Gloria's Birthday By DaveTheFoxMage This story is a work of fiction. Any resemblence to actual people/places/events is entirely coincidental. Also, this story contains acts which should not be attempted in real life and does not constitute advice, suggestion, instruction, etc. --- "Haaappy biiirthday tooo meee..." With a sigh, Gloria blew out the candle on her cupcake. When she had gone away to school, the goat girl hadn't realized it would be this lonely. But here she was, all alone on her nineteenth birthday. Nobody from home had called, and she hadn't even gotten a quick text message. As she munched on the cupcake, she muttered to herself, "Guess I'm just a forgotten goat..." It was poppyseed - her favorite kind - but the flavor couldn't overpower the crushing loneliness. After a few minutes of hearing the old analog clock above the kitchen sink counting one solitary second after the next, she forced a smile she didn't feel. "Well, it's still a Friday, right? If nothing else, I can go have a night out." She got up and walked over to the bathroom of her tiny apartment. Her home certainly wasn't much, but it was what she could afford. As she ran a brush through her short, brown hair, She thought back to why she had moved out here. Sure, she had wanted to study in a field that wasn't available back home, but there was a bit more to it. She struggled to admit it, even to herself, but she really wanted to spread her wings a bit. Even the shirt she was wearing - from when she went to see one of her favorite metal bands - got snarky comments back home. Honestly, her family had always treated her differently since World Change. The others had been turned into dogs and cats. With her, one moment she was a 5 year old girl, and the next thing she knew she was a very confused goat picking herself up off the ground and dusting herself off. She was studying the change - so little was known about it, and Gloria wanted to get into researching it. It had started small - a mocking "baa" when they would see her in the morning, or comments that her hooves were far too loud on the floor. But over time, it got worse. She finished brushing her hair, and started running the brush down her splotchy brown and white fur. At first, she had been ashamed of her body. She had always loved goats, which was why she was helping out at a local farm the day World Change happened. But over time, it had really started to grow on her. She had a pair of cute, stubby horns, and she loved her long floppy ears. Her eyes had taken some getting used to, with the brown, horizontal rectangle pupils, but she had started to like them over time. And then, there were other things. Looking down a bit further, the large bumps of her nipples were clearly visible through her shirt. Hiding them had always been difficult and uncomfortable, but her family demanded it even at home. When she had moved to college and saw other girls like her who weren't trying to hide theirs, it was like a whole new world had opened up. The first time she had gone braless, like she was now, she felt like she was finally allowed to love her body. Her clompy hooves, her big nipples, her eyes - all of it. Her fur tidied up, she looked at herself in the mirror. She liked how she looked, but even a black t-shirt covered in pentagrams and a metal band's name in gothic lettering couldn't hide the fact that she looked like a sweet little marshmallow. "I guess when you go your whole life as a meek little goat, it kinda sticks with you." Her chest was quite flat, and she tended to wear baggy clothes a lot - loose fitting jeans and a shirt a few sizes large on her. It had started off as a way to hide behind her clothes, and she still felt more comfortable that way. Either way, there was no point waiting around any longer. The apartment door closed behind her, and her hooves echoed down the tiled hallway. It was a warm spring evening, and everything had a delightful earthy smell from an afternoon shower earlier. She felt a bit better as she started the walk across campus. Her destination was her favorite ice cream shop - there were always people out there, so maybe she could make some friends. She hadn't had much luck with that yet, just from being busy with classes and her job at a nearby music store. Gloria arrived at the ice cream shop to find it relatively quiet. There were a few people there, but not a big crowd. A lot of people were gone for spring break, so it wasn't too surprising. It seemed like her entire apartment building was almost empty. She pulled up a seat at the counter and ordered a hot fudge sundae. That sounded like a great way to start the eve-- "Um, excuse me miss - is anyone sitting here?" She turned, a little startled, and saw a bull pointing to the stool next to her. Even sitting on the tall stool, she only came up to his chest. "Oh, not at all!" she replied, a little flustered. He gave her a bit of a bashful smile and sat down. For a moment, the only sound was the clinking of spoons as they ate in silence. Gloria stole a glance at his shirt and broke the ice. "Hey, you like Goatistravus too? They're one of my favorite bands." He perked up. "Oh, uh, yeah. Hey, I guess we're wearing the same shirt, aren't we? That was a great tour." Several more seconds of silence followed, before they both started "So I'm new here, and--" in unison. They each laughed, and he motioned for Gloria to go ahead. "Well, I'm new here. I don't have any family here, and I've gotta admit, it's been a lot harder than I imagined." "Oh, the classes?" "No, those are certainly a challenge, but..." a tear escaped, and she felt it roll down her cheek. She hoped he wouldn't notice. He did. "Oh hey, sorry I didn't mean to--" "No no, it's not your fault! I'm just being silly and letting things get to me. The truth is..." she thought about mentioning her birthday, but figured it wouldn't come out right. She continued, "I wanted a chance to really be out on my own, and to come out of my shell. But now that I'm here, I guess I'm not sure who I really am under that shell. I dunno, that probably sounded stupid." She looked up, half-expecting a laugh. The face that greeted her was gentle, but serious. "You know, my uncle told me once that a bird doesn't know it's a bird when it is hatching. It's only after it breaks out and sees itself for the first time that it knows what it is. Maybe that's what you're going through right now. I've been struggling a bit myself, too." "You're not sure who you are inside?" "Well, I think for me it's that I know who I want to be, but I'm really shy about admitting it. Like, it's not the kind of thing I would say in an ice cream shop. I've tried telling a few people before, but... it ended really badly." While he was looking into his ice cream bowl, she looked him over. He was quite big, and very muscular. Gloria had been given several warnings to be careful around strangers before she left. But at the same time, he seemed genuine, and he had already spent more time talking to her since she got to college than the relatives who had given her the warnings. Besides, after getting a good look at him, she was starting to feel her panties getting ever-so-slightly damp already. "Hey, uh, I don't really know how to do this, but I'm Gloria. Would you like to go someplace private? Oh geez, that sounded awkward. I mean, would you like to get to know eachother better? I mean I've never had a boyfriend before -- not saying you want to be one or anyth--" "I'd love to go somewhere more private," he interrupted, sparing her from digging herself a deeper hole. The two of them finished their ice cream and paid. As they stood up and got ready to walk out, Gloria could see the height difference much more clearly. She stood at five foot even, herself, and he looked like he was about eight. Size tended to vary with species, and while he was not the biggest bovine she had seen here, he was definitely up there. He offered a large hand. "May I? You don't have to if you don't want, but if--" Gloria put her hand in his and smiled up at him. "You may. It is great to meet you, Robert." They started walking, neither of them sure where their destination would be. Though they were still in sight of the ice cream shop when they were interrupted by the first drops of another rain shower. As more started to fall, Gloria blurted out, "Hey, would you like to come to my place?" She hadn't meant to say it, but in the heat of the moment, the thought of going back to her empty apartment alone was unbearable. "You mean it? I mean, if you really want to, it does give us a place out of the rain to talk." By the time Gloria led him to her apartment building, the rain had turned into a downpour and they were both completely soaked. She let them in with her keycard, and two pairs of hooves clattered down the hallway. Getting to her apartment, she opened the door and the two of them went in. As she flipped on the light, she wasn't prepared for the sight that greeted her. With the shirt clinging tightly to his body, he looked even more muscular than she had thought. His black, short fur had a brilliant shine to it from the rain. Looking down before she could catch herself, she noticed a quite large bulge in his shorts. Suddenly, their eyes both met as they realized they had both been caught staring. Gloria tried to think of something to say, and Robert's story about the hatching bird popped into her mind. She decided to see just who she was under her shell and blurted out the first words that popped into her head. "You can keep looking, if you want." She moved her arms to the side and arched her back a bit. A moment later, she realized what she had done and immediately started berating herself. Robert gave a little chuckle. "Sounds like someone is coming out of her shell a bit. As for me..." He started to pull his shirt up, peeling it away from his body, "I'm going to take this off to let it dry." He stole a glance to see if she was looking. Her eyes were locked on every inch of his torso. "The shorts will dry on their own pretty quick, so I don't freak you out by getting naked in your home like this. You know, you look really cute like that." Gloria snapped back to reality - she was still dripping wet and starting to shiver a bit. She was also pretty sure it wasn't just from cold. "Cute?" she thought to herself, "He called me cute! Not just cute, but really cute!" It was the first time she could remember hearing something like that since World Change. She tried to collect herself. "Come on, be smooth," she thought, "Don't wanna screw this up!" "So this is a lot to take in - why don't we sit down? But um..." Well, she had already come this far, "could you help me take my shirt off to dry, too?" She hoped it didn't sound as cheesy to him as it did to her. That bulge in his shorts definitely seemed a bit bigger now, though, so maybe he liked it? "Absolutely!" He slowly, gently pulled her shirt up and off of her. She looked down at the floor, feeling extremely shy about herself now that he was finally seeing more of what was under the clothes. "Sorry, I know there's not much of a figure under it..." She felt a finger under her chin, raising her head until she met his gaze. "You look great. And don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise." "But I'm flat, and I have no ass, and I--" "You sure have a funny way of saying 'petite and sexy', you know. But like you were saying, let's sit down and talk." "Sexy?" The thought bounced around her mind as she practically melted right then and there. The two of them sat down, neither one sure where the conversation should continue. Finally, the silence was too much for Gloria. "So... you said you know who you want to be, but that you couldn't say it in an ice cream shop. If it's alright, maybe you could tell me now?" Robert sat for a moment before starting. "So... I'm into some weird