Gloria Visits the Barn By DaveTheFoxMage This story is a work of fiction. Any resemblence to actual people/places/events is entirely coincidental. Also, this story contains acts which should not be attempted in real life and does not constitute advice, suggestion, instruction, etc. --- "Whew, that was a rough one!" It was another Friday night, and Gloria slid the shoulder-strap of her messenger bag off and set it down next to the door. It had been a difficult week, and while she was nervous at what the weekend might hold, she had to admit she got wetter the more she thought about what she had planned. She was going to visit the barn/shed Sally had told her about the week before. She was also going to meet "Number Three". Gloria had half an hour before she was getting picked up, so she flopped down on her easychair. Sally lived a bit out of town, and Gloria didn't have a car. Normally, everywhere she would want to go was a short walk away. She walked to work, school, her apartment, and even sometimes "accidentally" took a wrong turn and caught a glimpse of Robert working at the gym as she walked past. She debated starting up an RPG she was in the middle of playing through, but thought better of it. The goat girl knew she would either lose track of time or would be too busy watching the clock to enjoy the story, and she didn't want either of those. Instead, she just thought about what was coming. "Okay, I admit it," Gloria said to nobody in particular, "I'm nervous. Like what if something goes wrong? What if the cow lady doesn't like me? What if I just screw everything up? Or what if I get there, and I'm so far out of my depth that I end up hating the whole thing?" *ding* She looked down at her phone, and saw a message from Sally. "Done with school?" "Yeah," she replied, unsure how to phrase what was going through her mind. "Nervous?" "I think I'm just scared it'll be too much for me when I get there. Like a rollercoaster, you know?" "Okay, deep breath sweetie. I'm walking out to my car, and we can talk on the way. See you in about 20!" Gloria took a deep breath, held it a couple seconds, then slowly let it out. She loved how Sally was always so confident and reassuring. When they had planned this during the week, Gloria was so excited about it and the nervousness never even crossed her mind. But when she was alone, the doubts and nervousness crept back in. Suddenly realizing she hadn't packed her bag in the chaos of the week, she pulled up the instructions Sally had given her. "Bring your favorite blanket and your bowl, goat. Wear only that long coat you wore Tuesday. I will text you when I arrive." That shouldn't take long. Gloria grabbed a duffel bag, folded up her favorite blanket from the bed, and put it inside. She then started to undress. The act of getting ready seemed to help with the nervousness, and by the time she had tossed her shirt and pants into the laundry bin, she was feeling a bit more comfortable. She closed her eyes a moment. "Just a farm animal. Baa..." With a giggle, she pulled her panties off and went to her closet. The coat would definitely cover her, but it felt very strange to put on. Compared to the normal warmth she felt under it, every movement meant a bit of air swirling against things normally covered by other layers. Fastening the buckle on the belt and making sure it was snug, she walked across the apartment to check herself out in the mirror. Gloria saw exactly what she might any other day - just a goat girl wearing a jacket in the cool fall weather. The lack of clothes underneath was her little secret. She gave herself a wink in the mirror, then waited for Sally's arrival. A few minutes later, she heard a ding. The message was simple. "Black car, goat." Gloria tucked her phone into her duffel bag and walked out the door to the parking lot. The sun had set, leaving the cars obscured by the darkness. Going toward the only one that was running, she opened a rear door and put her duffel bag in before climbing into the front seat herself. As she reached for the seatbelt, she heard two words. "Strip, goat." She looked over at Sally, her eyes wide. Sally gave her a smile. "There's only one light in this parking lot, the campus is deserted, and we're going out to the country. The coat was just to get you from your apartment to the car." A shiver ran up Gloria's spine, but she gave a bleat and a nod, then unbuckled her coat. It took a bit of maneuvering to take it off inside the car, but she reached back to set it next to her bag. After Gloria fastened her seatbelt, Sally started to drive. "So," the collie said, "it sounds like you're a little nervous?" "Yeah," the goat girl replied, having figured out how to explain it, "Like, it's one thing to watch something and fantasize about being the girl in a video. And it's one thing to tell a sexy dog lady that you're into something and want to try it..." She looked over to see Sally grin in the light of the dashboard. "But actually doing it is kinda scary, you know?" "I know, that is actually more common than you probably think. So, what scares you, do you think?" "I mean, I said I wanted to jump in the deep end, and--" "I believe your exact words were 'break me in hard,' but yeah." "Well, what if it happens and it's just too much for me?" "It will be just like last time. Things can stop anytime you like. If things go a bit far for you, just tell us and we stop immediately." They drove in silence for a moment, the glow of the city lights disappearing behind them. Gloria looked down at herself, illuminated by the glow of a full moon through the windows. Her fur was ruffled slightly by the air coming from the car's vents, and the feel of it blowing over her exposed nipples was also starting to excite her. "You know, I really like how this feels..." "I really like how that looks, too," came the reply. "So... um... this is kind of a weird thing to say, especially with what we were talking about before?" Gloria trailed off, hesitant. "Go ahead, sweetie, you can tell me." "Well, you know how I said I kinda get really pulled into things when I'm horny?" "Yeah, I do. It also makes you accidentally show lewd videos to unsuspecting waitresses," Sally laughed. Thankful for the collie lightening the mood, Gloria continued. "Well, I think if I can get to that, I'll be able to do all of the stuff we talked about. And I really want to, but what if I can't?" "Well, did you get to that state when you and I played last weekend?" "Yeah, I definitely did," Gloria replied. It had been wonderful. "And do you wish