Changes By DaveTheFoxMage This story is a work of fiction. Any resemblence to actual people/places/events is entirely coincidental. Also, this story contains acts which should not be attempted in real life and does not constitute advice, suggestion, instruction, etc. --- Gloria waited next to the door, wearing nothing but her long coat. Her duffel bag was resting on the floor beside her. She was going to be spending the whole weekend with Sally and Three, and ever since that phone call with Sally the Saturday before, she could hardly contain herself. The goat girl couldn't decide which part she was more excited for, though. On one hand, they were going to test out the changes from the shot she had taken on Wednesday. But on the other, the things the two of them had talked about for Three... Finally, her phone dinged with a message from Sally. "Sorry I'm late, goat---forgot something at my desk. Anyway, I'm parked in the usual spot." Wait, desk? Gloria wondered if auto-correct screwed something up, as she quickly made her way down to the front door and out to Sally's car. Unlike the first time, her haste wasn't from nervousness about being naked under her coat, but from excitement over what the weekend would hold. The car door had barely finished closing behind her before the goat girl was already taking her coat off to toss it into the back seat. "A little eager, are we?" Sally laughed as the car pulled out of the parking spot. "A bit, yeah. I just can't decide if I'm more excited to test out my own changes, or Three's." "You know, you were so shy when we started talking about Three. Once the floodgates opened, though - you're a really filthy goat, you know that?" Gloria gave her nipples a firm squeeze, "Aww, you like me that way! Oh, I was meaning to ask you something. You said you left something on your desk. Autocorrect?" "Nope, I just work two jobs," the collie replied, "After all, if I was only a part-time waitress, do you really think I could afford that sort of thing?" "Yeah, I did wonder about that too..." Gloria said. "Well, let me tell you about it, since we've got some time. I do field-research for a company that makes those types of treatments. We do regular check-ups on people who are treated, for the first month. For non-sexual changes, it's usually a matter of me sitting there with a clipboard as they tell me how things are going, answering any questions they might have, and watching for any unwanted side-effects or other issues." "For sexual things," the collie continued, "it's a bit more hands-on. A lot of the people who use Three are actually doing so as part of their testing. On the other hand, if a lady catches my interest, I love to test them myself." "And they're all okay with that?" Gloria was surprised. "Well, before they are treated, the testing is discussed. For example, a gay guy probably wouldn't want to have his cum volume tested by a pair of ladies! The ones who are assigned to me are ones that are looking for that sort of thing." "So what about in my case? Like it seems like it just kinda... happened." "You and Three are a bit special. I get a *lot* of leeway with things, as long as consent is established and I report back as usual. Especially in this case, where what both of you wanted is extremely unusual. After all, the treatment that was done on you could be modified to help people with severe food allergies. As for Three... well, I'm sure there's something that could be adapted to." Sally gave her a smirk from the driver's seat. "Did... did you *really* do the things to Three that we talked about? Like, all of them?" Gloria had been sure a lot of the things she had suggested went much too far. There was no way Sally had gone through with most of them, she was sure. "Well, you'll just have to see for yourself!" The two of them discussed Sally's research job, as well as Gloria's aspirations to become a scientist herself, as the car made its way out of town. Eventually, they pulled into Sally's driveway. After carrying her coat and duffel bag to the house, Gloria was handed a blindfold to put on. She did, and was led to the barn. As the door closed behind her, she heard Sally's voice. "Three won't be speaking at first, but she will be watching your test. You will be eating four things now, each one either more disgusting or harder to digest than the last. Now for each of these, you will chew or swallow when instructed. Understood?" "Baa!" She heard the sound of Sally putting on a pair of latex gloves. --- Three watched silently, as had been discussed previously. She had been given a big jug of water to drink, but aside from that she had been told to be quiet, to not give anything away to Gloria until the time was right. After Gloria's confirmation that the goat girl was ready, she watched as Sally grabbed the first thing. "This one should be easy for you, to start with. It is toilet paper from me using the restroom, before I went to pick you up." Her eyes were locked on the cute little goat girl, as Sally pushed a large wad of toilet paper into Gloria's mouth. The collie gave her a moment to enjoy the view, before commanding Gloria to chew it into mush, then swallow. The goat girl obeyed. "Second..." Sally said, reaching for another item, "we have a pair of panties." As Gloria's mouth opened, Three's jaw dropped as Sally pushed them inside. "They are small, so they will still be pretty easy for you to swallow. I had a mouse lady over yesterday, and had her leave these. I'm sure she had no idea they'd wind up in a goat's stomach." After letting Three have a good view of them in the goat's open mouth again, Sally simply said, "Swallow." With a few loud gulps, Three watched them disappear down Gloria's greedy throat. She almost let out a needy moo, but managed to hold back. "The third is all about stretching. You see, part of making it so your body can 'handle' more is the ability to not get sick from things like that. The second part is being able to swallow things whole easily," Sally explained, putting the third item into the goat's mouth, "Yes, that is a baseball. I would like you to swallow it." The collie put a hand on Gloria's shoulder, reassuringly. After a couple of false starts, the goat girl managed to swallow it with one, determined gulp. Three couldn't keep her hands off of her pussy as she watched the large, round bulge slide down the little goat girl's neck. "How are you doing so far?" The collie was asking Gloria, though Three felt herself being watched for a reaction. "It's so good! Is Three enjoying the show?" Three