things. Like, a lot of weird things. And as great and... uh...," he stole a glance at her large nipples, "surprising as our time has been together so far, I'm just really worried I'll scare you off, you know? And I don't want that." He looked over to one side, as something colorful caught his eye. "Is that a candle over there?" "Yeah. Today's my birthday..." "Oh geez, and you're all alone?" "Not at all, now that I've met you. Though that gives me an idea. Like, this is the one thing I really want for my birthday, okay? I want to show you something, and I want you to promise me you won't leave without telling me your thing. I... think I have a way to break the ice." Robert nodded, "I promise." Gloria took a slow, deep breath, then pulled out her phone. After wiping it dry (she was glad phones tend to be water resistant nowadays), she unlocked it, pulled up the media gallery, and set it in front of him. "Um... open the folder called 'The Real Me'. It's not me, but, well, you'll see." He opened it, and the first picture came up. It was a pretty vanilla picture of a cow sucking a cock. Next was a goat licking a pussy. Robert looked up, but she just gestured to keep going. The next was... wait a minute... "Yes, she is drinking a glass full of piss." He could hear the nervousness in her voice. She must have been worried he was going to break his promise, but nothing could be further from his mind. As he continued to swipe on, he saw more and more extreme things (she must have deliberately sorted them that way), but there was definitely a heavy focus on degradation and swallowing filth. Finally he went to go to the next, and there were none left. He looked back up at her. "So... um... thanks for keeping your promise! What did you...? I mean, did you...?" She felt him take her hand and guide it under the table, his eyes still locked with hers. She felt it brush against something. Something very large, and also rock hard. "Does that answer your question?" he said with a grin. Gloria hadn't realized how much tension had been building in her as she watched him go through the gallery, terrified she had ruined what could have been an amazing friendship. But knowing that she not only didn't scare him off, but that he was actually into it, she felt all of that tension disappear in a rush. She looked up at him - even both seated, he towered a good foot and a half taller than her - and asked, "So... uh... it may be a bit late to ask this, but do you have a girlfriend?" "Well, I didn't when I walked into your apartment. As for whether I do now, I guess that's up to you." She practically threw herself across the table, and her lips met his. "You absolutely have one now!" A moment later, though, she pulled away. "Of course, if you'd rather have an ashtray, a urinal, a toilet, or something along those lines instead..." "Oh, I want every one of those and more. But girlfriend is the top of the list," Robert replied. "So... uh... my bedroom is over that way...?" Gloria said, eager now that the ice had been broken. Robert slowly rose from his seat, his horns nearly scraping the ceiling. Part of why rent was so cheap here was that it was a pre-World Change building, so it wasn't built with the new variety of body shapes and sizes in mind. She stood up in front of him, expectantly. What happened next caught her by surprise. He parted her lips, so she opened her mouth wide for him. Then he bent down, to just above her face, and let out a huge glob of spit right in her mouth, before standing back up to watch how she would react. Once the initial shock had worn off, she started sloshing it around with her tongue. Being so much larger than her, it shouldn't have surprised her that him spitting in it about half filled her mouth. As she swirled it around, she paid more attention to the taste. There was a hint of mint (toothpaste perhaps?), but most of the taste was from the vanilla ice cream he had eaten. In a gentle, but gruff voice, she heard a single word: "Swallow." As she did, her hands went to her belly. It was her first time doing something like this for real, and she felt a shudder run through her as she realized she had just swallowed someone else's spit. "So eager...," she heard from above. She looked up to see Robert smiling down at her. Suddenly remembering that she was still wearing soaking-wet jeans, Gloria led him to her bedroom (which was really just a mattress laying in the corner of her studio apartment). Suddenly remembering that she was still wearing soaking-wet jeans, Gloria grabbed two towels from the closet, looked over at him, then grabbed a third before leading him to the bedroom (which was really just a mattress laying in the corner of her studio apartment). He immediately started to undress, and though she pretended to turn away, she watched every movement. And when his half-hard cock sprang up, released from the elastic of his boxers, she let out a gasp. "Seems someone was peeking, weren't you little goat?" She nodded. "It's just that... there's no way... that'll never... I'm so small and..." He covered the distance between them with a single step, and placed one of his big hands on her shoulder. "Hey now, easy there. Nobody ever said anything about needing to fit anywhere. What we do doesn't have to follow anyone else's script." "Thanks. It's also that I've never seen one before. You know, in person like this?" "Oh, you're a virgin?! I'm so sorry - I'm sure this is all really weird for you! I should've asked. We can do things much more tame for your first--" She wrapped her arms around him as tight as she could. "No, you've been perfect! I mean, I'm sure everyone dreams about their first time, right? I never dreamed of roses or a movie. Not the back seat of someone's car, or romantic music playing in the background." "So... what did you dream of?" he asked, still feeling a bit guilty but reassured that she seemed okay with everything. Her voice caught a bit, but she replied, "I dreamed about gross things. Someone else doing them to me, or me doing them myself while he watched. Like I dreamed about accidentally letting out a big belch and finding out that turns him on. Or about him shitting all over me. Or..." She trailed off. Then she looked up at him and asked, "How about you? Have you done this before?" "You're asking if I'm a virgin too?" She nodded. "I'm not. I had a partner once before, a few years ago. He was--" She held up a hand to stop him. "Oh, sorry," he said, "I probably shouldn't talk about a former boyfriend." "Oh, it's not that. But I'd like to lick your cock while you talk about him. My mouth isn't big enough to suck it, but it would really mean a lot to me..." He gave her a crooked smile. "Of course, but first I believe you need to get out of those pants." She turned her back to him, and slowly undid the button and zipper of her jeans. As she pulled them down, along with the panties underneath, she bent over like she was stretching to touch her hooves, giving him an excellent view of her butt and short fluffy tail. He let out a whistle as she stepped out of them. She stood up, and he handed her one of the towels. "Thanks for grabbing two for me," he said, as the two of them dried themselves off. He eased himself onto the mattress, which was clearly not made for someone of his size. It creaked a lot, but seemed to handle the weight okay. He laid down, with his legs off the end of it. Gloria walked over and knelt down between them. "So, you were telling me about someone?" She started to run her tongue up and down the shaft slowly. It had an interesting flavor to it - a bit musky, but very mild. "Well, he was a horse. Pretty slight build, and long blonde hair. He and I actually met back in high school - I caught him checking me out in the locker room. One thing led to another, and..." "You two were dating?" she asked, before moving up to the head and starting to nibble gently at it. She had to climb half onto the mattress to reach. "Yeah we were. It was kinda rough at times - I was still figuring out who I was and what I wanted. I hadn't even really thought about guys, but something about him I just found really cute." "And has this cock I'm tasting been in his ass?" She wrapped her lips around the head and sucked, but only the tip so far. "It has. Many, many times." As she heard that, she pulled another inch into her mouth. "Oh, someone likes that, hmm?" She gave a nod as best she could. "You like knowing you are sucking a cock that used to plow a horse boy day after day?" She let out a moan. "You know, there is a detail you might like, but you will need to lick my balls if you want to hear it." She immediately slid off the end of the bed, and a moment later was slurping away at them. They had just a bit of short fur on them, and the musky taste was a bit stronger than his cock. She liked that. "Usually he would ride on top, with me laying on my back. When I was ready to cum, he would put all of his weight down, taking every inch of my cock in his ass. And when he rose back up afterward, it would all run out on my cock and balls, right where you are licking." "Lucky horse," she pulled away from licking long enough to say, "getting to take my bull's load like a little slut." She started to work her tongue underneath his balls. The flavor here was even stronger, just as she was hoping. "Seems to me like the slut here is the goat who is getting off on th--ohhh..." Gloria had forced her muzzle under his balls and let her tongue drag over his asshole in a long, slow lick. She just had to taste it, and she wasn't disappointed. Between the heavy, musky taste and the smell of having her nose buried under his huge balls, she was in absolute bliss. Robert felt her shudder against him in orgasm, and he was rock-hard himself. She then pulled back, and he saw her face reappear between his legs. "Why don't we make a deal? I want you to blow your load in any hole that wants it, but this cock only gets cleaned up when I lick it clean." He nodded in agreement. "It's a deal. By the way, birthday goat, I have a bit of a surprise for you, but first, I need you to sit on your bed and close your eyes while I go get something." She nodded, and after he slowly climbed off the bed, she took his place - sitting with her eyes closed. He walked out of the room as softly as he could - her apartment was uncarpeted. Gloria heard some faint rustling, but didn't peek, and a few moments later heard him come back in. To her surprise, she felt him sit down behind her, and gently lean her back against his stomach. She could feel his still-hard cock off to one side. "Now, I have a special birthday dessert for you. Do you promise to swallow whatever goes in your mouth, little goat?" She nodded, with an eager, "Uh-huh!" "Very good. Now open your mouth for your first treat." She did, and she felt him push something in. As she started to chew, she felt it crinkling. It tasted dry, and a bit - oh! It was the paper cupcake wrapper! She happily finished chewing it, and as she swallowed, she felt one of Robert's large hands reach down and start to rub her belly. "When you're ready," his gruff voice rumbled, "open up for your other birthday treat." Without a word, she opened up for him. He dropped something else in, and she started to chew. It was a bit of a strange texture this time. Almost like extremely hard gum, but it was stringy too. Wait, it tasted a bit like wax and - ah, the candle. She savored it a bit, enjoying the taste of the burnt wick most of all, before swallowing. As she did, she felt Robert's other hand go to her belly. Gloria reached above her head, putting her arms around his neck. "Nobody's ever rubbed my tummy like that before. I wish I could fall asleep like this every night..." "Well, you certainly can tonight. I don't need to be anywhere until tomorrow afternoon." "You want to spend the night?" "I'd love that." "But first, I think there's