we had gone further?" There was a long pause, followed by a soft "Baaa..." in the darkness. "Wish it had been a bit more dirty?" Gloria's fingers found her nipples and gave them a squeeze. "Baaa..." "Well...," Sally said, pulling into the driveway, "there's a barn here with someone you're going to really like then." After parking, Gloria reached to grab her coat. "Nope, goat. Barnyard animals stay naked here. I will take your stuff to the house. You stand by the car, facing the road." "But what if someone sees me?" she asked, though she got out and did as she was told. She heard Sally walk to her side of the car, then felt fingers pulling her nipples. "Do you really care, goat?" A needy bleat was the only response, so Sally took Gloria's things to the house. Besides, the farm was at the end of a dead-end country road, so the only traffic was likely to be from horny couples anyway. Gloria waited, suddenly almost hoping for a car to arrive, but without any luck. Sally walked back to her and said, "Come goat." The two of them walked around the house, to a shed behind it. Sure enough, it really did look like an Old World barn. "So," Sally said, standing at the door, "after my filth-loving goat has cleaned and pleasured Number Three, I will take her inside, wash her, and she will share my bed. Understood?" "Baa!" With that, Sally opened the door and they stepped inside. The barn was lit by a single amber light, which cast long shadows across the floor and walls. It was the size of a large bedroom, the majority of which was taken by a massive, heavily reinforced bed. What caught Gloria's gaze, though, was the creature lying on the bed. It was a cow, with short, holstein-patterned fur and matching hair. But she was immense - easily two feet taller than Robert. Looking more closely, that wasn't all that was massive. As she laid on her back, her belly easily rose four feet from the bed. Right about then, the smell of the place hit Gloria's nose. It conjured up memories of spending hours in an Old World barn, though with a few smells that were distinctly different. It was very strong, but rather than being offputting, Gloria felt her nipples hardening and her pussy tingling. Sally led Gloria to the bed, and the cow turned to look at the collie, her head cocked to the side. "You may both speak tonight, as we discussed," Sally simply said, "And as always, Number Three, pull the bell rope when you are done with her." She then walked out of the barn, leaving the goat and cow alone. The cow nodded, casually giving her own belly a squeeze while watching Gloria's face. It looked quite soft, and Gloria watched her fingers squish deep. It was only then that she realized she was staring, openmouthed. Number Three's hand then moved down between her legs, pushing under her belly with obvious effort. The cow let out a long, deep moo as she stared to stroke her clit. "Bit of a belly fetish, goat?" Gloria nodded. It felt strange watching the large woman mastubating so casually while carrying on a conversation, but she couldn't deny she was enjoying the show. "And what do you think of mine?" "I've never seen one so big! It looks so big and soft..." "Climb into bed with me, Eleven," Three said, holding her arm out for Gloria to lay on. Gloria didn't need to be told twice. And without even thinking about it, as she climbed into bed, she buried her muzzle in the cow's armpit. "I guess you really are a nasty girl. I haven't bathed in at least three months, and--" Gloria's tongue went to work, slurping away. They had been wet with fresh sweat even before she started, and as she licked, she worked her tongue across every inch trying to lick up months of stale cow sweat. If it had been that long, that definitely explained the smell. She heard the cow's belly gurgle a few times as she licked, enjoying how loud it was. It was steadily jiggling from Three rubbing herself. Without warning, suddenly she was pulled away, and she found her lips completely wrapped up in thick, wet bovine lips. Before she even had a chance to register what had happened, she half-heard, half-felt a long, rumbling belch from the cow. Feeling the blast of hot air rush into her before escaping out her nose, Gloria couldn't help reaching down to pat Three's belly. She figured the cow would release her, but instead she was held there. For a moment, she just enjoyed the feeling of the massive arm and hand on her back, holding her in place. Then, she felt a very large tongue brush against hers. She wasn't sure how much of the taste was from the belch, but it was clear Three hadn't used a toothbrush in ages either. She started to reach her own tongue into the cow's mouth. A dim part of her told her that what she was doing was disgusting, but she was far too excited to care. After all, her job was to clean Three, and that was what she was going to do. She started working her tongue between and across the cow's teeth, digging out bits of several past meals, which she greedily swallowed herself. Three's mouth felt practically slimy inside. After Gloria had gotten as much as she could, it was Three's turn. The goat suddenly felt as a massive tongue started to push toward the back of her mouth, and tried to take a deep breath before it forced its way down her throat. As the cow explored her throat, Gloria thought of two things. First, she wasn't sure how long it had been since Three had belched into her mouth, and their lips hadn't parted since. And second, she wished they never would. The hot, humid breath passing between them, combined with a buffet of flavors excited Gloria more and more. Just as Gloria felt herself running out of air, she felt the long, thick cow tongue slowly slide out of her. A moment later, the cow pulled her mouth away, leaving Gloria gasping for breath. Three just watched, then Gloria heard the wet, sticky sound of her immense partner pulling large fingers off of her bovine pussy, before wiping them off on her own massive breasts. Gloria watched every moment. "Liked the belch?" Three asked rhetorically, continuing, "I like it to smell like fucking in here, so I rub cuntslime everywhere. You can probably smell it all over my udders." Gloria nodded. "Here, why don't you have a taste?" Three lifted the massive breast closest to the goat, and pointed underneath it. Gloria dove right in. The taste was an extremely strong mix of flavors, along with a bit of gritty grime from going for so long without a shower. As she licked, she heard a voice from above. "Almost seems like you like this even better. I guess she