vigorously nodded, not taking her hands off her pussy. "Three's definitely enjoying the show. Now, the last one is going to be another you may struggle with at first. Remember how your throat ached and felt strange the last couple days, but I told you it was okay?" "Uh-huh...?" "Now, I need you to trust me. Everything is perfectly okay." The collie took a long, wide tube and put the end into Gloria's mouth. Three was nervous about this part, herself. "Now swallow, and keep swallowing it until I say stop." Three watched as the goat girl swallowed, and then again, and again. Just as Gloria was starting to look nervous, Sally said, "Stop." Gloria's nervousness visibly grew, but right before the goat reached for the tube, Sally said, "Now breathe through your nose." There was a moment more panic as the goat was sure it would be futile, but the panic turned to confusion as Three heard the sharp intake of air. "Sorry I made you wait a little," Sally said, wrapping the blindfolded goat girl in a tight embrace, "I'm so, so proud of you... Now, a bit of 'rerouting' has happened over the last couple of days. You can now breathe through your nose with your throat full. You can't talk, of course, because the tube is in the way, but you could actually sit like this for hours and be perfectly okay." Sally leaned in close to Gloria, softly adding, "I was very tempted to tie you up for these tests, and to leave you like this for Three, but I figured you might want to explore her at your own pace." As the collie pulled the tube gently out of Gloria's throat, Sally said, "Sadly, business must come before pleasure, and I need to write up my report. Now you're a bit shy about your changes, aren't you, Three?" The cow nodded. "Okay, so I want you two to get reacquainted with eachother, but the rule is that only Three is allowed to remove your blindfold tonight, goat. Understood?" --- "Baa!" Gloria responded. She heard the sound of the barn door opening, then closing. When she didn't hear Three speak right away, she let out a timid, "Baa?" "You can talk, it's okay," she heard Three say, though something sounded a bit different. "Oh, okay! So, there's a horny goat right here... What do you wanna do to her?" She heard the sound of three moving on the bed, then taking her hand. She loved the feel of the big fingers wrapped around hers, and how small the cow made her feel. Three led her slowly to the side of the bed, then she heard the sound of the large cow climbing into it. "I want..." she heard Three trail off. "Is everything okay?" "Well, part of me wants to say something really nasty. But the other part of me wants something different... Why don't you climb into bed with me?" Gloria eased herself into the bed, reaching out slowly toward Three's voice. Her hand brushed against-- "Clothing?" Gloria asked. She hadn't heard of Three wearing it, but her hand was definitely touching a shirt. "I'd like you to explore my body, like two vanilla people would do. And as you do, just let whatever you're thinking come out. I don't want you to filter yourself even in the slightest, promise?" Gloria didn't understand, but it was clear that this was important to Three. "I promise." She started to slide her hand a bit, continuing, "Let's see... it feels like we have a nice, big belly here. That's good, because I really love those. Does it feel good when I rub it like this?" "Mo-- I mean... yes..." "If it's easier for you to just moo, there's no pressure," Gloria asked, continuing to rub the cow's belly over the shirt, "Only talk when you want to, okay?" "Mooo..." Three sounded grateful. "Now, this big belly feels really nice, but let's see what else we can find..." Without breaking contact, Gloria slowly started to move her hand up toward the cow's breasts. She added her other hand halfway there, kneeling on the bed next to Three. Feeling her hands bump up against them, she started to explore Three's large boobs. "They feel so nice and soft... I'm guessing you couldn't find a bra for them, but they feel so much better this way..." she said as she moved her hands around them. "In fact, it feels like they're bigger than before." She heard an embarassed, "...Mooo..." "They feel gorgeous. You know, I'm not sure what this shirt is made out of, but it feels almost wet. Actually..." Gloria slowly pulled a hand back and gave it an experimental sniff, "Oh wow, you're so sweaty. Why don't you give me a big moo if you haven't bathed in a while?" She went back to rubbing them with both hands. Silence. "Oh, so you've bathed lately. Why don't you give me a moo for every day it's been since then?" Silence. "You bathed today?" Gloria was starting to worry she'd hurt Three's feelings, and was half asking just to hear a reaction. "...Moo..." It was practically dripping with shame. "Oh, don't be sad! I think you smell really beautiful! I mean it!" Gloria rested her muzzle in the cow's cleavage and gave her a long, slow smell. "It's so strong, and I love that. But for now, let's keep exploring..." She moved up past Three's breasts, and up the cow's neck. She heard a soft moo - despite the embarrassment her partner obviously felt, Three was enjoying her touch. "Now up here, I know there's a cow who needs a kiss..." Puckering up, Gloria cautiously moved to where she thought the large cow's lips were. Three met her halfway. The feel and taste were incredible, but Gloria pulled away to tell Three. "I feel a very wet pair of lips, and it feels like you are practically drooling. The taste is also much, much stronger than it was before..." She moved in closer and whispered into one of Three's big floppy ears, "I'd love to have you on top, so I could swallow it while making out with you..." "Mmmoooooo," she heard Three half moo, half moan. She was glad the cow was starting to relax a little. "But now, there's ooone more place I want to explore up here." She lowered herself beside Three, burying her nose in one of her large partner's armpits. It felt like it was practically dripping on her nose, and the shirt felt saturated. She took another long, slow smell. "Mmm, you're making my mouth water, you big, musky cow. They definitely smell much stronger than before, and they're soaking wet. I could just bury myself in these all day..." It took some effort to force herself to pull away, but she worked her way slowly down the cow's belly with her hands again. She was a musk-addict at the best of times, but there was something about Three's that made her completely irresistable. Reaching the bottom of the cow's massive belly, she felt the