a very excited bull that needs to cum himself. Now, what should we do about that?" "You know, it may be a bit plain," Robert replied, "but how about if I jack off into your mouth for tonight? We can't have you getting hungry overnight, so it would make a filling meal for you." "I would love that. Your little goat still has room for more, you know! Why don't we go ahead and do it in the shower?" While she loved the idea of falling asleep soaked in his cum, the idea of a hot shower together afterward was too good to pass up. "That sounds great to me," Robert said, and the two of them made their way to the shower room. Looking at the shower, Gloria realized she might have overlooked something. "Um... it's gonna be a bit tight when we shower together afterward. Is that okay?" He gave her a hug - she couldn't get over how comforting his strong arms felt wrapped around her - and replied that they would make it work. Gloria stepped into the shower herself, got down onto her knees, and looked up at him. "Eyes open or closed?" she asked - she wanted to make sure he enjoyed it. "Open, but you're gonna want to close them when I cum. Not sure what you've seen, but bulls kinda go off like a firehose." She let out a giggle, "Alright, and I'll try to catch as much as I can in my mouth." He looked down at her, and she smiled up at him. He had never met anyone like her before. She seemed like an odd mix of kinky and sweet. When he had walked over to her at the shop, he had just intended to strike up a conversation. As they had talked, he figured she could be a kinky partner while they were both at college. But now-- "Oh please, mister bull, I'm so hungry! Don't you want to feed me your cum?" He chuckled a little, startled back to the present. "What a silly little goat. Alright, one full goat, coming up!" She wouldn't have long to wait. Part of his excitement was from the things they had already done, but this was just the tip of the iceberg for him. And he got the feeling it was for her, too. Her eyes were fixed on his cock as he stroked. He was trying to go slow, to make it last a little longer, so she decided to tease him a bit. "So, did that slutty horse ever get to swallow?" "He did, though he liked taking it up his ass a lot more." "Maybe if I really, really work on it a lot, I could take some of it up mine, too. Would you like that, mister bull?" He nodded wordlessly - he was getting close, and she knew it. "I sure hope you're ready to cum down my throat until I can't hold anymore tonight, mis--" She saw him lean forward against the shower, to better aim down at her, and watched his muscles tense. It was pointed right at her mouth, so she just closed her eyes, opened her mouth, and prepared to swallow. Comparing it to a firehose was an understatement, she thought as her mouth quickly filled. She closed it to swallow and opened wide again, as more spattered off her lips and face. She felt it running down her body, and all over her eyes and nose. Quite a bit of it did make it into her mouth, though, and she greedily swallowed. She didn't know what to expect for the taste, but the salty and somewhat slimy cum felt great sliding down her throat. Slowly, the flow died down. After wiping her eyes, she looked up to see Robert beaming down at her. "So," he said catching his breath, "enjoy the meal?" She opened her mouth to answer, but a loud, wet belch came out instead of words. Gloria covered her mouth, eyes wide in embarrassment, but Robert just laughed. "I guess there's my answer. And don't be shy around me - anytime you need to belch like that, just let it out. It's kind of a weird turn-on for me. I guess it goes with the whole feeding thing." She gave him a smile, "Thanks! That's something I've always been kind of embarrassed about. I've always been kind of, uh, belchy. But if you're okay with that, it does make me feel a lot better. For now, though, how about a shower?" He stepped into the shower, noting the floor texturing. A lot of non-hooved people didn't put much thought into it, but wet tile was a big danger for those with hooves. She had put some non-slip adhesive flooring down, though, so slipping shouldn't be an issue. She turned her back to him and turned the shower on. As the water started to rain down on her, and against Robert's chest, she said "Oh, I like the water really hot. Is that okay?" "Fine by me - I love a good sauna." "Great!" She turned back to him and looked up, shielding her eyes with a hand. "Um... how are things up there?" Gloria hadn't thought through their height difference, which put her eyes around the bottom of his ribs. Not quite the romantic shower she had been picturing. "You know, I have a better idea...," Robert said, looking down. Normally what he was about to do would be seen as incredibly rude, but he was pretty sure he'd be okay with it. He wrapped his large hands around her body, and hoisted her up in front of him. Gloria was surprised, but loved being at a much better height to talk with Robert. She wrapped her legs around his body, so he wasn't carrying her full weight, and enjoyed the shower. The hot water washed down her, and she loved watching the small rivers of water flowing down his chest and shoulders. It seemed to define every muscle. Realizing she was starting, she stammered "Um, so do you work out a lot?" He laughed, then replied, "I do a fair amount, I suppose. When I started here, I got a job working at the gym just up the road. One of the perks is that I have a free membership. So I started working out a few nights a week, for something to do." Gloria traced a finger down between his pecs. "Well, it definitely shows. I don't know if I really have a 'type', but I guess I've always pictured myself with guys big enough to pick me up and toss me around. Or girls like that too, I suppose." "Ah yeah, I was going to ask about that - those pictures you showed me had quite a few girls in them. You swing both ways too, then?" "Well... I think when it comes to a relationship, I see myself most with a guy, but girls do get me excited too. How about you? You mentioned being together with that horse boy. What do you think about girls, dating-wise?" Robert thought for a moment, then replied, "Honestly, I think I could be equally happy either way, as far as a relationship. I guess it's just something I never really thought about before. Like my taste in guys is more the girly, effeminate type." "And how about your taste in girls?" "Well, it's kinda... um..." "Don't be shy. I promise I won't laugh at you or anything like that!" "Well," he let go of her with one arm, and she felt him rest a hand on her belly, "I have kind of a thing for bigger girls. Not like taller, but... um..." She put her hands over his, clutching it against her. "You like chubby girls, with soft tummies?" He nodded, not meeting her eyes. "Oh Robert, it's okay! Really! You're a really sweet guy. You're just afraid I won't like it, huh?" "Tell you what," Robert replied, "How about we finish the shower, and I'll think of how to say what I'm trying to say. There's a bit more to it." "Okay!" Gloria said, releasing his hand, "But I want you to know you can tell me anything, okay? I won't judge you!" Robert nodded and gently set her down. She turned off the shower, reached over for the shampoo jug (like most furred people, she bought it in gallon jugs for convenience), and started to cover her body and hair in it, before handing it up to Robert. Once the two of them were lathered up, she turned on the faucet and they rinsed off. Gloria wanted to spend more time enjoying his body as they showered, but she wanted to give him space to think. She could tell this was going to be hard for him, and she wanted to make it as comfortable as she could. After rinsing off, they stepped out of the shower and started to dry off. Gloria used a towel and blow-dryer to quickly dry herself off, then handed the dryer to Robert so he could finish while she was brushing her fur and hair. She then handed him her brush. Both the brush and dryer were a bit small and awkward for Robert to use, but they worked well enough. As they walked back to the bedroom, Gloria climbed into the bed in front of Robert and said "Okay, it sounds like this is a hard thing for you. But this bed is our safe space. You can say anything here, and I'll listen. Nobody's ever gonna judge you here. I promise." She then gestured for him to climb in. He slowly lowered himself onto the bed, and after a little bit of repositioning, they found a pretty comfortable way for both of them to fit. Robert was lying on his back, with Gloria resting her head on his left shoulder. There was a quiet moment, before Robert said "So, I tried dating a girl once. We were together for a few months, and it ended badly." Now that he had started speaking, the floodgate was open and he continued nonstop, "Basically she was really into some of the kinds of things that I am into, you know? And things were working out well. We had everyday interests in common, and the kink side was great too. Well... I told her that I was into bigger girls, weight gain, that sort of stuff. And she sounded genuinely eager about it. So we started doing that." "It was slow, at first, but I noticed she didn't look at me with the same affection as before. The goodnight kisses stopped, then the hugs. One day I asked her about it. She said that she thought the only reason I was fattening her up was so nobody else would want her and she would be stuck with me. It went downhill pretty quick from there. But I'm just afraid things will turn out that way again, you know?" He looked over to see Gloria giving him a gentle smile. "Robert, you've been a perfect gentleman to me all evening. You've given me the very best birthday I could ever dream of. You didn't run away when I showed you what I was into. You--" She was interrupted by a long, loud gurgle from her belly, "You gave me a birthday feast," she said, reaching down and gently patting his balls. She thought for a moment, and asked, "I think I have an idea. So she immediately jumped on the weight gain stuff right away, right?" Robert nodded. "Then here is what I'll do. We'll sleep on it tonight, so my mind has time to really think things over. And if tomorrow I decide that it is something I want to do with you, I'll be the one to ask you." Robert closed his eyes, and Gloria felt the tension leave the shoulder she was resting on. "Thank you. It really means a lot that you listened to that, let alone that you're thinking about doing that for m--" Gloria put a finger on his lips, interrupting him. "I'm thinking about doing that WITH you, not FOR you. If I ask you for it, it means I'm the one who wants it, you know? I mean, if I like it then really it's you who is doing it for me, right?" "I guess I never really thought about it that way," he said, "but I like how it feels when I do." "But you know," Gloria said, "you did one very big thing for me." "Oh? What's that?" "You gave me the very best birthday ever." She wrapped an arm over his chest and gave him a hug. The two of them laid together in silence for a moment, before Gloria glanced at the clock and said, "I don't know about you, but I'm really tired. It's just about midnight." He wrapped his left arm around her - it felt so warm and strong - and he replied. "Yeah, it's been a big day for both of us." Gloria gave a yawn, and in a sleepy voice murmured, "You know, I could go to sleep with the taste of your cum in my mouth every night..." Robert tried to think of a reply, but by the time he had one she was already asleep. He was just about to doze off himself, when her phone let out a ding on the nightstand. She fumbled around trying to reach it, but he grabbed it and handed it to her. There was a mumbled "thanks", followed by her face being bathed in the harsh glow of the screen. A moment later, she turned it off and put it back