wasn't kidding when she said you love filth." Gloria didn't say a word, but just kept licking, switching sides when Three lifted the other one. Finally satisfied, the cow sat up and gradually maneuvered herself onto all fours next to Gloria. "She wanted to make a good impression, so she replaced my mattress before you arrived. It's much too clean, and you are going to help with that tonight." "That sounds great," the goat said, "Hey, um, where's the restroom? I kinda need to--" She was interrupted by the sound of cow piss hitting the mattress, as Three looked her in the eyes. The goat girl's face passed from surprise, to shock, to excitement. "We're animals in a barn. The toilet is the bed, the floor, or eachother. Now, lick me clean, slut." Gloria crawled around behind Three, and wasn't prepared for the sight that greeted her. She had expected a massive pussy, and Three's definitely was. What she hadn't expected was for it to be gaping, with the lips sagging downward beside it. She also hadn't expected what looked like the largest plug she had ever seen in the cow's ass. Even her pisshole looked a bit loose and gaping. Besides that, Gloria had heard of being "dripping wet" before, but had never seen it literally. Three's pussy was practically drooling, with a string of wetness almost constantly dribbling onto the bed. "Like what you see?", the cow asked, giving her massive hips a shake, "I've taken a lot of poundings. And fistings. And soda bottles. And plenty of other things. Also, Sally may know of some things that... 'adjust' your body a bit." Gloria finally recovered from her stunned silence. "You're... you're gorgeous! You wanted me to eat you out, right?" "Eat up, slut." Gloria caught some of the juice on her finger and gave it a quick taste. It was surprisingly mild, but the idea of the cow being so wet excited her, and she dove in. "Not bad, but I like it best when they force their whole muzzle in." Gloria didn't need to be told twice. She closed her eyes and pushed in as deep as she could - it was most of her head. Reaching out her tongue, she found the taste was a bit stronger deeper inside. The top of her muzzle felt like it was pushed up against something hard, but feeling the edge of the plug's base against her forehead easily explained that. She slurped away inside Three as long as she could, until she needed to come up for air. Gloria pulled out and took a few deep breaths, and then she had an idea. She wrapped her lips around the cow's large clit and started to suck on it. Gentle at first, but as she heard a deep groan of pleasure, she sucked harder, even using her teeth to gently nibble on it. The goat girl was quickly learning to love how easy it was to tell when Three liked what she was doing. Not only because she was quite vocal, but also because the drips from her pussy had become a slow, steady stream. As she sucked the cow's clit, that stream ran down her nose, around her lips, and dribbled from her chin. "Love eating cow cunt, slut?" she heard Three say. She stopped sucking just long enough to give a breathless "Uh-huh," before going back to it. "So, you like big bellies. Do you like fat asses too?" Gloria pulled away and gave each of the cow's asscheeks a kiss. "And what turns you on more, you little goat-whore? Eating cunt, or eating ass?" "Eating ass...," Gloria half-whimpered. She had been looking forward to that all week. And even with the wonderful surprises Three had already given her, she was still eagerly anticipating it. "Hoping I let you pull my plug out, to see for yourself?" The cow swayed her hips slowly side to side, sweeping the fluffy tip of her tail over Gloria's face. "Uh-huh..." "Beg." Gloria was taken aback, not being ready for that. "Um... can I please pull your plug out?" Three laughed. "Not used to begging for it, huh goat?" "Sorry, I really like to beg and talk dirty, but I just feel silly when I do it..." "Then let me break the ice. I want you to yank that plug out of my sloppy shithole, then I want to bury your face under my fat ass so I can use you as nothing more than a living toilet." After a moment of stunned silence, Gloria decided to just be brave and do her best. She felt like if anyone was going to think it was hot, rather than silly, it was going to be Three. She crawled around to the head of the bed, and Three moved to a seating position as Gloria laid down on her back on the pillow in front of the cow. The bed absolutely dwarfed her, which she hoped Three would appreciate. She reached up and took one of the cow's hands, licking the large index finger as she looked the cow in the eyes. "I want to lick your big, filthy hole until my mouth is filled with the taste. I want you to let out nice wet farts in my mouth, like when you belched in it before..." She gave Three's finger another lick, continuing, "And whenever you are ready, I want you to use my mouth like it was any other toilet. Just push all of that nasty shit out right into my mouth..." She guided the cow's hand slowly downward, "...down my throat...", finally stopping at her belly, "...and into my tummy, where it all belongs." A grin started to spread across Three's lips. "Think you'll be able to keep it down, you little toilet?" "Uh-huh! Turns out goats like me can eat pretty much anything, and I'm sooo hungry for worse and worse things..." Gloria pressed Three's hand against her belly, "Won't you please feed me?" Without warning, Three pulled her hand back, leaned down over Gloria, put her nose into the goat girl's open mouth, and blew a load of snot into it. Gloria was a bit startled, not least because the cow's immense belly was pinning her body to the bed. Still, she loved the slimy texture, and loved it even more when she swallowed with a deliberately loud gulp and felt it slowly sliding down her throat. She then started to lick at the cow's nose and nostrils until she was sure she had cleaned them thoroughly, before Three raised herself off of Gloria. "Mmm, thank you... Everything about you is so yummy!" Now it was Three's turn to be briefly speechless. She had never met someone like Gloria before. Even though Sally loved having her around and had often arranged for guys or girls to fuck her, she knew that while they found her body exciting, they didn't think she was pretty. She loved that her body disgusted them, but somehow, something had always been missing. Something that she recognized in the adoring eyes of the goat below her. Maybe... the two of them could talk after they were finished tonight. Gloria let out a belch, bringing Three