shirt end, and then was a little disappointed to feel the start of a pair of panties. "I've never been so envious of a set of clothes before," she giggled. "Just, uh, so you know..." she heard Three's voice, "We actually fully cleaned and washed the barn today. This is even a new mattress..." Gloria almost came on the spot, "You mean everything I've been smelling since I got here is--" "It's all me..." Three sounded ashamed again. Gloria realized the panties were soaked through, all the way up to the top band. She gave one of her hands an experimental sniff. She could still smell all of the sweat, but also... "Cum?" "Mine. It drools all the time now, whether I'm horny or not. Of course, the smell means I almost always am." Gloria worked her way down to the cow's pussy, feeling and hearing the panties actually squelching as she rubbed her hand over them. "It feels like your juice is a lot thicker, too..." Gloria said, "I love that. Now to go down a bit more..." She reached down between the cow's thick thighs, and her hand bumped against something she recognized. "It feels like someone has a nice, thick plug in tonight." "Mooo..." she heard, as she rubbed and bumped it to move it inside the cow. "Well, I think that's just about everywhere?" "There's one more place left. Well, two more..." "Tw--oh!" Gloria started to slide back upward, slowly going over Three's belly and back toward the massive breasts above it. Feeling her way around them until she bumped something with her hands, she rubbed the nipples tenting the cow's shirt. "These seem bigger than I remember, but it's hard to tell through the shirt..." "Need me to take my shirt off?" the cow asked teasingly. "I have a better idea," Gloria said with a grin. Pulling the shirt up and away from Three a few inches, she took the fabric that had been covering the cow's nipple between her teeth and started to pull. As the material ripped, she heard a moan from Three. Apparently the cow *really* liked watching her eat, she thought to herself. Feeling as the piece of the shirt finally pulled away completely, she opened her mouth wide to show the cow, before swallowing it in a single gulp. "After all, if I'm gonna swallow some mouse's panties, then every last bit of what you're wearing is gonna end up in my tummy with them!" "Now, where was I..." She lowered her head back down, and her tongue found the now-uncovered nipple. "Oh wow, they are definitely bigger. Let's see..." She rubbed around it, as she flicked her tongue across the tip. Cows naturally had very large nipples, just like goats, but this was something else entirely. "So I'm sure you've measured. What size bra would you wear now, if they made it?" "O-cup..." The shame was gone from the cow's voice, which relieved Gloria. "Well, I'd say these are about three inches thick, since I can't even get my hand around it, and..." she gave the tip a slow lick, "maybe six long?" She dragged her tongue slowly from the base to the tip. "It feels pretty firm, too. I'd better check the other one too, just to be sure..." She took the piece of shirt covering Three's other nipple, ripped it off with her teeth, and swallowed it whole too. "You... you don't mind how sweaty they are?" It sounded more disbelieving than embarrassed, which she took as a step in the right direction. "Not one bit," she replied, "And I love how it tastes, too. Like it excites me even more than normal. Is there something special about that? It seems like you've had some big changes." She gave one of the cow's huge nipples a squeeze, to emphasize her point. "Um... yeah... So I kinda have a lot of pheromones now. Like not just the amount, but different kinds... Women, men, collies, goats, mice, ferals - as much as they could make me put out." Gloria giggled, "Ferals, huh? Gotta admit, I'd like to see that." She gave Three's nipple a kiss on the tip, "And *someone's* gonna have to clean you up afterwards, right? I'd love to do it for you." Without warning, Gloria suddenly felt a large pair of arms wrapped around her, pulling her down beside the large cow in a crushingly tight hug. "Thank you," Three said, "Thank you, thank you, thank you..." "Sooo," she said teasingly, "what can your nasty little goat do for you tonight, hmm?" "Well, I think we can start by getting rid of this." She felt three's hands pulling her blindfold off, giving her a look at the cow's new body for the first time. "Oh, wow!" Gloria stared at the cow. The clothing soaked through with sweat, the nipples standing proudly through the holes bitten in the shirt, the panties see-through from cow-cum---to the horny goat girl, it was pure perfection. After letting her take in the view for a moment, Three said, "Now, I should get these clothes off. Being naked feels so much better. And I think I know just where all of this filthy, sweaty stuff belongs..." Gloria felt the big cow rest a hand on her belly. Three sat up, and as the sweaty cow lifted her arms to start pulling off the shirt, Gloria saw a discolored trail of armpit sweat all the way from the sleeves to the bottom of each side. The goat licked her lips, her hand finding her clit before she even realized what she was doing. Though when she rubbed it, she felt strangely little pleasure. She looked down, confused. "Oh," Three said, "that's kinda my fault. Why don't you try rubbing your asshole instead, goat?" Gloria hesitantly reached around behind her. As her finger touched the edge of her hole, she let out an involuntary moan. "I told Sally a nasty goat like you really should be anal-only, and she agreed." Gloria nodded, finding herself agreeing too. "Besides, she needed to make you more stretchy all the way down, unless you think you can digest a baseball, goat." Three looked at Gloria, who was already staring back at the cow and licking her lips. "Oh, you've never been used like a little trash can before, have you?" Gloria shook her head, watching every move as the cow slowly peeled her shirt off. The cow held it in front of her face, and she buried her nose in it to get a good smell. The goat girl couldn't keep from letting out a needy moan. "So, how should we do this. Want to eat it at your own pace, or---" Gloria interrupted by sliding close beside the cow, whispering into one of Three's big, floppy ears. "We both know what you want. You want to crumple it up and get part of it into my mouth. And then you want to *push* more in. You want to *force* it down my throat as fast as your little trash-goat can swallow. It's not enough making me breathe your scent, watching as it turns me on more