on the nightstand. "Nothing like a 12:01 text saying 'oh, happy birthday' from your mom...," Gloria said, before dozing off. --- Gloria slowly started to drift back to conciousness. She'd had such a wonderful dream, but she couldn't remember what it was. She felt the warmth of the sun on her body, but... wait, that couldn't be right. Her bedroom didn't get morning sun. And actually, the sun didn't have that much weight to it. There was something big her arm was wrapped around. That's weird, she didn't have a stuffed toy, and none of her pillows were that big. It almost felt like... wait... Slowly the events of last night bubbled up in her memory. She took a deep breath in through her nose, and was surprised by a strong, musky scent. Her eyes slowly opened, and she realized sometime during the night her head must have slid off his shoulder. She woke up with her nose buried in his armpit. She told herself that she should probably move, but one more sniff couldn't hurt. Or maybe two. By the time a dozen deep breaths had passed, she had decided to just stay there. Robert was still asleep, but she carefully lifted her arm off of his chest and very slowly reached down between her legs. She kept inhaling his scent as a fingertip found her clit, and she started slowly rubbing it. She admired Robert - he knew what he wanted, even if he was shy about it. She felt a bit ashamed of what she was doing, but she asked herself why. Was it that she wanted to be more "normal"? Was it that it was a smell she wasn't "supposed" to like? There had been times where she thought of BDSM. Like the idea of being "forced" to do these types of things. But now that she was starting to try them out, something about that didn't seem like it fit. On a whim, she quietly whispered, "Can I smell it more, please? I love it so much!" Immediately her body responded with a small wave of pleasure. She thought to herself that maybe part of it was that she actually liked admitting what she liked. When she showed the pictures to Robert, she was terrified of scaring him away, but she could also feel the wetness soaking into her panties. "Maybe I'm a bit of an exhibitionist?" she whispered, musing out loud. That sounded right to her. She continued to gently rub and stroke her clit, deliberately going slowly enough to tease and arouse herself, without really being satisfying on its own. She let her mind wander, inhaling Robert's musk and feeling aroused but relaxed. She thought back to last night, and what Robert had said about weight gain. She closed her eyes and tried to picture herself doing it. Images of needing to buy larger and larger clothes, or of gorging herself at a buffet drifted through her mind, as well as stranger ones like being fed bags of pet food or load after load of cum. As her mind wandered, she started to slowly see a pattern to what excited her and what didn't about the idea. And suddenly, she realized she had her answer to give Robert. As if on cue, she felt him starting to stir. He slowly stretched and opened his eyes, and he looked down to see her with her muzzle buried in his armpit and a hand between her legs. She pulled away and greeted him with, "Good morning, sweetie! Can't blame a goat for sniffing when you smell so good!" He chuckled a bit, and replied, "Good morning to you, too!" "Sooo," Gloria said, savoring the moment, "I want to ask a favor..." "Oh? And what's that?" "I want you to feed me and fatten me up. But not with things like going to the buffet or normal overeating. I want..." She took his hand and placed it on her belly before continuing, "I want this little tummy filled up with cum. With piss. With pet food. With garbage. When I think about how full I was last night, I love how it makes me feel. But even more than that, I was excited by what I was full WITH. Not just your cum, but knowing there was that wrapper and candle sloshing around inside me makes me a very wet little goat." "I guess what I'm asking, mister bull, is if you can feed me so much of those kinds of things that I get fat from them. Like I want to look in the mirror, squeeze my tummy, and know it is all from eating all sorts of filth." Robert thought for a moment, then replied, "I would love that, Gloria. But you're sure you're okay with it?" She held up her wet, sticky fingers in front of him. "Does it smell like I'm, okay with it? It's what I was thinking about while huffing your armpit this morning." He gave her a smile, which widened as she made a show of opening wide and licking each finger clean. The two of them laid in eachothers arms a bit longer, enjoying a peaceful morning, before getting up and going through their morning routine. Showered, fur and hair brushed, and a breath smelling minty fresh, they were ready to start their day. "Well," Robert said, glancing at his phone, "I don't have to be anywhere until this afternoon. What about you?" "Me neither," she replied, "I don't have anything I need to do until Monday morning." As they started to get dressed, Robert stopped her. "Why don't you go ahead and put on yesterday's panties?" She looked up at him, curious, but did what he suggested. They had dried overnight from being soaked in the rain. They were boring ones, though - plain white cotton - so it was surprising he would want her wearing them again. She had a feeling he had a plan, though. He gave her an innocent smile, then suggested they get breakfast at a small restaurant a few blocks from campus. It was a beautiful fall morning, and a great excuse for a walk. As they walked, they talked about their classes, and a new video game coming out that Gloria was looking forward to. Robert admitted that while he had played some games as a kid, he wasn't very good at them. Before they knew it, they were there. As they walked toward the door, he bent down next to her and quietly said "When we get there, go to the restroom and rub yourself through your panties. You can either cum or just get yourself excited. No reaching inside them, though." She nodded without a word, but he saw the corners of her mouth curl upward a tiny bit in a smile. They walked in, and she excused herself while he asked for a table for two. The restaurant was a basic diner and not much to look at. They had a great herbivore breakfast menu, though, so he was here fairly regularly. One of the regular waitresses, a collie who had been here as long as he had walked up. "Hi Rob! Who's the girl with you? Got something special going on?" *** Meanwhile, Gloria stepped into the restroom and locked the door. Being just a small diner, they only had a single restroom, which made it much easier to not get caught. She wanted to surprise him, and think she knew just the way to do it. She pulled her pants off and hung them from the coathook on the door, taking her phone from the pocket. She then set it up on the counter next to the sink, and started recording. She wasn't sure how well the door would block sound, so she silently waved and blew a kiss to the camera, then started rubbing through her panties. Knowing she didn't have long, she didn't take her time with it and slowly counted off thirty seconds in her head. She started with her clit, and then moved down. Through the panties, she could feel her finger running down her lips, and circled around her hole for what felt like only a moment, before forcing herself to pull away. Glancing at the phone screen showed she already had a small wet spot forming. But now it was time for the surprise. She turned her back to the camera and bent over, giving it a good view of her ass. She gave a wink over her shouler and started rubbing a finger down her asscrack. She wasn't sure how it would feel, never having done that before, but when her finger brushed against her asshole through her panties, she gave an involuntary groan. Hoping nobody heard her (but that the camera did), she rubbed for a little longer before stopping and putting her pants back on. Figuring she was in there for a believable amount of time, she pocketed her phone and walked out to find Robert. She glanced around and spotted him fairly quickly, then walked over. The waitress was walking over with a cup of coffee, and asked "So, what can I get for you, hon? Rob here says you two are an item now - congrats!" She gave a sheepish smile, being put on the spot, and said "Oh, um... do you have tea?" "Iced or hot?" "Hot, please." "One hot tea, coming right up!" She sat down, noticing that the two of them were seated in a corner booth - perfect. Without a word, she pulled out her phone, checked that it was muted, and slid it over in front of him with the video she took pulled up. He quickly glanced at the rest of the restaurant, and hit play. She watched his reaction as the video played. He certainly seemed to be enjoying it - she could see it in his eyes. And when it got to the part where she turned away from the camera and started on her a-- "She sure seems right up your alley," the waitress' voice startled them both back to reality, as a cup of tea was set in front of her. Robert quickly fumbled with the stop button and slid the phone back over, while Gloria's eyes were wide with shock and embarrassment. "Oh geez I am so sorry I didn't mean to I mean I didn't want to make you look at I'm so...," she tripped over her words trying to find something to say - she felt so stupid for getting distracted that badly. "Honey, look. It's a college town, and I've been working here for a year now. I've seen a lot. Done a lot, too. You're not the first one to do that in the bathroom here, and you won't be the last. Isn't that right Rob?" She stared over at him, in mock seriousness. "Hey, it was one time..." Turning back to Gloria, the waitress said, "Rob here is the reason there's a 'one person at a time' sign on the bathroom door." Gloria started to slowly regain her composure. "You... you mean you're not gonna kick me out...?" "Nope, not gonna kick you out. You're not in trouble or anything. Just take a deep breath, drink your tea take a look at the menu, and relax. The waitress left them alone, and Gloria looked over at Robert. "So what was she talking about?" "Remember that horse I told you about?" "Yeah - wait, you two did it in there?" "Yup - his hands bracing himself against that very counter." "Wow," she said, thinking for a moment, "that's really hot." The two looked at their menus and ordered without further incident. As Gloria took the first bite of her breakfast burrito, she saw why Robert had recommended this place. She had walked past it several times since starting school here, but had never stopped in. The food was just as good as he had said. Their conversation turned back toward everyday things as they ate, and before they knew it the waitress was back to hand them the checks. As she set down Gloria's, she flashed her a smile. "I'll be back for these, but take your time!" Gloria looked at hers, and saw there was something scribbled on the back of it. She took a closer look: "You're really cute - if you swing that way and are looking to blow off steam some night, I don't think Rob would mind...", and then a phone number. "Uh...?" she looked up, showing the note to Robert. "Oh yeah, she's pretty forward if she's into someone. I've seen her hit on customers here fairly often. She's not one for long-term attachments, but if you're down for an occasional fling, she's into it." "Have you ever done anything with her?" Gloria asked, since the two seemed to have known eachother for a while. "Nah, she's completely lesbian. But I do know she has a thing for herbivores. I kinda get the feeling she's part of why they have such a big vegetarian menu here." "So, should I put my number here, or what do I do?" Robert looked across the booth at her. "Well, I guess you have a few options. You could ignore it. You could give her yours and let her make the first move. Or I'm pretty sure she'd like to