back to the present. "Well...," the cow said, hoping Gloria hadn't noticed her delay as she was lost in thought, "I think you're ready for the main course..." Three turned around, putting her ass in front of the eager goat. "Now, give a kick with your legs if you need me to lift up so you can breathe." "Okay!" Gloria was eager to get started. "So do I need to pull it out slow, or how do I do this?" The cow's pussy juice was dribbling onto her chest, and starting to pool on her. Her goat teats were achingly hard, both in anticipation and because she loved Three covering her with it either unaware or not even caring. Of course, the heavy, soft cow belly pinning her to the bed again certainly helped too. "Just rip it out and throw it somewhere. As soon as you do, your face is getting buried in gaping cow ass." Gloria grabbed the base of the plug, expecting it to be slippery with lube but finding it surprisingly dry. She pulled as hard as she could, and suddenly it was like the world slowed down. She felt the plug start to slide out a little, but it didn't feel like she had enough strength to pull it out. Then, she felt Three start to push, and the widest part slid past the anal ring. The rest of the plug came quickly, and the angle caused her to lose her hold on it. She heard it hit the bed next to her. The next thing she saw was a pair of fat black and white asscheeks, on either side of the biggest asshole she had ever seen. The outer rim was a barely-recognizable, sagging hole. It almost looked like a pouting pair of bruised, purplish brown lips. That was about all she could make out before that ass pinned her to the pillow. Thankfully, the size of those cheeks meant that her muzzle was pressed against the hole, but she could still breathe. As sight and sound suddenly disappeared under the cow's ass, Gloria felt a blast of hot, overpoweringly rank air across her face. She opened her mouth, breathing it in as she started to explore Three's ruined hole with her long, wet tongue. It burned slightly in her lungs, but she was more interested by the sensations her tongue was feeling. She started by running her tongue around the cow's ruined anal ring. It felt soft and almost puffy on her tongue, and she worked her way around it. Suddenly she felt movement around her - the cow's ass moving slightly and a bit more pressure on her chest. It took her a moment to realize Three was grinding that beautiful pussy against her chest. She just continued licking, happy she was pleasing the cow. A second fart erupted into Gloria's mouth, and she tried to swallow it instead of breathing it this time. She partially succeeded, taking a big gulp of it. A moment later, she belched it back into Three's gaping asshole. After she was sure she had explored the rim thoroughly, she reached further in. While rimming Sally had beem like pushing into a tight, narrow tunnel, Three was more like a gigantic cavern. The goat eagerly reached around with her tongue as far as she could. She noticed that Three had stopped grinding against her chest, but loved how sticky and wet it still felt. She felt the massive cow shift above her, and suddenly her chest, belly, and pussy were being showered in cow piss. Gloria let out a groan of pleasure into Three's ass, as another fart blasted over her face, before working her tongue in. *** Three, meanwhile, was having the best night she could remember in ages. She had spent a very long time working up to larger and larger plugs, and she loved the destroyed feeling she got when they were pulled out. But it was so hard to find someone who shared her eagerness. She loved the feeling of the goat's tongue eagerly licking her asshole inside and out, and she was so happy the first fart didn't scare her small partner off. She wasn't sure where Sally had found this girl - she never was - but she hoped it wouldn't be a one-time thing. It was all the cow could do to keep herself upright, to avoid accidentally hurting the goat. She felt a loud gurgle deep in her huge belly. She was nervous again. Sally had mentioned this was the goat's first time doing this, and Three's body and diet pretty much guarantied it would not be an easy one. She hoped this wouldn't be too much for her partner. She was starting to feel a bit of an attachment to the goat, and it would be a shame for that to end before it really started. Suddenly, she saw one of the hooves kick. Immediately she lifted up off of her small partner. "Are you okay?!" She asked. From below her, she heard an "Uh-huh. I just... wanted to ask you to do something. I-if that's okay." Three smiled to herself - the goat's shyness was oddly endearing, and brought out her more dominant side. "Beg." After a short pause, she heard something too quiet to make out. "Louder - it's okay, little ass-slut. Don't be afraid to yell it out, even." The goat girl's legs spread wide under her, and in a much louder voice she heard, "Miss beautiful cow lady, would you force one of your big, strong fingers up my tight little asshole? It's never even taken my own fingers, but your toilet-goat thinks you deserve to be the first. I-if you want to, I mean." She felt the goat shift under her, then a tongue slowly running up the rim of her ass, which had closed up to a long, brown slit (as much as it ever closed anymore). "Your ass gets me so wet, and I wish mine could look like yours!" She reached down to her drooling pussy, replying. "Alright, little toilet. And since you asked so nicely, I'm going to use my own cuntslime as lube. But first, I want to test something. I'm going to fully sit down, count to five, then get back up. Tell me if you can breathe okay." With that, Three slowly lowered herself all the way onto the little goat. Her belly let out another deep gurgle, so she knew she didn't have long. But after counting to five, she lifted up again. "I could breathe just fine," came the voice from below. And actually...," A moment later, she had two legs hooked under and behind her arms, "I don't wanna be able to stop you." Three paused - did this girl know what she was getting herself into? "Oh, uh, if you're sure..." "Yup! I want this big, gorgeous cow to absolutely use me!" Another gurgle, this time much louder, rumbled inside her. Well, ready or not, it was feeding time for the goat. Three sat back down and started to push. As she did, she felt the goat's warm breath and tongue against her asshole. The smaller girl must have needed to open her mouth in order to have room for her muzzle under Three's ass. *** As Gloria was laying underneath the