and more... You want to *make* me swallow it, knowing with every gulp you own me more and more. Until even when my poor tummy belches, it smells like you. Am I right?" She felt the cow shudder against her, and decided to continue. "I know you have so many things you want to do to me, you beautiful cow. And just wondering what they might be gets me sooo wet..." "Alright," Three said, "I can't wait any longer. Open wide." Gloria did, and a moment later, a piece of the shirt was pushed into her mouth. She started to swallow. It was easier, after the practice she had while blindfolded. Knowing her body could handle it helped quite a bit. No sooner had she taken the first gulp than she felt more being pushed in, hard. She swallowed a second time, a strained "Glrk!" escaping her mouth. As she felt the shirt sliding deeper down her throat, she wondered if this was what Ally felt when they talked about being used like an object. She thought to herself that she could definitely get used to this, as she swallowed again. The taste was overwhelming, and she suddenly realized she had three of her fingers buried in her ass, without any lube at all. Even with the practice she'd had so far, normally that would have hurt, or at least ached. But now? She wanted more. As Three kept pushing the shirt in, the cow explained, "Oh yeah, and two last things. Your asshole stretches and heals much easier, but goes back to normal much slower. Also, about half the pain receptors have been replaced with pleasure ones." Gloria kept swallowing, listening with growing excitement. "It wouldn't surprise me if you can't even cum from your clit or pussy anymore," the cow continued, "With how good anal will feel for you now, I don't think you'll miss it one bit, though." Gloria felt the last of the shirt sliding down her throat, with one final gulp. She winked up at Three, "I can't get enough of how your sweat tastes now..." Now that she wasn't gulping down the cow's filthy shirt, she was able to get a better look. Three was practically glistening with sweat, as the cow took a huge drink from another jug of water. As she looked at the cow's beautiful belly, she thought she noticed something else. Running a finger around the rim of Three's bellybutton, she asked. "So is it just me, or did this get bigger too?" Three gave her a grin, "Bigger, deeper, and more sensitive. I take it that was your idea?" Gloria slid her finger inside, and Three let out a moan, arching her back as if offering her massive belly to the small goat girl. "You need this, don't you cow?" "...Moo..." "Nah, I think I wanna make you say it this time. What's got you so excited, hmm?" She slid her finger back out, rubbing it around the rim again. "I... I want..." Three trailed off, still a little embarrassed. Gloria wasn't letting the big cow off that easily, though. She gave the cow a push, and Three laid back onto the bed. "I could finger it," she said, still rubbing the rim, "lick it, or even push a few fingers in and try to stretch it wider. But you know..." she pulled her hand away, smelling her finger with the cow's eyes locked on her. "When I was here before, you loved me licking Sally's spit out of this musky hole so much. You love me being a dirty goat, but you love being a filthy cow just as much, don't you?" "U-uh-huh," came the hesitant reply. "So, what should I do with you right now, hmm?" She went back to rubbing around the cow's navel, to encourage Three to answer. "C-could you spit in my bellybutton?" Three asked hesitantly. "Mmm, I don't think so," Gloria said, quickly following with, "But I think I know something you'd like even better." Three let out a moan of half frustration, half arousal. "I need to piss, and I think I know juuust where you'd like me to do it." Taking Three's frantic nodding as a yes. Gloria climbed up and straddled the cow's belly, facing the foot of the bed. As she looked over her shoulder and down at Three's hands clutching her massive nipples, she said, "So, what kind of a cow are you?" --- "A... a nasty one?" Three said. Despite not always sticking to the same role, Gloria taking charge like this came as a complete surprise to her. "That's right," she heard Gloria say, "And nasty cows like you get rewarded..." She saw Gloria bend forward, followed by the goat girl's tail slowly being lifted up. "Do you like the view?" "Uh-huh..." Three moaned. "So," she heard the goat ask, sure Gloria was dragging things out to tease her, "ever been pissed on before, Three? This is my first time doing it." "No," Three said, "but... I want to try it with you." "Aww... okay, here it comes." Her eyes were fixed on the goat girl's pussy, carefully lined up over her. She felt the goat's legs relax around her, followed by the first drips of piss falling into her navel. Three watched and felt as the drips became a stream, and let out a deep groan as she felt her bellybutton fill up and start to overflow. A moment later, she watched and felt it streaming down the side of her immense belly, pooling on the mattress underneath. Unable to help herself, she let out a needy moo as the stream slowed to a trickle, then to drops as she watched. Three hadn't been sire what to expect, having just asked for it in the heat of the moment, but it had felt so---" "Felt good, didn't it?" Gloria asked. All Three could do was nod. "Since you liked the show so much..." She felt the goat's hand suddenly push into her sopping-wet pussy, "Let's see if this stuff excites you as much as it does me." Three's jaw dropped as she saw the goat's slime-coated hand reaching under that short, stubby tail, spreading it up and down her own asscrack. Gloria pushed her hand into Three again and again, and Three watched the smaller girl cover her tight little holes in the cow's thick pussy slime. "It feels so nice and thick..." she heard Gloria say, as the goat started to slide off her belly, until she felt the goat's furry asscheeks against her large breasts. "Does it smell good, you dirty cow?" Three could hold back no longer. Grabbing the goat girl's hips, she lifted Gloria and pulled those sloppy holes to her muzzle. As her tongue pushed into Gloria's pussy, she heard a startled bleat from above. She knew Gloria no longer felt the same pleasure as before from it, but she just had to taste it. "That's it, you horny cow---use your goat. Just make yourself cum nice and hard from eating your cum out of me..." While the sensation wasn't doing anything for Gloria, the goat was enjoying the feeling of being taken like this by the large bovine. After Three