see the rest of that video." She sat for a moment and considered. "Remember what you said, about a bird not knowing it's a bird until it's hatched?" "Yeah?" "Well, I'm really starting to feel a bit torn. Like I'm starting to really see who I want to be, but I'm worried my family won't like it, and things will be awkward, and I won't have any friends, and..." She trailed off. "Mind if I point something out, here?" Robert asked. She nodded for him to go ahead. "Your family didn't even remember your birthday. And in a span of, what, fifteen hours you've found two people who like you?" "If... um... how to put this...?" Gloria looked up at the ceiling, trying to find the words. "The person I really want to be is really weird, and it's also the kind of thing that's kind of hard to come back to normal from. And I know I just met you, so it's super-weird to bare my soul to you like this, but I guess we did some really weird stuff already, and..." she trailed off, realizing she was babbling. Robert sat patiently, letting her collect her thoughts with a gentle, supportive smile. "If... I start to be the person I think I am deep down, I don't want to be alone. Both going through it, and I don't want to be alone because of it. Will you be there with me?" Robert took one of her hands in his - she hadn't realized she was shaking. He said nothing at first, but just the warmth and tenderness of his big hands wrapped around hers was comforting. Slowly, the trembling stopped, and once it did, he opened his mouth to answer. "You won't go through this alone," he said, his voice gruff but with a tenderness that matched his hands, "Not now. Not tomorrow. Not ever. I know we only just met, but I've never met anyone like you before. You are figuring out what you want to be, and you are afraid of being alone. I've been there. That's why I was so afraid to talk to you at first - I was worried you'd shoot me down, especially once you knew what I am into." She took a deep breath. "Thanks, I really just needed to hear that." She looked back down at the note on the receipt. "So... I can do whatever I like with this?" "Whatever you like. I'm fully behind you, whatever you choose." She pulled out her phone and started typing a message: "Thought you'd like to see the whole video. What would you like to do to this goat?" She showed it to Robert, who gave her a thumbs-up, then attached the video and hit send. The two of them each put their card with their bill and set them at the edge of the table, and the waitress stopped by to grab them. As she took the bills and they both told her to keep the change, Gloria heard the waitress' phone ding. The waitress looked up at Gloria, and Gloria gave her a wink. Gloria and Robert then got up and walked out. "So," Robert asked, "How are you feeling, now that everything has worked out okay?" "Soaked. I got really wet writing that, and I was aready excited after getting out of the bathroom." "Sounds like you've decided what you want to be, then?" "Yup!" "And just what is that?" "A super-nasty goat girl. Like I want to get used. A lot. Like being blindfolded at a drunken frat party with a funnel in my mouth and being used as a toilet, puke-bucket, whatever. Like at first, I thought maybe I was into the BDSM side of things. And honestly I think I am, but my top kink is the nastiness itself." She was about to continue, when the ding of her phone caught her attention. She took it out and saw a new text message from the waitress. "I would like to hook that goat up to a milking machine, tie her down, and make her take a strap-on big enough to make her bleat, for starters." Gloria showed him the message amd asked. "I can say anything I want? You won't be mad?" He laughed, "I won't be mad. You want to be a nasty goat girl, you said, so I certainly can't say I didn't know what I was getting into." She started typing her reply as they walked. "Are you okay with breaking in a virgin? My little goatholes are so tight, and I would love to have them stretched while being milked like a farm animal." After hitting send, she tried to go back to a vanilla conversation with Robert, but her first words were "I am sooo wet right now." Robert laughed. replying, "That's great, because I have plans for you." Her phone dinged - that was a fast reply. She pulled it up as Robert looked over, amused. When Gloria was turned on, he noticed she seemed to really lose herself in it. That appealed to him. She could be vanilla and sweet, but had no self control when aroused. He would need to help keep her safe, with that trait, but he loved how she could be both in a single person. Still, though, he decided to try something, to see how far she would lose herself. Rather than walking back to her apartment, he took a turn and led her a different direction. Gloria read the message, meanwhile. "You just made me cum, you little slut. It sounds like you're a bit subby, yeah? Subby herbivores are a huge turn-on for me, but if you're not don't let that scare you off!" From the conversation so far, she had been expecting something like that. "I want to be a nasty little farm animal," she replied, "I don't know if I am really into pain or not yet, but I do know I am an ass-eating musk-slut and want to do sooo much worse." She was completely oblivious to the change in direction, breathing heavy as she waited for a reply. Seconds became a minute. Then two. And just as she was starting to wonder why her surroundings looked different, a reply came in and that thought vanished from her mind. There were two pictures - one of the collie's naked body, and one of the same girl bent over in a familiar-looking bathroom. The message read. "Polite goats get kisses. Slutty goats get to suck nipples. Subby goats get to taste dog pussy. Fucking disgusting goats get an all-you-can-eat ass buffet. Which are you?" She thought for a minute before replying, "So if I gross you out I get to lick out your ass as much as I want?" The reply came fairly quickly. "Yes, but I've dealt with a lot of nasty farm animals. You'll have to work for it, goat. By the way, I'm off this afternoon, and Rob tells me he works." It took Gloria a second to realize what she was getting at. Whem she did, without a second thought she replied with her address. Afterward she added,"What would you like me to call you?" Amother quick reply, "You can call me Sally. In the bedroom, no talking. Just bleats, grunts, or any other noise a filthy barnyard animal makes. Got to go, but see you tonight, goat." Gloria put her phone away, finally taking in her surroundings. They were about a block away from where they had been before. Also, Robert was carrying a bag of... "Pet food?" she asked. "You were pretty preoccupied. We went into a store, I picked this out, we waited in line, paid, and walked out. You... really didn't realize any of that?" "Oh wow, I guess not! So, have a pet you needed to get food for?" "In a manner of speaking..." He looked down at her and gave a wink. "Oh. Oh!" Gloria exclaimed. She also suddenly became aware of how wet she had gotten. She could feel it running down the inside of one of her thighs - her panties had completely soaked through. Thankfully they seemed to only have a few blocks to go. "So," Robert said, "You must have had a fun conversation?" She nodded, realizing that she had been ignoring him completely. "I'm so sorry, I hadn't--" He held up a hand for her to pause. "No, no. I actually love how you lose yourself like that when you get excited." "B-but it sounds like she and I are gonna--" "Do exactly what you said you wanted to do, little goat," he finished for her, "You probably grew up being told that a relationship is supposed to work a certain way, or a couple is supposed to do or not do certain things. But does this feel good to you, even if it probably feels a bit sudden?" She nodded. "It feels good to me, too. I'm getting hard already, thinking about seeing how much of this you can eat in a sitting." They finished the walk home and walked into her apartment. Gloria walked toward the bathroom, and Robert caught her with a "Just a sec..." She turned and looked back at him. "Don't take those panties off when you piss. Just do it through them." "Oh, uh, okay!" She wasn't sure what he had planned, but the thought did excite her. She walked into the bathroom and sat down on the toilet. It felt weird, and it was a bit of a struggle to convince her body to start, but eventually she felt a little trickle of piss. Once it started, the floodgates were open and it picked up in volume. She looked down between her legs, and saw the warm, wet patch growing rapidly to cover most of the front of them. As weird as it felt against her, she had to admit that she loved the heat and wetness against her pussy. As well as the feeling of it making her way down her asscrack. As the flow died down, though, she wondered what to do next. She was no longer pissing, but her panties were dripping continuously into the toilet. There was a soft knock at the restroom door. "Mind if I come in?" She reached over and opened it, to find Robert with a pair of scissors from her kitchen. He pushed the bath mat aside and said she could take the panties off, and to cut them into about ten pieces or so and lay them on the floor. Realizing what was about to happen, she eagerly started to cut the still-dripping panties apart, laying each piece on the floor. "Now, one by one, I want you to pick them up, open wide, and drop them in. You can chew them up if you want, or--" Before he could finish, she had already picked one of the pieces up. She made a show of opening her mouth nice and wide, facing upward as she held it above her mouth. She then dropped it, and Robert saw it fall past her teeth and tongue, straight down to the back of her mouth. With what looked like a bit of effort, she kept her mouth open as he heard a single "gulp". She then reached down and felt around to grab the rest, mouth still upward and open. One by one, each piece went the same way. One gulp after another. Until finally the last piece disappeared down her seemingly bottomless throat. He watched, openmouthed himself, as she kneaded her belly a bit. After a few moments, she let out a deep, rumbling belch before finally closing her mouth for the first time since she started. "Pretty neat, huh? I figure toilets don't chew, and since these were small enough pieces, why not gulp them down? Of course, the belch was a treat for my amazing boyfriend, but it feels really good to do too!" He stared, speechless, but he was sure his visibly stiffening cock gave away his enjoyment of the whole show. Her eyes darted down to the bulge in his pants, then back up. "So," Gloria asked, "got time before you need to get to work?" He checked the time, then sadly shook his head. "Nah, I actually need to get going. But before I do, just one thing..." He held up his phone, showing her his number. "So, you're gonna be hanging out with Sally. She's a great lady, and she'll take good care of you. But take care of yourself, okay? I'll text you when I get done with work." She grabbed her phone and typed in the number, sending a quick "it's me" text to give him hers. Then she thought about what he was saying. "You're worried about me?" "Well, you seem to get kinda oblivious when you're horny. Which on one hand is super hot. But on the other, it does make me a bit worried. If you ever need help, or if anyone ever tries to force you to do something, call that number and tell me whose ass I'm kicking, okay?" His face was serious, and Gloria had a feeling he wasn't kidding. She nodded. As he turned to make his way out, it was Gloria's turn to go "Hey, one moment." Robert looked back over his shoulder. "Yeah?" "I'm really happy you came out for ice cream last night." "And I'm really happy you did, too." He gave her that warm, gentle smile of his before walking out. She heard the door to