cow, her nervousness about what was coming had been completely forgotten. She loved the weight pinning her down, the smell and taste that surrounded her, and most of all the knowledge that she had given up any way of stopping it. She busied herself with licking the cow's ruined asshole. A long, wet fart slipped out, which smelled and tasted much stronger than before. While some small part of her felt that she should be disgusted by it, she found herself actually enjoying it and trying to push her tongue in deeper. She wasn't able to push far in, though, before finding it blocked. A slight shiver ran through her as she realized that was her meal. A moment later, she felt Three pushing and straining a bit above her, and slowly she felt the cow's waste starting to enter her mouth. It had a very earthy flavor, and-- A heavily muffled bleat escaped Gloria as she felt something wet rubbing against her own ass. Three must be getting ready for the other part of what the two had planned. For now, though, she went back to focusing on her mouth. The taste was overwhelming, and for a brief moment, she gagged and started to panic. She hadn't fully considered that she didn't have space to close her mouth under the cow's ass to chew. After a moment, though, she started to calm herself down. The hotness of how this massive cow was using her started to overpower her body's urge to gag. At the same time, she started using her tongue to try to break Three's shit up into chunks small enough to swallow. Thankfully it was quite soft in texture, which made that easier. As she continued, she realized Three was pausing to let her swallow between pushing out a fresh load. Gloria thought to herself that, deep down, Three was a really sweet lady. And as eating started to become automatic, her mind drifted down to the cow's fingers on her own asshole. After the initial surprise, it felt really good. She had to admit, she was actually more nervous about what was about to happen down there. Unlike her meal, she knew that was actually going to hurt. She hadn't actually planned on that when the evening started, but seeing Three's destroyed hole excited her so much (as well as thinking about the size of her boyfriend) that in the heat of the moment she had asked for it. She hoped she wouldn't regret it. After a bit more stroking, she felt a firm pressure against her hole and tried to relax as best as she could. Her eyes widened and her body tensed as she felt one of the cow's giant fingertips slide inside. It was far too big for her, and it hurt, and... again, she tried to calm herself down. She didn't feel any more pushing, so Three must be giving her time to get used to it. The pain slowly started to subside, and her initial panic along with it. (Three pushing a fresh load into her mouth to distract her probably helped a bit, too.) Several seconds later, she felt more movement in her ass. Three pulled her finger slightly out, then pushed it in the tiniest bit further than it had been before. Then out a little, then a bit deeper. Gloria felt a bit of soreness, but she loved the sensations she was feeling. The way the cow's fat ass muffled everything and blocked her vision, all she could do was focus on the tastes, smells, and touches she was feeling. The filthy taste of the shit she was being fed covered her tongue and filled her mouth, and it's wet, slimy texture felt strangely satisfying as it slid down her throat. The smell still reminded her of an Old-World barn, but with the smell of a very horny cow and goat mixed in. And the cow's weight pressed down on her made her feel so small and helpless. She was sure that no matter what she may try to do, she couldn't have budged Three an inch. As she let all of these sensations wash over her, she felt the distant beginnings of an orgasm. She still had a long way to go, though, and wasn't sure whether she would be able to cum just from this. But as she was swallowing another mouthfull, she thought to herself that whether she could or not, something about this was so satisfying that she didn't really care. Suddenly, she was surprised to feel another rush of cow piss on her chest. It mixed with the slimy pussy juice that had been dribbling out of Three, and she felt it run down her ribs and around her small breasts to the bed. As that blended with the other sensations Gloria was feeling, she felt her orgasm getting a little closer. She wished she could drink some of it, but she was enjoying her meal. She had to admit to herself that she was starting to feel rather full. She had no way of signaling that to the cow, though. Besides, Gloria liked the feeling of this huge cow using her body however long she liked. She felt the cow shift slightly to one side above her, then felt the large, thick finger slide out of her asshole. Gloria felt a sudden emptiness. A moment later, though, she felt a new pressure against her stretched hole. This felt different than before. As it pushed inside, rather than being the same girth past the tip, this got wider and wider. Rather than tensing up, Gloria's entire body went limp. She wanted to be at the mercy of this large cow, so she decided to let whatever was going to happen, happen. She felt the width increasing still further, and thought about how terrifying it was that she didn't know how big it actually was. But just before it became unbearable, she felt her aching hole close slightly as it narrowed. Gloria realized it must be a plug that was pushed into her. Gloria tried to thrust her hips at Three. She was starting to get a little close, and needed her pussy to be touched, rubbed, licked, anything at all. But either Three didn't notice, or the cow was deliberately not giving her the relief she was desperate for. She gradually realized that the large lady hadn't pushed out a fresh mouthful of shit into her mouth lately, and wondered if she had managed to take the entire load. She felt her belly groan loudly in protest, along with a wave of nausea. But despite her body's complaints, Gloria was a bit sad to have it end. She contented herself with licking the cow's stretched-out asshole clean. After a minute or two, she was sure she had thoroughly cleaned Three's ass, and at that moment Three slowly lifted up off of her. Gloria blinked a few times at the sudden light, and took a breath of (mostly) fresh air. As the world came into focus, she saw the huge ass that she had just spent so much time getting to know, as well as the face of... "Sally?!" "Well, goat, I figured I would see how the two of you were doing. You