had thoroughly licked Gloria's pussy and clit clean, she needed more. Almost in a haze, she started rimming Gloria with utter abandon. She felt Gloria squirm and shudder as her tongue went to work, and wondered briefly if the goat had ever been on the receiving end of a rimjob. Three had given them before, but only extremely rarely. She mostly enjoyed being the filthy one having her body worshipped, rather than the one doing the worshipping. But as she was slurping her own juices off of Gloria's needy asshole, Three was in absolute bliss. As her lust-crazed mind slowly returned to normal, she was just about to pull away when she felt Gloria's arms wrap tightly around her belly as the goat girl let out a long, loud bleat. Three smiled to herself, deciding she could lick a *little* longer. A few minutes (and a few orgasms) later, she felt Gloria go limp on top of her. Gently helping the small goat off of her and down to the bed, she gave Gloria a gentle hug as she heard a sigh of contentment. Already knowing the answer, Three asked, "Need a minute?" "Yeah..." Gloria replied, "I've... never had anyone do that to me before..." "Well, you're one of the few I've ever given one too." "Why is that? Just not into it, or...?" Three took a slow breath, collecting her thoughts. "It's not so much that. More that I'm afraid of being on that side of a lot of things." "Worried you'll get carried away?" "Yeah. I think I told you before that I don't really stick to a dominant or submissive role. But I guess I'm worried that if I poke too much into the submissive side... I'll start to feel ashamed of myself?" She let out a sigh, "I'm probably not explaining it well. But like take how I felt about these changes, only a thousand times stronger." "You're worried that being a bit subby will change who you are?" Gloria propped herself up on her arm next to Three. "Not who I am, but... how I see myself?" She was struggling to find the right words, when she felt Gloria's lips on her breast---it was the closest place to give a kiss, she supposed. "I don't think any less of you because you did that just now," Gloria replied, "You were a sexy, super-awesome cow lady when I got here, and you're a sexy, super-awesome cow lady now. Besides, how do you feel about me, after I took charge there for a bit?" Three thought about that for a moment, "Okay, so this may sound weird, but... I kinda liked when you did it? Like it didn't feel to me like you were 'in charge', but more like you were guiding me." She felt Gloria give her another kiss on the breast, followed by, "When you're the one having me do things, I feel the same way. I don't feel like you're making me do anything. You're letting me do the things I wanna do, and just guiding me through it." Three took another deep breath. She was afraid of what she was about to ask, but she knew she would never stop worrying if she didn't. "How... can you be around me? Like with all the stuff that's changed and everything?" "Well, I actually *like* the way you smell. I *like* the way you taste. You're just a big, awesome cow lady, you know?" She heard the goat let out a giggle, "Besides, who else could feed me a shirt soaked in *that* much yummy sweat?" She felt Gloria shift next to her, then a long, slow lick under her arm to drive the point home. "But you have a boyfriend. And from what I understand he works out and is all hot and stuff..." Three felt a tear run down her cheek. "Aww, no crying now," She felt Gloria wipe the tear away, "It feels like you're not just talking about sex here, are you?" "No," the cow shook her head, "I think it started that way, but kinda went from there..." --- Suddenly, a brilliant idea occurred to Gloria. "Hey, I know! Why don't you two meet eachother?" "Wait, like going out somewhere? Uh, the only shirt I owned is..." Gloria felt Three's large hand patting her belly. She slid up next to Three, to whisper in the cow's ear. "Getting churned up in my tummy after you forced it down my throat?" She heard the cow let out a moan. She loved how Three got so into her talking like that. "Well, then maybe he could come here," Gloria replied, "He's got a thing for big tummies like yours, just like I do. Though, ah, he's a bull." Three's ears perked up, "Oh? I've... no, it's stupid." "Not one thing you have said to me since we've met has been stupid," Gloria said, "and I'm sure whatever you have to say now isn't gonna break that streak." "Well, I've always kinda had a fantasy about getting knocked-up by someone, but in kind of a special way..." "Oh?" "Yeah. Like I've always wanted to have it happen somehow where I don't know whose it is. Like their name, what they look like, anything," Three let out a sigh, thinking about it. "You know..." Gloria asked, "has anyone but me been around you since your changes? Well, and Sally of course." Three shook her head. "Well then, in the name of science, we pretty much *have* to test how effective your pheromones are now, right?" "Nobody is gonna want me like this, though. Besides you, apparently." Gloria gave the large cow a wink, "But that's perfect, right? Like what if yours are so strong that you're completely irresistable? What if we have to put warning signs around you, because one whiff of this cow will have anyone hard and ready to go? What if you can't go near actual farms anymore, because some feral will jump the fence just to plow you?" She heard Three let out a moan and squeeze her massive nipples next to her. "Since you have them for basically everything, what if even gay guys or straight girls can't stay away from you? People would be lined up out the barn door just to fuck you. And w---" She was interrupted by Three rolling toward her, grabbing her head and going in for a kiss. As the cow's large lips parted, Gloria felt her mouth filling up with cow drool. She wrapped her arms around behind Three's large neck. Suddenly, a gurgle rose up from her stomach, and she felt it rise until she let out a big belch into Three's mouth. The cow paused for a moment, and Gloria was just about to break the kiss and apologize when she felt Three return the favor. Her cheeks puffed out for a moment, before the cow's belch made its way out Gloria's nose. Three pulled away and asked breathlessly, "You like fucking nasty cows, huh?" Gloria nodded enthusiastically. "Good," Three said, "because I love fucking this gross little goat. So, uh... I kinda had something else I wanted to feed you, but I'm kinda having second thoughts..." "Worried it will be too much for me?" Gloria asked, a bit surprised. Three shook