her apartment open, and then close. For a moment, she thought about how she should have grabbed a goodbye kiss, but then realized what her breath smelled like. "I guess kisses probably aren't gonna be a thing for me too often," she thought, sad for a moment. Then she perked up, "Well, at least kisses on the mouth. And besides, there are always hugs and stuff!" She hopped in the shower briefly, to wash off her lower half, then quickly blowdried and brushed. Just as she was reaching for her toothbrush, her phone dinged. "On my way, goat. Be there, naked, kneeling at the door, and ready." "I will be!", she replied. She looked back over at her toothbrush, and then decided to skip it. Besides, she liked the taste in her mouth right now. She went ahead and stripped down completely. Opening the door of her apartment a crack, she saw nobody in either direction, so she quietly unlocked it, before kneeling at the door. The floor was rather uncomfortable, but she knew she shouldn't have long to wait. Sure enough, she soon heard the latch open, and Sally stepped in unannounced. Unlike at the restaurant, she was dressed in a long coat and carrying a large bag. Gloria thought that seemed a bit excessive for the weather, but it suddenly made sense when the collie took it off and hung it up next to the door. Underneath, she was wearing... very little. She was wearing boots that reached up to her knees, a leather thong that split elegently below her tail, and a corset that ended below her breasts, leaving them exposed. She turned slowly, looking around the apartment before her eyes finally settled on Gloria. "Now I know this is new for you, so we are going to start nice and easy. If things go too far, or you get scared, or anything like that, all you have to do is say to stop. If you end up liking this, we may take things further, and then we will get into safewords and stuff like that. But for tonight, all you have to do is tell me to stop. Now, give me a bleat if you understand." "Baaah." Gloria was quite nervous, having read plenty of stories and seen plenty of videos online about this type of thing. But it helped to know that she could stop things if they went too far. "Very good," she said, walking over and sitting down on the easychair by the TV, "Now, come over here." As Gloria started to stand up, Sally stopped her with, "Freeze. Farm animals don't stand on two legs. Come over on all fours." Hoping she hadn't already disappointed Sally, Gloria dropped to her hands and knees and made her way over. "There's a good girl," she heard, "Just stay on all fours, right in front of the chair." Gloria sat there as Sally started closely looking her over. It wasn't the warm, romantic way that Robert looked at her, though. This was more methodical. As she tried to stay as motionless as possible, she heard Sally say things to herself. "Good patterning on the face... Eyes are clear and focused... Ears..." She lifted one of Gloria's long, floppy ears and looked inside, then the other, "look good..." Bit by bit, she poked and prodded Gloria, running her hands along the goat's spine and ribs, before moving to more intimate areas. "Hips look good," she said, rubbing Gloria's joints. "Tail looks good. Anus, surprisingly clean." If it weren't for the fur, Gloria is sure her face would have been bright red. "Vagina..." Gloria let out a sharp "BAA!" in surprise as Sally slid two fingers straight in and spread them to inspect her. "There there, little goat - just need to get a good look at you to make sure you're healthy." She pulled her fingers back out. "Hmm... vagina is extremely wet - much more than normal. That shouldn't cause a problem, though. Udders..." Gloria was much less surprised this time when Sally sat down next to her and started to grope her flat chest. "Well, she's definitely never been bred before. How about it, girl - want to be a dairy goat someday?" "Baa!" Gloria replied, and wiggled her tail happily. "Attagirl!" Sally let out a laugh. "Now, behavior..." She stood up and walked to the bed. Gloria watched Sally's long, fluffy tail sway back and forth as she walked away. Sally turned and said "Come." Gloria crawled over on her hands and knees. Her knees were aching, but she was too curious about what was coming to tell Sally to stop. She watched as Sally climbed into her bed, then sniffed the air a few times. "Well, it sure smells like you've been sharing your stall with somebody, little goat. Now you've never been bred before, so..." She leaned in close to Gloria's face, and used two fingers to gently open Gloria's mouth. "Let's see... I'm definitely smelling stale cum, but the strongest smell I'm getting is something else..." She rested her muzzle on her hand, staring at Gloria in mock thought, then continued, "Wait, I know that smell. If only you could speak, little goat, you could tell me for sure..." Gloria wasn't sure whether she was supposed to say something or not, so she just gave a confused, "Baa?" Sally snapped her fingers, "Ah ha - I know just the thing!" She walked over to her bag by the door, which gave Gloria some time to think. This was all very strange, but Sally had been right about one thing: she was extremely wet. The long, up-close inspection had really excited her, and her fear of what might be coming tonight had given way to eager curiosity. After a moment, Sally returned. She started by setting a pet bowl on the floor. Gloria saw that "#11" had been stencilled on the side of it. Gloria figured that her next task would be eating from a bowl. Sally then knelt next to the bowl and started to unscrew the lid from a jar. On the side of the jar was "#3". As she pulled the lid away, she held it up to Gloria to smell it. The goat immediately recognized the smell as piss, only it was far stronger than her own. She was curious about the numbers, but whatever those meant, she knew what she wanted next. Gloria looked at the jar, then nodded her head toward the bowl. Sally slowly poured the jar into the bowl, and Gloria crawled over. Without even waiting to be told, she lowered her head to the bowl and started to slurp it up. It tasted so much stronger than hers had earlier, and the yellow color was quite a bit darker. Sally watched and shook her head, "Yup, I guess it's as I feared - this goat is a piss-drinking freak." Gloria froze, not sure what to do. She looked up at Sally. Immediately, Sally was sitting down on the floor, at eye level with Gloria. "Hey, are you okay? You can talk - did I go too far?" "Sorry," Gloria said, "I just... I guess I wasn't ready for that. Like my family always thought I was a freak and--" Sally wrapped her arms around Gloria, softly saying "I'm very sorry, I didn't mean to trigger sad thoughts. We can stop now or take a break if you like." Gloria thought for a moment. Sure, Sally had called her a freak, but there was something about the way she had said it that hit differently. The goat girl wasn't sure she could put a finger on why, but after the initial reaction to the word had faded... "Um... could... could we try something?" Gloria wasn't sure if what she asked was breaking a bondage rule or something, but she wanted to ask. "Of course we can. What is it, sweetie?" "Could... could you call me a goat, the same way you called me a... um... freak?" Sally gave her a warm smile. "Of course. Trying to find out where your comfort level is? I can hold you while we do it, if you like." Gloria nodded, figuring being held would be reassuring if it went a little too far. "Tell you what. Why don't you give me a tap on the arm when you don't want any more?" Gloria nodded again, and let out a meek "Baaa." "You know, a piss-drinking goat could be helpful, and I'm pretty sure I have a use for one. And since you seem to like number three's piss so much, maybe I should invite you over to drink more of it sometime. Would you like that, goat?" "Baaa." Sally said, a little less meek and shy than before. "You don't know a single thing about who they are, and yet you greedily slurped it up. That turns you on, doesn't it you dirty goat?" She saw Gloria's fingers lift up like they were about to tap her arm, but they stopped there, so Sally continued. "Of course, you seem like the kind of animal number three would love. She loves filthy girls like you, who are happy to be used as a toilet." Gloria's fingers moved, but not to tap Sally on the arm. They were moving down between the goat's legs. "You would love to drink every drop, wouldn't you? Then lick her pussy clean afterward." "Baaa..." Gloria nodded. "You know," Sally decided to try a different direction, "you clearly love bulls, but you're definitely too tight to take Rob. Have you thought about stretching for him?" "Baa?" "That's right," she continued, moving a hand down to squeeze Gloria's tail, "just grabbing a tight hold of this tail and making you take a nice, big strap-on. Would you like that, you barnyard slut?" "Baa!" "Ah, but I wonder..." Sally's hand slid lower, reaching behind the goat girl and stroking her pussy. "Once this slutty goat is taking big toys and big guys, she'll be far too loose for ones her own size. But from the way she's starting to push back against my fingers, I feel like she wants it. So, little goat, do you want your pussy ruined so you can take the bigger farm animals?" "BAAA!!!" "Of course, your boyfriend probably likes this hole better..." Sally slid up, pressing her thumb against Gloria's ass. Gloria let out a sound somewhere between a bleat and a long, low groan of pleasure. "Oh? Is this your favorite hole too, little goat?" "Baa!" "You know, I often keep my animals plugged, myself. For some, it is just a small one that gives them a constant fullness. That wouldn't be enough for you, though, would it?" Gloria shook her head. An ass-slut like you needs a gaping, sloppy fisthole, doesn't she?" "Baaa..." Gloria half-moaned, as her muscles started to tighten. She was close. Feeling how close Gloria was to cumming, Sally leaned in close and growled, "I can't wait to fist this little anal freak." Gloria's orgasm hit hard, as her entire body locked up. Sally held her tightly until she slowly relaxed again. When Gloria had recovered, she looked up at the dog with a smile. "Thanks..." Sally gave her a wink and said, "You know, there's a half-full bowl you still need to lick up." Immediately, Gloria crawled over to it and started slurping up the rest of it, even licking around the edge to get every last drop. "Does that taste good, number eleven?" "Baa?" "That's right - that's what your bowl says. So, does it taste good?" In a brilliant stroke of timing, Gloria had the perfect response. She opened her mouth wide, let her tongue flop out so Sally could look into her gaping maw, and let out a long, low, rumbling belch. Sally rolled her eyes. "What did I expect? But I do have a use for a disgusting goat like you, I suppose." "Baa?" "Curious, huh? Well, there is one more test you need to do first, you know..." She walked back over to her bag, pulled out a strap-on, put it on, and then came back. "After all, what good is a goat I can't fuck?" Gloria stared at the toy strapped to Sally's hips. It was canine, and the size was certainly intimidating. She thought to herself that any size would probably look scary, though, since it's her first time. Still, if she wanted to be stretched out, she had to start somewhere. Gloria bounded up to the bed, then went to lay down on her back. "Nope," she heard a voice from the foot of her bed, "Farm animals take it on all fours." Gloria quickly corrected her position, and wiggled her hips back and forth with a soft "baa". She suddenly felt something firm pressed up against her pussy, slowly rubbing up and down along it. Just as she was starting to get nervous, she heard a warm voice from behind. "Don't worry, I know it's your first time. I'll be very, very gentle with you." Gloria expected a hard push