seemed to be enjoying yourselves, so I stopped back in the house to get a gift for you." The collie gave Gloria's belly a gentle rub, "So, enjoying your new plug?" Gloria nodded. "It was scary at first, but I really want my... erm..." She was suddenly a bit shy with the two other ladies looking at her. "Go ahead," Sally encouraged. "Well, I really want my butthole to be loose like hers," she replied, pointing at Three. "Hers is just so beautiful and sloppy and stuff..." Sally let out a laugh, "You may be the first one to ever call her wrecked asshole beautiful." Gloria looked over at Three, expecting to see a hurt expression. She was surprised to see the cow let out a moan and start rubbing her udders as the larger woman laid down next to her on the bed. "Surprised, Eleven? Three here gets off on things like that. She doesn't only like to be on the giving end, either." The collie unceremoniously pushed an entire hand into the bovine's pussy, and Gloria watched as it sank in all the way to the elbow before being pulled out covered in juice. Without a word, she walked up next to Three's head, and the cow opened her mouth wide. In one well-practiced motion, Sally pushed her arm into Three's mouth. Gloria saw the cow's neck bulge slightly as the hand was pushed down her throat. "What?" the collie asked as Gloria stared open-mouthed, "never seen a cow throat-fisted?" Sally slowly started working her fist into and out of Three's throat, and as Gloria watched, she started rubbing her clit. Not only was she turned on by what she was seeing, but also what she was hearing. Every gag, gurgle, belch, and groan excited her a bit more. She also was starting to get an idea of her own, and was pretty sure she knew just how to ask. She moved over so that her pussy was next to Three's nose, as she rubbed herself. She wanted the cow to be able to smell how wet she was. As she did that, and Sally continued fisting Three's throat, Gloria asked a question. "So, um, how did Three's pussy get so wet?" The collie looked up at her, without stopping. "Oh, so there's a place that sells chemicals for stuff like that. They do all sorts of things, but they're permanent. Why, do you like that?" "Yes," Gloria said a bit louder, to make sure Three would hear, "Do they also have something that makes it so my tummy can handle more? Like her shit tasted sooo yummy, but I'm kinda queasy now..." She bent down, putting her belly against one of Three's ears as it let out another groan. "I want to be able to eat more things like that." She looked down at Three, who seemed to be enjoying what she was saying. "They might, I can check, and... something you'd like to add?" Sally looked down at Three and pulled her arm out so the cow could speak, wiping the drool and throatslime off on Three's large belly. "Can I eat Eleven's cunt? It smells so good..." Sally looked at her curiously. "That's the first time I've ever heard you ask to do that. Normally you're desperate for someone else to lick the slime off yours." "I just... want to do this... Please..." "Very well. Eleven, I hope you're ready - I'm sure you know by now how big her tongue is." Gloria nodded. "Well then, climb up and ride that muzzle, goat." She didn't need to be told twice. She tried to gently rest against Three's muzzle, but the cow had other ideas. Large hands grabbed her hips and yanked her down, and a pair of thick lips wrapped around her clit and started to suck. Hard. She let out a loud bleat and tipped forward, her body resting against the cow's breasts and her head on the big, soft belly. Gloria looked over at Sally, who was watching the show with a hand between her legs. She wasn't sure when during the night the collie had walked in, but from the wet sounds she was hearing, she had probably been watching for a while. Without warning, the cow shifted behind her, and suddenly she felt a tongue force her open. Unlike the gentle warmup her asshole had gotten, that tongue was going in whether she was ready or not. But by now, Gloria was too turned on to care. She mouthed something to Sally, but couldn't find the air to speak. The collie got up and walked over, bending down to hear. She licked her dry lips and groaned, "Big..." Sally gave her a smile. "Want me to have her stop, goat?" the dog lady asked, already knowing the answer. As expected, Gloria frantically shook her head. "You've done a lot for her, and she wants to return the favor. So all you have to do is lay there and cum, okay?" "BaaaAAAHHH!!!" "That's right, just like that," Sally said with a smile. For how nervous the submissive goat had been beforehand, she certainly seemed to be enjoying herself tonight. *** Sally was glad - underneath that dominant exterior, the collie loved seeing her partners enjoying themselves. She was starting to worry a bit about Three, though. Though the cow always got excited when being degraded, every now and then Sally thought she caught a hint of loneliness when they would talk. The bovine would always deny it, of course, but Sally couldn't shake the feeling that Three needed something sweet mixed in. As she watched the two of them in bed, roles completely reversed, she thought that maybe the large lady had finally found it. She was also pleasantly surprised that Gloria had taken the plug so well. It was Gloria's first time with something like that, and while she had picked out a very small one for the first time, she had been unsure whether the goat would ask to stop. They had discussed stretching previously, and it seemed being around the cow lady had just encouraged Gloria to stretch the same way. It was something that Sally was into, though her favorite was petplay. Of course, she was sure Gloria wouldn't want the kind of treatment it had taken to get Three's holes the way they were. On the other hand, the goat's eagerness had surprised her every step of the way so far. "You know," she said to Gloria, "I think this fat cow is ready for a bigger plug. Do you want to keep riding her face while I force it in?" "Baa!" "That's good," Sally said, going over to the bag she had set by the door. "So, you ass-eating goat, do you like eating ruined, gaping holes best?" "Baaa!" The goat girl nodded vigorously. "I knew you would. Now about this cow, I have two plugs here. One is just a little wider, and one is much wider. Which one do you think I should use, hmm? Give me one bleat for the smaller one, and two bleats for the bigger one." "Baa! Baa!" She let out a laugh. "You hear that, Three? Sounds like Eleven thinks you're still too tight." Sally pulled