her head. "Well... I kinda want to try eating it myself, and since I'm sure I wouldn't be able to keep it down, I could puke it into your mouth." "Oh wow!" Gloria said, her tail flipping back and forth excitedly. "So what is it?" Three propped herself up on a couple of pillows, to recline comfortably. "See the bucket next to the bed over here? Why don't you grab the big funnel from the top of it and put it in my mouth?" As Gloria reached to grab it, Three added, "You're going to want to pour it in quick---I know I won't be able to make it long, and I want to get it all in." The cow opened her mouth, and Gloria slid the funnel in. It looked big enough to hold the whole bucket at once. Looking down it, the short, wide neck gave her a pretty good view into Three's maw. Grabbing the bucket next, she popped open the lid and saw... "Earthworms?" Three nodded at her, and Gloria slid over next to the large cow. "You want to feel them squirming in you, don't you?" Another nod, and a groan echoed up the funnel. "Do... you want to try just one first?" After a moment's pause, Three nodded. Gloria reached into the bucket and grabbed one. She held it up over the funnel, high enough that Three could see it past the plastic funnel. "Are you hungry, you nasty cow?" Three nodded. "See how much it's squirming? Just think about how that's gonna feel sliding down your throat." She heard another groan echo up the funnel. "You were thinking about that even before I got here, weren't you? Thinking about sneaking one for yourself?" She bent in close, whispering into Three's ear and holding the worm lower, "Why don't you give it a lick if even Sally doesn't know you're a disgusting vore-loving cow?" As she watched, Three's tongue snaked up through the funnel, feeling around until it found its target. It bumped the worm, and then gave a long, slow lick. Gloria patted Three's belly with her other hand. "You've always loved getting bigger and bigger, and this is just the next step, isn't it?" Three nodded. "Well, I think I've teased this hungry cow for long enough. Here it comes!" With that, Gloria let go. She watched it slide down into Three's mouth, then disappear down the cow's throat. Lowering herself back down, she whispered, "So I used to talk to someone who was into this. She said it is addictive, feeling it slide down, feeling it squirm in her tummy, and feeling the squirming slowly stop. She said she always swallowed whole, because she loved knowing it was her belly doing it rather than her teeth. Your mouth is already watering for more, isn't it?" Gloria gave her fingers a slow lick, feeling Three shudder as the cow watched. "Oh, did my big vore-cow just cum?" Three nodded, then let out a small belch. "You know, I have an idea..." Looking around, she found one of Three's plugs in a table next to the bed. It was a bit less thick (probably one the cow had been stretched too wide for), but perfect for what she had in mind. "I'll keep your secret, vore-cow, if you can keep them all down. But I'm gonna help you. As soon as you finish swallowing, I am gonna hold this plug in your mouth so nothing can get out. Do we have a deal?" Three hesitated for only a moment, then nodded eagerly. Making sure the plug was within easy reach, Gloria took the bucket and quickly tipped it into the funnel. Telling herself that she would need to ask just how many earthworms had been inside, she saw that her earlier guess about the funnel size had been correct---they just barely all fit. Setting the bucket aside, she took the plug and watched. She heard one loud gulp after another, and with each one saw the level of the worms in the funnel drop. About halfway through, she felt Three start to gag and choke, but after a pause to collect herself, the cow continued determinedly gulping them down. --- For a moment, Three was sure she wasn't going to be able to swallow them all. As much as her secret fantasy finally coming true excited her, her stomach was definitely rebelling at the squirming, wriggling intrusion. She tried to think of something else---lyrics to her favorite song, a cruise she had taken once, even mundane things about her old desk job---but nothing helped. As she felt it all coming up, she thought about how easily Eleven seemed to be able to do things like this. And seeing the goat staring down at her in fasicnation, she knew she couldn't disappoint her small friend. Wtih renewed determination, she forced it back down and went back to gulping down more. She was surprised to find that the sensation of them going down her throat was the biggest challenge. Once they got to her stomach, she actually loved the feeling. She was sure she would get used to the feeling in her throat, if Eleven helped her indulge her secret kink. She hoped Eleven was enjoying this half as much as she had enjoyed watching the goat swallow the baseball. Suddenly, there were no worms left to gulp down, and Three felt queasy as what she had just swallowed sunk in. The funnel was quickly pulled out of her mouth and replaced by the large plug that had been on her end table. Eleven then laid down next to her and wrapped an arm behind her head, holding the plug tightly with both hands. It was just in time, as suddenly she felt it coming up again, and this time there was no stopping it. "It's okay Three," Gloria calmly said as she retched and puked in her mouth, "I'm gonna hold it all in for you. Deep breaths through your nose now, can you do that for me?" Her mouth full of wriggling worms and vomit, Three took a slow, shuddering breath in through her nose, then let it out. Then another. Then one more. "You're doing so well, Three! You're a really amazing cow," Gloria reassured and comforted her, "Now, try to take one gulp of it back down. You can do it!" After one more slow breath to psyche herself up, Three gulped them down again. It was far worse the second time around. Gloria continued to hold the plug tight inside her mouth, though. Three found it weirdly comforting that her friend was trying to help her. This time, it stayed down, and she slowly re-swallowed the rest of what was in her mouth. After several seconds that were somewhere in between extacy and agony, Three was confident that everything was going to stay down. She turned and gave Gloria a nod. The goat girl slowly pulled the plug out of her mouth, then gave her belly a very gentle rub. "Just when I thought this big belly couldn't get any sexier, you just had to go and prove me wrong, didn't you?" Running a finger around the rim of her large bellybutton, Gloria