to come at any moment, but it never came. Just gently up and down against her. Slowly, her nervousness started to turn to readiness, then wanting it, then needing it. She started to push back every time she felt it slide from her clit up to her hole. "You need this, don't you?" "Baaa!" "Hmm... I dunno...," Sally said, not changing her motion, "That doesn't sound like a very needy goat." Gloria dropped her head and shoulders down onto her pillow, raised her ass as high as she could, and let out a low, throaty "BaaaAAAaaa..." Immediately, she felt it push into her. Not hard or fast, but like a slow, firm thrust. It slid in fairly easily for what felt like a foot (but that she knew was more like three inches, having seen it beforehand), before the knot bumped against her. She felt more full than she ever had before. She thought about her massive boyfriend, for a moment, before going back to what was inside her now. "Does it feel like you hoped, goat?" "Baa!" came the reply, along with an eager tail-shake. "It's not so scary, is it?" She rubbed her hand in the fur of Gloria's butt, to help her relax and enjoy herself. She heard the sound of a muffled "Baaa", as Gloria buried her face in her pillow and pushed back against Sally. "Oh? This greedy little goat wants the knot, doesn't she?" A sound half-bleat, half-moan came from the head of the bed. "If you want it...," the dog braced herself, "you'll have to take it." When Gloria first saw the toy, she wasn't even sure she could take the shaft, and the knot just looked big and scary. But now... Despite bracing, Sally almost fell backward from the force of the goat slamming back against her. As the knot was forced in, she heard a loud "BAAA!!!" and felt something wet spray against her inner thighs. As she recovered her balance, she let out a laugh. "Did you just squirt all over me, you nasty goatslut?" After a moment of panting from the bed, there was a sheepish, "...baaa?" "Are you okay? I wasn't sure if you'd try to take the knot tonight. You can talk if you want to." "Baa!" "I'll take that as a yes," Sally said, with a chuckle. She sat still a moment, to let Gloria get used to the size. Then, she slowly pulled back. Gloria felt the knot pop out, and felt strangely empty. Just as she was about to push back, though, she felt Sally pushing back forward until it popped back in. She was ready for it this time, so it didn't feel quite so intense. As she felt Sally getting into a rythm of pulling the knot out and pushing it back in, Gloria heard her talking from behind. "So, you are number eleven. Do you know why I call you that?" "Baa?" "I call you that because you are my eleventh farm animal, little goat. Not all at once, of course. Right now I only have you and number three. I think you two will be spending a lot of time together. After all, you lapped up her piss like fine wine, you nasty goat. Someone is going to have to be on cleanup duty for her. She's an absolutely filthy cow." Gloria gave a cheerful bleat. Despite her uncertainty earlier, she was excited to try more of this sort of roleplay. And it sounded like that cow might be right up her alley. "For right now, though, you're probably getting a little sore, aren't you?" She hadn't really been thinking about it, but there was definitely some soreness mixed in with the pleasure. "Baaa...," she grudgingly replied. "Aw, cheer up little goat. We've only just met, and there's plenty of time to do more. For now..." Gloria suddenly tensed as she felt the collie's thumb brush her clit. "Oh? Do you want more of that?" "Baaa..." Gloria was surprised how almost pathetic it came out. She felt a clawtip ever so gently drag across it. "Are you a good goat?" "Baa!" Gloria felt like she was. And the more Sally talked to her this way, the more she found herself loving every word. Her thumb slowly rubbed a circle over the top of it. "And did you love slurping up all of that cow-piss?" "Baaa..." That one came out needy too, but Gloria couldn't help it. For that matter, she wasn't sure she wanted to. She was starting to get more comfortable with this side of herself. This time, the collie started slowly rubbing her clit without stopping. "Now remember when I said how fucking disgusting goat get to eat ass?" "Baa!" "Well, you're the most disgusting goat I've ever met, so it--" Sally was knocked away from the back of the bed again as Gloria slammed back against her. As Sally fell back, Gloria felt the toy pop out completely and the emptiness that replaced it. That didn't change the fact that her pussy was squirting all over the canine who had landed on the floor at the foot of the bed. When her orgasm had passed, she heard laughter from behind her. "Well, I guess I needed to give you another category. You're still going to rim me, you hooved little whore, but you're going to lick all of this filthy animal cum off of me first." Sally stood up and climbed into bed next to Gloria, who had collapsed onto her belly. After taking a moment to recover, Gloria got up and looked over at her new dominant friend. Gloria's cum was still running off of her, soaking into the blankets. The goat looked forward to smelling that when going to sleep later. For now, though, she had a job to do. Since she figured Sally wouldn't appreciate her piss-breath, Gloria started at the dog's neck, licking up as much as she could from the soft fur. She gradually started to work her way down, paying extra attention to her cleavage. For one thing, a lot of goat cum had collected there. For another, the furry breasts felt wonderful. Surely Sally wouldn't mind if she explored them a bit more... Her tongue found its way to one of Sally's nipples. They were quite small - much smaller than hers. Gloria chalked it up as a dog thing. She couldn't deny that she found them cute, though. "You know, little goat, I don't think much got on my nipples, but since your tongue feels good on them, you can keep going." She gave a sheepish "Baa..." The collie had caught her, but she was able to keep licking. As she licked them, Sally added, "It's probably a good thing you're into them, because number three has a pair of massive udders, and you're going to be spending a lot of time on those. By the way, the corset kept my body dry. It's not the first time it's been soaked. But you'll need to clean up the mess down below, especially from when you hosed me down earlier, you slutty animal." Gloria slid down the bed, seeing that Sally was absolutely dripping. First, though, she had something else to clean. Opening her mouth, she wrapped her lips around the base of the strap-on. It tasted much stronger than the rest of the juice she was licking up, which was a plus in her book. Once she was sure she had thoroughly cleaned the strap-on, she went to work lower. Gloria started with licking the collie's thighs and legs clean, before working her way to the dog's pussy. It was wet, and Gloria was quite sure it wasn't all from her. She debated for a moment whether to tease her a bit, but then thought to herself, "Well, if I'm just a nasty farm animal, then I'm gonna dive in like a nasty farm animal!" She felt Sally jump a little as she suddenly pressed her muzzle against the dog's soaked pussy and pushed her tongue deep inside. "Well, I guess someone's a hungry goat," Gloria heard from above, "No finesse, but I guess a nasty animal like you wouldn't know what that is anyway." As she heard that, Gloria felt the dog clench tightly around her tongue. It seemed Sally liked talking that way as much as the goat girl was discovering she liked being on the receiving end of it. Feeling a tap on her horn, Gloria paused. "On your back, goat." Gloria climbed up onto the bed and laid down on her back. Sally sat up, and then straddled her, facing the foot of the bed. She had a moment to enjoy the view of Sally's ass as the dog straddled her chest, before that ass blocked her view and a familiar pussy was pressed against her muzzle. Without waiting to be told, Gloria went back to licking. She felt Sally adjust position a few times, as she tried to reach deeper inside, before feeling a hand on one of her breasts. "You know," she heard, "You farm animals always have such huge nipples. I guess it makes the milker easier to put on. Goats especially. Your udders don't get as big as cows, but your teats are great for hand-milking. Looks like yours are getting nice and hard, too. Like hearing me talk about them?" Gloria let out a muffled bleat, as she ate the collie out. "I thought so. But I think it's time for you to earn that..." Sally shifted herself forward a couple inches, before pushing her ass against Gloria's nose. "Smell." The goat girl slowly breathed in, enjoying the scent. It was a strong mix of musk, combined with dog and goat juice that had run down over it throughout their evening. There was also the taste of ass, which was a bit more mild compared to when she had tasted Robert's earlier. Her muscles stiffened and her back arched as she felt something wet against her left nipple. "Just a bit of spit. You deserve that, don't you, you ass-eating animal?" "Baa!" "Give it one more good whiff, goat." As Gloria buried her nose between the dog's cheecks and slowly inhaled again. she felt it on her right nipple. This time it landed right on the tip, and she felt it slowly running down to her breast. "Now, give two slow licks." As Gloria pressed her tongue against Sally's asshole and began to slowly drag it across. she felt a single, clawed fingertip rubbing her left nipple, spreading the saliva across it. With the second lick, she felt the same on the right. "Now, goat, I want you to start licking. The deeper in you get, the more I touch them." Gloria started licking, immediately pressing against Gloria's ass. "Now now, goat, you have to work it open. I don't have a sloppy, gaping hole like you eventually will." As she started to slowly slurp away, trying to use as much saliva as possible, she felt a pair of fingertips against each of her nipple tips. Sally had been right, this puckered hole was much tighter than the collie's pussy had been. She felt her nipples hardening as she continued to lick, until bit by bit, the hole started to relax. Gloria pushed the tip of her tongue inside, hearing a moan from above her. A moment later, she felt Sally take the tips of her nipples between a finger and thumb, gently rubbing them. It felt good, but just made her want more. "Baaahhh..." Gloria kept licking, trying to slowly work her tongue in deeper. She felt a harder squeeze, and arched her back as she felt a brief flicker of pain when the claws poked against each one. She felt her tongue manage another inch up Sally's ass. She wasn't sure whether she was getting more excited from the taste, the thought of rimming a lady she had only met today, the fingers on her nipples, that flicker of pain, or what she was hearing. "I should have known you would like that, you nasty goat," she heard, as she felt the dog grab about half of her nipples and start to gently squeeze and pull on them. "It almost seems you like these big, sensitive teats being touched even better than your pussy. It's a shame you probably wouldn't make much of a dairy goat..." The collie paused a moment, "You know, I never did tell you what my plan for you was, and you have my ass nice and relaxed. Pull your tongue out." Gloria very reluctantly did. "I'm going to tell you what I have in mind for you. Push deeper if you like it, pull out if you don't, and keep your tongue where it is if you're not sure. Understood, goat?" Gloria gave a big, wet slurp across the asshole resting against her muzzle. "I'll take that as a yes. First, in some ways, number three is the opposite of you. You love drinking piss, eating ass, and basically having disgusting stuff done to you. In her case, she likes the idea of being the one doing it. She and number four actually arrived as a