a plug out of the bag, watching Gloria's eyes widen in shock. This new plug was a full eight inches thick, and at least as long as the collie's forearm. While that would have been far too large for either herself or Gloria to ever take, the ten foot tall cow's much larger frame allowed for it. She then grabbed the handle of a large bucket labeled as lube, and walked over to the foot of the bed, standing in front of Gloria. She wanted the goat to watch, since she had done similar just a bit before to the goat girl's much tighter hole. The collie started by reaching in and scooping up a handful of it, before punching her fist into the cow's loose ass. There was no tenderness or gentleness to it. Handful after handful, this was repeated without a word, until the extra was dribbling out and pooling around the base of the large bovine's tail. She then started to cover the massive plug with lube. Three loved being stretched, and especially when working up to a larger size, there was no such thing as too much lube. "Baa?" She looked up to see Gloria. It looked like the goat wanted to say something. "You may speak." "Can she fit that much? That looks like it would really hurt." Sally gave her a gentle smile. "Well, Three here actually likes when it hurts. Why don't you lift off of her for a moment?" Gloria reluctantly lifted up off of Three's face, feeling a sudden emptiness as the cow's tongue slipped out. "Alright, you fucking cow-whore, you may speak. Gentle, or hard?" "Break me. Make me cry. Make it like the first time all over again!" "You see? Three loves this kind of thing. But if you want to help her out..." She moved closer and whispered quietly to Gloria, "she loves having her bellybutton licked." *** Gloria nodded. She was sure Sally knew what she was doing, but she couldn't help feeling sorry for the cow laying underneath her. Her view was blocked by the cow's giant belly, so she couldn't see what was going on. She heard a wet sound and a low, needy moo, so things must have started. She decided to start with a bit of teasing, herself. Inching slowly over to the cow's navel, she gave it a better look. Like everything else about the bovine, it was quite large. Gloria guessed she could fit three fingers into it easily, and she couldn't quite see how deep it went. Her inspection was interrupted by the cow's body being pushed sharply, followed by jiggling to a stop. Sally must have been starting to work the plug in further. "Take it, you used-up animal," she heard the collie growl. She had to admit, this side of Sally was still a bit scary. Still, she couldn't deny that she was enjoying this. Going back to what she was doing, she decided to give the cow's bellybutton an experimental sniff. Like everything else with the large bovine, it had a very strong, musky smell. She gently blew across it, hearing a groan from underneath. She assumed that was mostly Sally's doing, but took it as a sign she was pleasing the cow too. Suddenly, she saw Sally brace, then the collie's body move quickly forward. A loud "MOO!!!" somewhere between anguish and pleasure erupted betwen her legs, and she felt a tongue force its way back into her pussy. She let out a gasp of surprise. "That's right, you nasty cow. Your holes are too broken to fuck anymore. All you're still good for is eating cunt and milking." Gloria decided now was the time, and ran her tongue around the rim of the cow's large navel. The taste was a mix of musk, sweat, and a few other tastes she couldn't make out. Between the taste, being eaten out, and the soft warmth under her, her mind was starting to fade into a blissful haze. Needing more, she started to slide her tongue in deeper. She was just about to see how deep it was, when she heard Sally gently saying, "Stop." Confused, Gloria pulled away a bit and looked up. The collie carefully positioned herself, before letting a long string of saliva drool down into the cow's bellybutton. This was followed by another, and another, until eventually it looked about to overflow. Going back between the cow's legs, Sally said simply, "Lick it up, goat." She definitely didn't need to be told twice, and dove right in. As she used her tongue to lap the domme's spit up. she felt Three's licks getting more and more frantic. Suddenly, the cow froze underneath her, and the goat knew her large partner was cumming. She didn't stop, though, determined to satisfy Three as much as she could. She kept licking until she was sure she had slurped up and swallowed every last drop of collie spit. While she was licking, she saw that Sally was still working the plug in, occasonally reaching down to scoop out another handful of lube. She was surprised by Three's voice from underneath. "Tell her to break me, Eleven. Please, I need to hear it." Looking up, she saw that Sally looked quite surprised too - apparently this wasn't part of the script. After a moment, Sally gave her a nod, but Gloria decided to tease the cow a bit. "I dunno, I'm not sure you really deserve it yet. You're not--" Suddenly a pair of hands pulled her down hard against the cow's muzzle, she felt a tongue contorting to stretch her wider, and half-heard, half-felt a deep, rumbling belch. As what had just happened raced through her mind, Gloria tried to hold back her orgasm long enough to say, "Give that plug a kick, please. And keep kicking it until it is all the way up her ass." As the final word came out, her orgasm erupted. She buried her tongue in the cow's bellybutton, ground her pussy hard against Three's face, and... *** "Hey, you okay?" She recognized Sally's voice. "Huh? Yeah, I'm okay. What happened?" "I think you passed out for a couple minutes there. You were kinda talking to yourself." "Wait, I did? What about Three - did she--" "I'm just fine - still under you and just a bit more stretched now." "I'm sorry! I don't know what happened! I was doing fine, everything was feeling great, and then..." "You got overwhelmed," Sally said with a gentle smile, "You're not the only one that's ever happened to. Isn't that right, Three?" "Why do you have to bring that up..." "See? Even Three's had it happen before. It's okay." "But what about--" "Well, we didn't know your lights went out, so we kept going. She did manage to take the plug. But how about you? How are you feeling?" "...Happy... Kinda floaty... Like my body is made of pudding..." "I think it's safe to say someone's a very happy goat, then. Would you like me to clean you up?" "...Actually... actually I just want to stay here with Three, if that's okay. I kinda want to