continued, "You know what makes it even hotter? You're gonna be feeding me those same worms tomorrow, after your tummy is finished with them." The goat let out a giggle, "We're like superheroes, Vore-Cow and Toilet-Goat!" "You... you really didn't mind?" "Mind? Not one bit! So, you've probably noticed I kinda like, um, bigger partners, right? You, my bull boyfriend, a horse... Well, part of it is that I like how big and powerful they feel." "Even me?" She may be a lot of things, but she never thought of herself as "powerful". "Even you. Look at it this way. How many worms was that?" "Uh, twelve dozen..." "Okay, so that's a hundred and forty four worms that are all churning up in your belly right now. That you ate without any hesitation besides your body struggling a bit. Right?" Feeling the squirming sensation slowly weaken inside, Three replied, "Yeah. They're starting to stop squirming now." "See? You're such a big, strong cow!" Three wasn't sure what to say, but as she felt a belch rising, she realized she didn't need to say anything. Pulling the goat girl close for an open-mouthed kiss, she let it out right into Gloria's mouth, before pushing her worm-slime-coated tongue down the smaller woman's throat. She felt Gloria shudder and tremble against her, and decided to help push the goat over the edge. Without breaking their kiss, she slid one hand down Gloria's back, around her tail and down her asscrack. As she rubbed against Gloria's tight asshole, she felt her partner pushing back against her touch. Feeling a second belch rising up, she wrapped one arm tighter around Gloria, to hold the goat in place. Just as the belch made it out of her mouth and into Gloria's, she pushed an unlubed finger into that tight hole. She felt Gloria let out a loud bleat into her mouth, but the goat didn't seem to be squirming or struggling. In fact, Eleven seemed to be trying to push back for more. She rubbed a second large finger against the hole, and felt Eleven's hands wrap around her big nipples. Taking that as an invitation to continue, she forced her second finger in beside the first. She broke the kiss as Eleven let out a long, loud whimper, their lips still joined by strings of saliva. "Too much?" She saw the goat look over at the plug that had just been in her mouth, before turning to the cow and saying, "I want that plug forced into me tonight. By you." Three looked at the plug, then back at Gloria. It would be massive for the small goat, and far too large normally. But with the stuff that had been changed... "Alright, but we're gonna use lube, okay?" "Okay!" Gloria eagerly got up, as Three felt her finger's slip out of the goat's tight asshole. As Three grabbed the large bottle of lube from the drawer of the bedside table, she asked, "So, you want it forced in. How forceful do you want it?" Gloria looked up at her. "Well, my ass feels a lot less pain than it used to, right? And it heals fast, right?" "Yeah, I think Sally said about half as much pain, a tenth as much tightening, and five times faster healing. Or something like that." She saw the goat think for a bit, before replying "Well, I have an idea. Your pussy juice pretty much made you lose control a bit earlier. Why don't you take your panties off and stuff them in my mouth. I'll be sucking the juice out of them, and you just force it in, okay?" Three hesitated, "What if you feel something, uh, tearing?" "Well, I'm hoping between the juice and the changes, I can still take it. After all, it'll heal right up." Gloria gave her a reassuring wink. "Hmm, I think I have an idea I like better," she said, setting the plug down on the floor, "Why don't you start lubing up your hole and the plug and while I take these soggy panties off?" Eleven did as she suggested, and Three slowly peeled her panties off. Rleven hadn't been exaggerating about them---they had soaked through a long time ago. She then got down onto the floor, where the goat was just finishing with the plug. Thinking to herself that the goat girl had said she liked big, powerful partners, Three grabbed Gloria from behind without warning, positioning the much smaller woman so that Gloria's hooves were on either side of her head and lifting her off the ground. Gloria let out a bleat of surprise, but then relaxed in her arms. "Give me a bleat when your asshole is in the right spot and resting on the tip," She carefully adjusted Gloria until she heard a nervous bleat. "Okay, last chance to back out..." She felt Gloria work her hands free and reach downward. "Just spreading my butt a bit to make it go in easier," the goat explained, "Okay, I'm ready." Three awkwardly grabbed her panties from the bed and pushed them into the goat's open mouth, careful not to move her out of position. She silently counted to ten, to make sure her juices had time to work their magic, then slammed Gloria down. She wasn't sure what she had expected. Some resistence from the goat's hole trying to stretch, perhaps? But one thing she hadn't taken into account was that a goat's tight asshole wasn't even going to slow down hundreds of pounds of combined body weight. The goat's asscheeks went straight down to the floor. In a panic, Three immediately lifted Gloria back up, but the plug had already fully buried itself inside. "Oh my god, are you okay?! I'm so sor---" she bellowed, but was cut off by Gloria's held-up hand, followed by a gesture that seemed like the small goat wanted to be set down. Three set her down as gently as she could, still terrified of what she had just done. Slowly and carefully, Gloria turned around to face her. Without a word, the goat gave a big gulp, and Three saw a bit more of her panties slide into Gloria's mouth. Seeing that Gloria somehow appeared to be okay, Three's hands made their way under her large belly and down to her clit. Gloria's eyes closed, and she gave another gulp. Bit by bit, Three watched as the filthy garment was pulled into the goat girl's mouth, until (three bovine orgasms later) the last bit of fabric disappeared. But just as she was about to check on her small partner, Gloria climbed back onto the bed, motioning for her to follow. She climbed up and laid on her back next to Gloria, who leaned in next to her ear. "Don't worry one bit, you big, sexy cow. We *both* wanted what you just did to my poor little hole. The show afterward was my way of thanking you. I'll bet right now you're wondering what it looks like, aren't you?" Ashamed at how quickly her concern had turned to arousal, Three gave a nod. "You love how yours feels, and part of you always