then set it down on the arm of the easychair. "Okay, you're on." "So, what brings this group of shady individuals together tonight?" Sally asked. Ally answered, "I, uh, got kicked out..." "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that," the collie replied, "but I get the feeling you knew it was gonna happen sooner or later. So let me guess. The three of you were wondering if I have a place for Ally here, perhaps alongside Three?" "Y-yeah." There was a moment's pause on the other end, before Sally replied, "Well, I have good news and bad news. Let me start with the bad news. I don't think I actually have room to house someone else here. Like the so-called barn doesn't really have room for more than Three in it, and you've seen the inside of my house. It's cozy, but tiny." "Oh..." "*But*, that was only the bad news. The *good* news is that if you were looking for a similar arrangement, I can get something like that rolling for you. You don't have to have a setup like what Three and I have, but you just need a place where you can host visitors. That could be a house, apartment, I even know someone who uses a camper trailer for it." "Now, it sounds like you're currently homeless," she continued, "but I think we can work around that. Tell you what, I'm off at the cafe tomorrow because I traded shifts with somebody this week, so I don't need to be up early. And I've been meaning to invite Rob over here anyway. Did the three of you want to stop over tonight?" The trio had nothing planned for the next morning, so they agreed to head over. After taking a few minutes to finish their tea and talk about more lighthearted things, as well as giving Ally numerous reassurances that they were there for the horse and would make sure Ally was okay, they wrapped Ally up in the blanket and headed back outside. The rain had lightened up to a soaking shower, and they drove out to Sally and Three's home. As they pulled in, Sally walked out to greet them with an umbrella, leading them inside and to her living room. It was a bit of a tight fit, especially for Robert, but they sat down on the living room sofa as Sally sat in a comfy chair off to the side. "So," Sally began, "I think first things first. Ally, I know we were in the middle of discussing some changes you wanted. Is that still something you want to go through with? Because if it is, I would actually recommend doing that first if possible." "Oh?" Ally was surprised. "A lot of what you would be doing comes down to being sent partners with certain tastes. With some of what you are looking to have done, you would actually fill a niche that we don't really have covered currently. What that means is that you would likely have more people sent to you for testing, which means you earn more money. The only catch would be that it does mean a delay of about a month and a half as you go through your own changes and the checkup process. The reason I am suggesting it, though, is that otherwise you would need to start, then take a month and a half off, then start again with your tester criteria updated. It can be a headache." "Um... So that makes sense, but I'm not sure what I'd do in the meant---" The horse was interrupted by both Gloria and the bull covering their mouth. "You do what you want to do," Robert said, "We'll make sure you have a roof over your head in the meantime. You can alternate between Gloria's home and mine, even. That would probably work out easiest, at first." Sally looked at the bull, then the goat, then Ally. "So you've heard their input. How would you like to go about it?" Ally considered for a moment. "Well, I'd like to do the changes first, but *only* if I can pay you two back once I'm on my hooves." The horse looked at the pair sitting on either side of him, both of whom nodded. "Alright, let me go grab the form we were working on for you..." Sally walked into the next room, opened a drawer, and flipped through forms until she found Ally's. Walking back in, she turned to Robert and Gloria. "Would you two mind if we had a bit of privacy, please? Actually, this would be a great opportunity for Rob to meet Three. Oh, you can take my umbrella by the door if you would like." After the other two had left, Sally continued, "Now, let's go back through your list..." *** As Gloria opened the door, Three looked up with a smile seeing her goat friend. Then Robert stepped through the door, and her jaw dropped. "O-oh, this must be your boyfriend you were telling me so much about. You didn't warn me about how hot he is!" With a laugh, the bull replied, "And you must be the cow she was telling me about. I hear you two get up to a lot of filthy stuff in here." "We do," Three said with a wink, "but she tells me that you're not into that kind of thing." "I'm not, but I have no problem with her going out and doing it with other people. And she's promised not to tell me all the details. She was also telling me that you two are going to be going out some night together soon?" "Yup! She helped me pick out some new clothes, which actually just came in the mail yesterday. So I'm all set for that, after I take a shower." Taking a whiff of the barn, Robert chuckled, "Smells like those are a pretty rare occurance?" "Yeah..." Three said, a little embarrased, "I kinda like the smell, you know?" "Don't worry, Gloria does too," he said with a smile. Gloria looked from one to the other, happy that they seemed to be hitting it off well. She wasn't sure if they would. While Robert always seemed to find her kinks fascinating, there were quite a few he didn't share himself. She was so happy that her group of friends were all getting to know eachother, and was curious what the future might hold. And then there was Ally. It sounded like, as terrible as the situation was, the horse was starting down a happier path now. She hoped that Ally would be happy with their new life, and she knew that she and Robert would stick by the horse until they were ready to stand on their own hooves. She was snapped back to reality by Three asking Robert, "So... would you ever consider blowing a load in a cow? I know a lot aren't into the whole pregnancy thing, but I've kinda always wanted to try it. I know that demand for adoptions is at an all-time high, with inter-species relationships being so common, and I just like the idea of getting knocked-up." "You know..." the bull thought for a moment, "I think I could be into that." Gloria spoke up, "Only if I get to lick your dick clean afterward. Deal?" "Deal," Robert laughed. *** "Okay, I think that pretty much covers it," Sally said, looking over the completed form. "I've gotta say, there are at least a few things here that the folks at the lab are going to be extremely interested in. There aren't too many who say they are willing to accept this big of side-effect risk to push things further. And some of the specific changes you want are almost certainly going to be breaking new ground for them." "What can I say? Three and Gloria are just a pair of bad influences," Ally laughed. "But... the best kind of bad influences." "That they definitely are," Sally agreed, "Oh, and I do have just one last question. With all of this stuff, you know that you are going to be sacrificing quite a bit in terms of day-to-day life. Like nobody is probably going to invite you over for dinner. You're completely certain that you are okay with that?" Ally thought for a bit, then nodded. A fresh start indeed.