talk to her." "Okay, I'll leave you two to it. By the way, I brought water and some snacks for you two. Is there anything else I can get you?" Gloria shook her head, "Alright. I'll be in the house if you need anything at all, or when you're ready for a shower!" As Sally left, she tried to climb down off of Three, but found she didn't have the strength. Seeing what she was trying to do, Three helped her down. Soon, the two were laying side-by-side, facing eachother. "So, um...," She was unsure how to begin, "that was fun, but a bit scary with what was happening to you. Are you sure you're okay?" Three nodded, "Yeah. It wasn't just part of the act - I actually do like when it hurts like that. She was telling me that's not really your thing, though." "Yeah, it was kinda scary, but it also... kinda excited me? I dunno, maybe I'm weird." Three leaned in and gave her a gentle kiss. It tasted remarkably like her pussy, but rather than exciting her, it merely gave her a warm fuzzy feeling. "Weird or not, I like you. You make me feel things I haven't felt in a very long time. So now that you've asked a question, I get to ask one, okay?" "Of course, it's only fair." Three took her hand and set it against the cow's soft belly. "You... really like this? Like for real?" She decided to answer the same way, starting with a gentle kiss. "Of course I do. It's so soft, and your body just looks and feels so warm and snuggly. I guess so much that I dozed off on it." There was a moment of silence, that stretched for several seconds. "And...," Three eventually continued, "you really like what I've done to my ass and cunt and stuff? Like Sally really likes doing it to me, but other people kinda stopped being into me after that." The confidence the cow had radiated before seemed to have disappeared, replaced with an almost vulnerable demeanor. She felt she understood. It wasn't long ago that she felt the same way about herself. The circumstances were different, of course, but... Without thinking about it, she slid closer and wrapped her arms around Three as far as she could reach. "You're beautiful to me. And hot, too, but you're really pretty. I love what you've done to them. And do you like them yourself?" The large bovine nodded. "That's what matters." Another long silence followed, with the two quietly lying in eachother's arms. This time, it was Gloria who broke the silence. "You sound lonely." It wasn't a question, but she hoped it would come across the way she meant it. Three let out a slow sigh. "Yeah. Yeah, I am. Not, like, in the normal way. I love my barn, and I love Sally - I feel like she kinda 'gets me'. But I've never met anyone else really like me, you know? Well...," She felt the large arms give a gentle squeeze, "I kinda think now I have." "So...," Three continued, "sounds like you have a boyfriend?" She nodded. "So I guess that means you swing both ways like me, then. Well, I'm more of a revolving door, really. I used to keep track of how many people I'd been with. One day I realized I'd lost count, and honestly? I liked that. I had a boyfriend too, once. We actually came here together. I think he really liked the idea of it, but when things got past the tame end, he had second thoughts. I don't blame him - he was a great guy, and I hope he finds someone perfect for him. And I'm sure he feels the same way about me." Gloria wasn't sure what to say, or even if she should say anything, so she just gave Three a supportive squeeze. "Anyway, I used to have a lot of different people using me. I liked that, and I miss it still. Just something about feeling a cock in you, not even knowing whose it was, really excites me. But as much fun as it was, deep down I guess I always wished there was someone there with me, doing the same kinds of stuff." Three looked down at her and continued, "I guess what I'm rambling on about is that I'd love to do more with you. You're more like me than anyone else I've met. It's just I love being used on one end more, and you love being used on the other." The cow cracked a smile. "If we teamed up, we'd be unstoppable. But I understand if you've got a boyfriend to get back to. This was probably just a one-time fling for you..." Gloria shook her head, "Oh, this definitely isn't a one-time thing. My boyfriend is okay with me seeing other people like this, and I'm okay with him seeing other people too. Our only rule is that we always have to tell eachother what we do. In as much detail as the other wants to hear." "Everything?" "Well, he probably won't want the details of how a big, sexy cow used my little tummy as her personal sewer for the night, but I'm sure he'll want to hear all about her eating me out." "You know," Three said, suddenly thoughtful, "he probably would never want to come to the barn, but maybe the three of us could play sometime?" Gloria smiled, "We may need to clean up in here first, but I could probably talk him into it. My bed isn't nearly big enough, so we'd probably have to come here anyway. By the way, I've been wondering. So, Sally is always very dominant and in-charge, right?" "Right." "What about you?" "Well, for me it's kinda complicated I think. Like more than anything else, I love being a filthy cow. If that's a filthy cow being bossed around by a dominant lady who's into pet-play, that's perfectly fine. If it's you and me going at it like a pair of lust-crazed animals, that's great too. And if it's me ordering you around, I'm also okay with that. But if I'm being honest, I have a hard time staying either dominant or submissive for long. The lust-crazed animal thing seems far more natural to me. And what about you?" "You know, this is all very new to me. I think I might be kinda the same? Like I actually get really wet when she's ordering me around or treating me like a farm animal, but when I was telling her to kick the dildo into you after you belched in my pussy, I liked that just as much." "Well, what was your favorite part?" "My favorite? Probably having an absolutely gorgeous cow using me like a toilet. I think I actually liked that even better than all the ordering-around stuff." "Is it the filthiness of it, do you think, or more just being treated like some nameless object?" "Hmm... can I have some time to think about that? Sorry, a lot new experiences to take in." Her belly let out a loud gurgle, almost as if on cue, "Uh, both for my mind and my tummy." "Hey, speaking of that, I'm kinda hungry and thirsty. Want to have those snacks and water she brought, then crash in eachother's arms?" "I'd like that a lot..."