wished for someone else to be like you." It wasn't a question. It wasn't wrong either, Three thought to herself. "In fact..." Gloria said, slowly climbing up to rest her ass against the cow's large breasts, then leaning forward to lay on her belly, "I think you should take a good look." Three's eyes widened in shock. The base of the plug was wide enough that the goat's asscheeks were spread apart by it, and the tight pussy underneath the plug was pulled open from the stretching. What she could see around the plug looked red and raw. "Think a goat will ever be big enough to satisfy me again? Or even a dog?" Gloria asked teasingly. "Hmm... I'm going to need to take a better look, to *really* know for sure," Three teased back, having regained her composure. "Well then, you'd better pull it out," the goat girl replied, tail wiggling. Three gave a small, experimental pull. It didn't feel like Gloria's hole was clenching too tightly, so she gave a firm, steady pull. She felt some resistance as the widest part of the plug reached the outer rim and slowly passed through, hearing a loud groan from Gloria. Once she was past that point, Three slowly pulled it the rest of the way out and dropped it on the bed, getting her first look. Sure enough, the outer rim was red and raw, and she could see a few places where it had clearly torn. But sure enough, it had healed quickly. "How does it look?" Gloria asked excitedly. "Uh... how do I say this...?" Three wondered aloud, "You're dripping lube in my cleavage, and your shithole isn't even trying to close up. I'm pretty sure I can smell what you had for breakfast, and I'm not sure if you'll even be able to go home without taking that plug with you to keep from shitting all over Sally's car." Gloria looked over her shoulder and gave the large cow a wink, "So, basically the perfect hole?" "Pretty much..." Three replied, wondering what kinds of things the two of them would be able to do together now. "Hmm, not quite, huh?" Gloria teased. "I think I know just the thing!" She saw the goat grab the bucket the worms had been in. Sliding briefly to the side, the goat lowered her body and raised her hips, then poured the remaining worm slime onto her ruined hole. Then, in a needy whimper, said, "Eat me, miss cow. Pretty please?" Maybe it was the worm slime. Maybe it was the sexiness of that hole. Maybe part of it was the goat girl begging to be eaten, but the next thing Three knew, she had once again grabbed Eleven by the hips and was slurping away at the goat's shithole. Even when a sloppy-sounding fart escaped from the goat, Three didn't slow down. "That's it, Three! Eat me out, you hungry vore-cow! Dozens of worms couldn't fill you up, so now you need a goat for dessert, huh?" Her small partner's encouragement, combined with the reminder of all the worms she had swallowed just a bit ago, pushed Three over the edge. --- Gloria was lying atop Three's large, soft belly in extacy. She had gone from never having been rimmed to enjoying her second time in a single evening. And from the way Three was holding her almost tightly enough to hurt, she could tell the big bovine was enjoying herself, too. Without warning, she felt Three's tongue start to push deeper into her ass. Since she had started playing with Robert and others, she had discovered very quickly that anal was her favorite, but she had never felt nearly this sensitive. Not only did her outer ring pick up on every touch or puff of breath from Three, but she felt far more sensitive deeper inside. With one final push, she felt the cow's jaws around her hips, the long tongue as deep inside as her large partner could reach. She felt a shudder run through her body as her orgasm hit. Mirroring Three, she tightened her embrace of the cow's belly as she rode it out. When it had passed, she felt Three's tongue slowly, gently sliding out of her ruined shithole as she went limp on top of the cow. Carefully, she climbed off and laid down beside Three, using the cow's arm as a pillow. They each opened their mouth to say something, but at a loss for words, both decided to go in for a kiss instead. Gloria could taste the worms, as well as the familiar taste of ass, mixed with the new experience of it being her own she was tasting on someone else's lips. When they finally pulled apart, it was Three that spoke first, her eyes half-lidded. "You are so, sooo incredible... I mean, I've fucked a lot of people---men, women, whoever. But you are just so awesome..." "Took the words right out of my mouth," Gloria said, "And don't worry, your secret's safe with me. So, is Sally gonna think you fed me the worms then?" "Oh, Sally doesn't know they are specifically worms. I, uh, had them delivered separately. See, Sally actually pays me as a 'lab assistant'. I just happen to live in her shed. But I order things all the time, so those were just another thing. Gotta admit, it would be easier if I got out more, though." Gloria looked up at Three, "So, I've been wanting to ask, but I wasn't sure how. That's probably the best lead-up I'm gonna get, though. Don't you ever want to leave and go places? Like if you don't have clothes or anything, you must mostly stick around here?" Three gave a nod. "So, you know me as Three, right?" "Yeah," Gloria replied, curious where this was leading. "Well, before I was Three, I was... someone else. And honestly, I didn't like that someone all that much. Like, I did some things I'm not very proud of. The guy I was with never knew, and I never told Sally. I just made sure she promised to never, ever call me anything but Three." "You wanted to disappear?" she asked, a bit surprised. "I did. At least, I wanted to disappear from the public eye. Nobody from back then would recognize me now, but by the time I started to think about starting a new life, I had kinda grown comfortable with this one. It certainly has its perks..." The cow gave one of her massive nipples a squeeze and let out a moan. "But there are times where I want to go out again. It's just that I wouldn't even know where to begin, you know?" Gloria gave the big cow a hug, replying "Maybe I can help! Even if you always just live here in the barn, we can get you to the point where it's your home, rather than your whole life." "I'd... I'd like that..." Three gave Gloria a warm smile. "So," Gloria continued, "Why don't we start with clothes. I mean, we just *urp* took a big step backward on those..." She gave an exaggerated burp, then let out a giggle. But I think our first step is gonna be getting you some less-delicious clothes!"