couple, because he was kinda like you. Well, it quickly became obvious that she wanted to go a lot further than he did. Long story short, they broke up, number four left, and number three actually lives with me now. Starting to see where I am going with this?" Gloria pushed just the very tip of her tongue inside. She wanted to know more, but she liked where she thought it was going. "Good. Well, she was extremely into stories about old-world farms, just like I was, and one day she told me she wanted to be a big, fat cow. Milked, fat, gassy, and only getting a shower from being let out in the rain. So we built a barn for her. Obviously we couldn't make it perfectly authentic, but we got it pretty close actually. She was really happy, and we had plenty of fun. She loved how big she was getting, but was frustrated she didn't have any other animals to enjoy. So I promised I would try to find someone she could fulfill that side of herself with. Would you like to be that person? Not full-time, but sometimes?" An inch of goat tongue worked its way into the collie's ass, eliciting a moan. "Very good, goat. She is... well, let's start small. She is the type who loves to make out, trying to drool in her partner's mouth as much as possible. She loves to get fucked and make someone lick up the mess. I'm not sure I've ever seen her shower, and she loves tongue-baths. She loves pulling dildos out of herself and either making someone lick them clean or pushing them into one of their holes, if they can take the size. She's the sort that, when I ask for a jar of piss to see if someone drinks it, goes without water for a few hours to make it stronger." Gloria pushed in what she was sure was two inches deeper. This sounded great! She arched her back, her nipples craving more attention. She felt herself slowly working toward one last orgasm for the night. "Feels like this is turning you on, you disgusting slut," Sally said, grabbing Gloria's nipples and starting to squeeze them in a milking rythm. "You probably hope she makes you rim her filthy ass, and even farts in your mouth while you do it. But all of that aside, when you finally meet her, do you like the idea of wearing a collar...?" Gloria pushed deeper still, picturing it all. Even the collar sounded a little exciting, as she was enjoying-- "Or would you rather a leash clipped to rings through your big, freakish goat teats?" Gloria pushed as deep as she could - that sounded even better! "Woah, easy girl. Guess you liked that better. But there's one thing I should warn you about. She will probably see you as nothing more than a set of hands, holes, mouth, and tongue for her to enjoy using. Like a goat your size, she is likely to just pick up, push your mouth against hers, and belch into it. Now, since I think you can't reach deeper, pull your tongue slowly out and tell me what you think." Gloria slowly eased her tongue out, enjoying feeling it drag across the inside of the collie before the tip slowly emerged. She didn't even notice that Sally's hands had left her nipples. She then puckered up and gave Sally's asshole a kiss. "You taste so wonderful! I--" Sally took a shuddering breath, pressed her pussy down hard against Gloria's open mouth, and came. Hard. That was when Gloria discovered she wasn't the only squirter of the two, as she had to quickly gulp down the canine juice spraying into her mouth. It took a couple of swallows before she felt Sally, on shaky muscles, roll off the top of her. After taking a moment to recover, Sally flipped around to lay beside the goat girl. "So," the dog asked, "What do you think?" The collie was looking her in the eyes, but she felt a finger gently rubbing around her asshole. She looked at her partner, questioningly. "You may speak." "I would love that. I mean, I'm a bit scared she'll hurt me, but you made it sound like she's not that type. As long as I don't get hurt, I actually love the idea of someone who--ohhh..." She closed her eyes and let out a moan. "I knew you were getting close. You were getting really into it. But I just want to keep you riiight here for a bit." Gloria nodded and continued, "I love the idea of someone who can just pick me up or toss me around. Even the thought of just being led in and her looking at me like a piece of... mmm... Sorry, like a piece of meat is really exciting. Like not all the time, but I'd love to visit or spend the night. Maybe kinda often?" "Very good. So, let's see what we learned today..." Sally didn't change the speed or motion, continuing to gently run her fingertip in slow, small circles around the goat's tight, little asshole. "Are you an obediant little goat?" Gloria let out a little grin. "Baa!" "And do you like serving girls in bed?" "Baa!" "And are you a piss-slut?" "Mmm... baaahhh..." She was getting closer. "You even like drinking piss without knowing whose it is?" "Baa!" "You like being treated as a filthy farm animal," Sally subtly switched to statements rather than questions. "Baa!" "You like being talked down to." "Baaa..." She arched her chest upward, but no touch came. "You want worse than you have had so far." She clasped her hands above her head, since she was sure she wasn't supposed to touch herself and the temptation was growing. "Baaa!!!" Sally spit on both of her nipples. "You love the feeling of saliva drying on your big goat teats." "Baa!" "You want to be number three's plaything." "Baa!" "You want her to use you until you're a filthy, disgusting mess." "BAA!!!" Gloria closed her eyes, until she was startled by the feel of a pair of fangs pressing into her nipple. and Sally's hot breath blowing across it. A moment later, the goat girl shuddered slightly. She hadn't quite cum, but she was on the edge. Sally slowly pulled away, her finger never stopping against Gloria's asshole as she lowered her lips to beside Gloria's ear. In a harsh whisper, Gloria heard. "Your belly is sloshing with cow piss and bitch cum, and goats like that deserve to cum like this." Sally stopped rubbing and pressed her finger firmly against Gloria's virgin asshole. Gloria shuddered, as in one smooth motion Sally grabbed the pillow from under the goat's head and pressed it against her pussy. At that moment, her long-awaited orgasm hit. "Bleat for me, you fucking farm animal," she heard in her ear. By this point, it was her reaction anyway. "BAAAHHHhhhHHAAAHHH!!!" Gloria felt herself soaking the pillow, herself, and the bed. She wasn't sure if she should care, but she definitely didn't. She had never cum this intensely before, and it felt like an eternity before her thrusts against the sopping wet pillow died down and she limply laid on the bed. Suddenly, she felt a huge wash of emotion, but right at that moment, a pair of gentle arms wrapped themselves around her. The pillow was tossed on the floor, and a still-dry blanket was pulled across. "Wh-what's going on?" she asked, "Why am I starting to cr--" She heard Sally's voice, but without a trace of harshness or command in it. "When things are really intense, a lot of times you get a let-down at the end. Don't be afraid, I'm gonna hold you under this nice, comfy blanket." "But I... and you... and it felt so good and..." Sally cradled Gloria in her arms, "Don't worry, you're a very sweet girl. You don't have to be ashamed of any of the things we did." "I... I know, but for some reason I just really feel upset and I don't know why and...," her words came in a flood. "Shh... What you're going through right now is called 'sub drop'. Don't worry, we're just gonna lay here together. We just need to give it time to pass. "But... why are you okay?" "Well, dommes like me can go through something similar. It often feels like really strong guilt. But what we are doing right now helps me too, because right now I'm here to help you." "What's... gonna happen?" "It's a little bit different for everyone. But you're going to feel this way for a little while, and then it will probably feel like all the energy has drained out of your body. Maybe a good way to put it is a 'sex hangover'? I dunno. But you don't need to be afraid. I'm not going anywhere." Gloria rolled onto her side and pushed back against the collie. Sally let out a soft chuckle, "You make am adorable little spoon. Does talking help, or do you just want me to hold you?" "I'd... like to talk. I'm kinda scared what's going to happen to me now?" She felt the furry arms encircling her give a soft hug. "That's up to you, but you don't need to decide now. If you want, I can just be your waitress at the diner. If you want to do this again, or more, we can. But you always, always, can tell me when to stop." "But I agreed to... and I said I wanted--" "Shh... What you agreed to in bed, stays in bed. If you calm down and decide you don't want to do something we talked about, then it was all just part of the make-believe." "How... how much of that was make-believe?" she asked. "Well, all the stuff about the cow was true. But anything I said about you being anything but a sweet goat girl was comp--" *beeelllch* "Sorry, all the... um... stuff..." Sally gave a little laugh, "Okay, so maybe you're a little nasty. But only in a very good way." Gloria felt a gentle pat on her belly. "How's this feeling?" Gloria thought for a moment, "A little bit of a tummyache, but I kinda... like it? Sorry, I'm being weird again and--" "Shh... You're very sweet, but you don't need to apologize. If anyone, I'm the one who should be, for having you drink all of that." "No, no it was me that drank it all and--" A finger pressed softly against her lips stopped her. "Well, if I don't think you need to apologize, and you don't think I need to apologize, then let's meet halfway and neither of us needs to." "Okay," Gloria said. They laid together in silence for a little bit, before Gloria let out a yawn. "...Sally...?" "Yes, sweetie?" "...I'm feeling sleepy..." "I know you are. Want me to get the light?" "...Yeah..." "Okay, I'm gonna let go of you for a moment." The collie eased herself out of bed, talking steadily to reassure Gloria of her presence. "I'm going to get something out of my coat pocket over here... There we go. Now I'm walking back. Here's the light switch, so it's gonna get dark now." The room darkened, "Okay, now I'm going to take this wet stuff off of the bed so you'll be nice and comfy while you sleep," she continued as she took the soggy bedding off. She then slid back into bed, after setting her cellphone she had grabbed on the bedside table and quickly taking off her own wet clothing. After tucking herself back up against Sally, Gloria murmured, "...Thank you... I'm really glad... really glad... we..." With that, the goat girl faded off to sleep. Sally smiled in the darkness. Being careful not to disturb the sleeping Gloria, she picked up her phone to check for messages. There was one from Robert, from about 5 minutes ago. She opened it to take a look. "Just got done at gym and didn't hear back from her when I texted. Are you still there? Is she okay?" Typing with one deft hand, she responded, "She's okay - just sleeping. I'm here with her. We just got through the aftercare, and neither of us heard our phones." She didn't bother setting the phone back down. Knowing Robert, she'd have a reply almost immediately. Sure enough, a message popped up. "I'm so glad to hear it. You didn't go too hard on her, did you? };-)" "lol Nah. I didn't want to push it too far. Think I got it about right. I think she's going to end up wanting more, though." "Yeah, I could see that. You staying the night?" "Yeah. In hindsight, I shouldn't have used the pillow for that." "For what?" "I mean, hey, lovely night tonight, isn't it? A perfect night to not ask awkward questions!" "lol Fine, keep your secrets. You're probably kinda wiped out too." "Yeah. I work lunch shift tomorrow, but with everyone out for break it shouldn't be bad." "Night, Sal!" "Night, Rob!"